Chapter 8: Adutions/ something special

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(Your Pov)

The day of the adutions alot of the boys from the neighborhood showed up to be Romeo, I would be Juliet but desided to try a different role. Lady Capulet sods like a fun one or maby even Rosaline what ever role I try out for hopefuly Katelyn is not mad at me for kissing Zane.   

"So (Y/n) what are you going to adution for?" Zane says sneaking up behind me.
"GA!" I scream turning around, "Zane you scared me what why are you here?" you ask.
"I was going to adution for Tybalt, there renacting the balcony scene in modern seans Travis is up now and broght some of his Fangirls with him because its basted off of aduance members."
"She would do that," you say and walk in to the theater and sit behind her, "Hey Kat how's it going?"

"I thought you where mad at me? Now if youll excuese me. Sorry about that Travis please continue," she says and keeps paying atencion to the stage. After she desided that Aaron would be Romeo by him just removing his mask all the girls scremed and I got out of there. Yes Aaron is cute but hes not THAT cute. 

Zane got the part of Tybalt and I got Rosalina and the spot as Aph's understudy for Juliet, Granted the play was in a WEEK! I had to memorse all of Juliet's lines and Rosalina's lines as well so I called in my boss to tell her I was extermly busy this week and could not work.

"Bu-bu-but (Y/n) We need you to work this week if not i might have to fire you," she says.
"But Miss I need this job!" I cry out.
"Nope my dision is final you are fired but you can still keep the dress because if we are ever need you back will call. Bye (Y/n) Have a nice day~" she sings and hangs uo the phone.
"But why..." you say and walk away from the theater when you here a voice yell at you. 

"Hey (Y/n) wait up you never told me what role you got?" It was Zane running to ketch up with you.
"Oh hey Zane, I got Rosalina and im also Aph's understudy witch means if for some reason she cant play Juliet then I have to do it." you say and it starts to rain and you walk in it crying you walk away from him.
"Why arnt you happy about that and besides if you where Juliet I would kiss you," he says puling out his unbrella.
"Zane you idoit," you cry laugh.
"How so," he says pulling me closer to him.
"Zane when we and her fight one of us will apologise and the other will not forgive the other, we are best friends and I cair about her. When I moved to Japan I cryed my eyes out wishing she was with me but she never was.... I just got back her trust and im sloly lousing it again..." I say and he hugs me. "I love you Zane but I need to go," I say and walk off. 'Let the rain fall, no one can see you cry,'   Katelyn use to tell me when I was little and wanted to run away from everything but I cant run now its to late. 

~Time skip to Katelyn's house~

You knock on the door trying to stop crying. "(Y/n)," she says opening the door. "what do you want?" she looks at me socking wet and looking lost. 

"Well I was hoping I could talk to you about Zane and why I chose him," you say wiping away tears. She jesters for me to come in, "No," I say. "I wont take time away from you so this will be quick. I love Zane and I know he is your mordal enime but cant you put that behind you and let me be happy with who ever my boyfriend is because you where always jelous of me and I have NO idea why because I was always jelous of you how everyone adored you and wanted to be you! You never once asked how I was doing after you met Jeffory and when you did it was alwys you yelling at me! I know im not the grate Lady Katelyn who was a body guard for the prisedent. No im the girl who is stuck in your shadow so when I moved I did it because I could be who I wanted to be but I moved back because I missed my big sister who was never there for me and was for only a week till she found out I had a boyfriend! I dont want him to change aneything and im sorry if it does and I hope you can forgive me for just ranting at you." You give her a hug and she hugs you back. "Ill see you tomarrow at rehersels right now I need to practis my lines," you say and walk off into the night all the way home.

At home you see that the door was cracked open. You grab your knife out of your backpack and sloly walk in. "Who is in my home?" you question a little creply. then you see a note on the stars. 

(Y/n) follow the rose petals, ~ Zane

So I pit down my stuff and fallow the pedals to my room to find an outfit and another note.

Chang into this and look out your windo ~Zane

So I do and when I look out the windo I see.....

CLIFE HANGER!!!! Sorry i had to because its funny XP

Hope you enjoued it thow because it so worth it. And as always Stay happy not crappy Stay in school dont do drugs and I LOVE YOU!!!!

Ps put what you think might happen in the comments and make shere you vote if you like the story c:

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