Chapter 47: 3 years later

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~Your pov~

I was so happy to be home and spend time with my family. Zane was so helpful and got along okay with everyone but was still not veary kind to others. We both desided to have a small party for Irene after 5 days after us getting ust to take cair of a nother life.

As everyone came they brought gifts for her and it was nice to see everyone get along. Aphmau was so happy Irene was born because she offered to baby sit so me and Zane could still go out.

That was all for years ago... Aphmau and Aaron where still going out and every so often Ill tez them about them getting marred. Katelyn decided to date Travis but still hangs out with Jeffery. Garroth and Laurence started going out and I was kindove shocked, but there both happy. Kawaii~Chan is dating Reese for about a month now. Me and Zane where still going strong. He finally got rid of his mask, well around the house at least.

Today was Irene's third birthday and everyone was excited! I had everything planed out and Zane was taking her out for Ice Cream wall everyone helped me set up. When we where done I texted Zane to let him know.

When they get home everyone hids and the door opens. "Keep them closed Princess," Zane says and we all keep quiet. When the lights turn on we all jump out and yell "SUPRISE!!" And she gasps.

"Mama you rembered!" she cryed and ran up to me giving me a hug.

"Of corce I did Princess," I say and pick her up. "Do you want to tell everyone hi?" I wisper in her ear and she nods. Zane walks in and kisses me. "Thanks for taking her out."

"It was nothing we had alot of fun," He says and looks at me. "I everything alright?" he says and I nod.

"We are going to have another," I say and smile.

"A-another?!" Zane shouts and everyone looks at me.

"Another what?" Katelyn says and I just smile and everyone smiles as well.

"Mommy I dont get it another what?" She says and jumps out of Katelyns arms.

"Your going to be a big sister," I say and she begans to jump up and down.

"YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screams and runs around. "IM GOING TO BE A SISTER IM GOING TO BE A SISTER!!!!" She shouts and dances around.

"Hey you cant act like that you have not had cake yet," I say and point to her cake. She gasps and runs over to it.

"Can I have some now mommy please?" she gives me the puppy eyes. I finally give in and she runs over to the cake. We sing happy birthday and all eat cake. "So mama where's the baby going to sleep?" Irene asks.

"With us in your old crib then may shere a room with you," I say and smile.

"So (Y/n) what do you think it is?" Travis says. I just shake my head.

"Travis it's hard to tell I just found out yesterday that I was pregnant I don't know how far along I am,"

"But if it's a boy," he says and you smile.

"Then you can name him Zane," I say and pick up Irene. "Kawaii~chan did you bring the camera?"

"Of corse Kawaii~chan did (Y/n)~chan! Everyone get together so we can get a picture!" She says and everyone squishes together.

Befor he camera flashes everyone gets ready. "I love you Zane no matter what happens," I say and kiss him. Irene covers her eyes and sticks out her toung and everyone is laughing about what it in the picture.

My family and friends will be there no matter what.

~34 years latter~

I'm old now still apply marred with two lovely kids with kids of there one. Aphmau marred Aaron, Travis and Katelyn broke up and Katelyn marred Jeffery. Laurence and Garroth were still happy and now adopting a kid.

I was in the hospital again because I was having problems and everyone was there. "Grandma are you okay?" Ella my grand daughter asks.

"Ya grandma is fine," I say and look at the bed next to me. "Zane wake up we have company," I say and he looks at me. We both got into a bad car crash and are now on our death bed.

"I love you (Y/n)," he says and holds my hand,

"I love you too Zane," I say and tears stream down my face. "We love you all." I at weakly. "Rember that never forget us," I say and everything goes black...

~third person~

Your eyes went black and your hand went limp. Zanes did as well and both your heart moderates went blank. "Grandma!" Ella crys and hugs your limp body.

"Grandma is in a better place and so is grampa," Irene says tears fill her eyes. "Auntie Katelyn," she crys and Katelyn hugs her.

"My sister was a fighter she fought for her last breath," she says and looks over to Garroth and Vlad. "Will you both be okay?" She asks and they both began to cry.

Aphmau went to hug them and so did everyone. "Don't cry uncle Garroth," Vlad's kid Levi sayed hugging him.

A few days later they had the funeral. Everyone was there. You and Zane where barred next to each other. And Katelyn gave a eulogy for you.

"My sister was a strong person stronger than me. When her and Zane got marred I was happy for them he got my brothers to come home for a week. But (Y/n) got him to come out of his shell she was always there for everyone of us no matter what she was doing. To see her takin away from us is just-" she bad an to brake down. "No matter what (Y/n) loved her kids and her friends, she made all our days and to see my sister taken from me still so young breakers my heart. But Irene knows that she will protect her and Zane they both loved each other so much......... good bye my sister I love you,"she sayed and put a hand on your grave.

Next Garroth got up to speak for his Zane. "Well how to star this off? I'll start off by saying Zane would never talk to anyone excited to (Y/n) growing up. They where best friend and when she moved away. She never knew this but he cryed for days. He never really showed that he had a heart befor but when he was around her he showed it. When they got together he called me up and rubbed it in my face saying 'I got a girlfriend befor you!'" And everyone laught. "Zane never knew how loved he was by his family but he was there for us with a sward ready to protect us......... I love you baby brother and I'm glad you found happiness." And it's that Garroth sat back down.

Zane and you where lowered and the sobs began again. "Will we see them again?" All the kids asked and everyone showed a week smile.

Omi I'm crying right now it's the end of the book😭😭😭 I'll post another authors note soon

Stay happy not crappy stay in school don't do drugs and I LOVE YOU!❤️😭

Or is it the end? There's one last chapter to go!

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