Chapter 31: What now?

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~Your pov~

The doctor told me I had to spend one more night in the hospital just to make shere I was okay and nothing was rong besides the amnesia. So that night befor I want to bed I wrote me a little note so I would not forget him. 'Go visut Zane he would want that,' It read and I turned off the light and fell asleep.

~In your dream~

I saw me and Zane walking along laughing and smilling. I was screming at myself but then I relised I was a ghost in my dream. I was looking back at all the memories we had shired and it was nice but I then remberd how he broke my heart and then I was there seeing me cry but then I see somthing I did not see that day. Zane was crying too!

"He realy does cair for us," I here my own voice say. "Hey (Y/n)," But the werd thing about this me was that she was covered in blood and her bone showing. 

"W-who are you?" I say and then I relize im in a pitch black room. "Where am I?"

"Im you when the crash happend and I know what you had just seen because I saw it too." She or me grabs me and hugs me. "He may have hurt us in the past but I or you forgave him, now You or I have to go be with him. God that is so confusing." 

"But I dont rember anything I rember being in Japan and then Im here back with my sister and all my friends," 

"When you awake just ask for your paper work and go see Zane he has been there for us sence the acdent. He misses us and he all he wants is for YOU to rember him to kiss him and say 'everything is going to be okay.'" she lets me go and begans to fade away. "Plese do this for him," She says and I fell back and landed in a bed.

~End of dream~

The doctor walks in and I tell him I just had to go I was perfectly fine and how I needed Zane to pick me up. "Okay then Ms. (Y/n) I can do that for you. Oh and your sister brought you some closes," He says handing me a bad with a note. '(Y/n), Im sorry I cant get you ask for someone else <3 K'  

It was no a big deal I aredy called for Zane and by the time I got done dressing Zane came in looking sad so I hugged him. He flinched but then hugged me back. "(Y/n)," He says, he sounds like he was going to cry. "So the doctor says your okay to go home," He was kindove crying but he looked happy to see me. 

"Ya," I say grabing Katelyns bag. "So Zane I know you sayed we could take things slow now that I just woke up but," I say hesitating the next part. 

"(Y/n) are you okay?" He asks me as we get to the car. "Ya I just. Last night I saw you where there for me when I was in the coma I dont know how but you stayed by me so Ill stay by you insted of going back to Japan..." The lats part I was scaired to say because I had a life in Japan that was amazing. 

"I can go to Japan with you if it makes you feal better. I want to stay by your side."

"And I want to stay by yours Zane and if im to rember then I need to be by the man I love." I say and realy mean it he pulled over. "Zane is everything okay?"

"Say it again," he asys looking at me but I was confused. "Say you love me again i missed it..." 

"Zane I love you and thats was somthing I forgot but now I-" He cuts me off with a kiss and then I rember everything that has happend between us. 

He pulled away and smilled at me. "All I have wanted to do when you where in the coma was to kiss you and here you say that." He says puting his forhead on mine, I smile the rest of the drive to his house. 

~Zanes pov~

When we kissed it was like our first kiss all over again ahe wants to stay with me she wants to be with me. I guess I can wait a week or tow to ask her to marry me again... Oh crap the party Katelyn wanted to throw for her! S.h.i.t. I totly forgot and its at my house! I dont want to take (Y/n) There I wanted to spend the day with her and tell her thing she might of forgoten, well she could use the party to see everyone again.

~Okay so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I got wattpad for my phone so I may write in school or when my computer is dead~

~And ya stay happy not crappy stay in school dont do drugs and I LOVE YOU!!~

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