Last good byes

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~third person~

Three days later Irene got a letter in the mail. It was from her mom and dad!

She called her brother, Nash. "Nash!" She shouted into the phone.

"What sister?" He sayed overly just got out of bed.

"Come to my house I just got a letter from mom and dad!"

"I'm on my way!" He shouted and quickly got dress. He ran over to her house and bursted in the door. "What do you mean you got a letter?!" He sayed and she was sitting on the couch looking at the letter on her table. 

"It came this mornning the mail man sayed nothing just gave it to me." She sayed and stared at it. "It's addressed to both of us,"

"Well open it I want to see there last wired!" Nash sayed and Irene opens the letter.

"Dear Irene and Nash," she began. "I'm am so proud of the people you both have grower up to be... Even thow you fight about a lot of things don't blame each other for our death. Your farther and I wanted you both to get along. This is the will for both of you, what we leave keep with you. Find a way to keep the house and your dad wants one of you to keep his piney and NOT give them away. Irene keep the juleray. Nash keep your farther's swards they meant a lot to him and wants you to keep them in the family. This is heard to tell you but we knew we would be in that car crash our lady Irene let us know that. I don't know how but she did. We tryed to avoide it but have failed... I'm sorry we did not want to leave you but we did... There is a lot to say but I'm sadly writing this on my death bed. I love you both and I love the family that you grew up with. They will help you when you need it just call them.
We love you both so so much and we are always with you... Good bye my loves." Irene took a breath and tears filed her eyes. She looked up at her brother who was crying.

"They knew and never told us," he sayed and hit the table.

"Lady Irene told them they probably did not leave it but it happend." Irene sayed. "So do you want the poney collection?" She says trying to make him smile. He did but shuck his head no. "Okay I'll take them but what about the house?"

"I'll take it make it my home again." He sayed and was about to walk out. "Mom would always think of us first huh?" He sayed and she nodded. "Her and dad took great cair of us no matter what happens,"  and with that Nash left.

"They always loved you Nash and never gave up on you," Irene sayed and looked up to see a ghost of her parents.

"We love you both so much," they sayed in unison and dissaperd.

Irene reared up and smilled. "Bye mom bye dad I love you," she sayed and started crying.

When Nash went back to his old home he broke down. "Why did you take them?!" He shouted once in the house at a statue of lady Irene. "You took them from me and now I can't get them back!" He sayed and falling to his knees. "You took then," he sob and a hand tut he'd his shoulder even thow he was alone.

"We're sorry Nash," he looks up to see  his parents. "We love you no matter what happens," his mom and dad say in unison just like they did for Irene. "Never for get that," Zane sayed and they both dissaperd.

"Bye mom bye dad," he says and smiles. He knew they where in a better place he just wanted them here with him.

There last good byes was the first sine that they where always with them. (Y/n) and Zane went to speak with lady Irene to grant them time to see there children every so off tan.

They both where there for any important thing in life. Birthdays new kids and a wedding.

"Will always be there for them when they call right?"(Y/n) asked lady Irene.

"Yes." Lady Irene sayed. "When they need you the most you both will be there,"

They never really left any of there family. They where always there no matter what.

And with that the book has come to its last chapter😭

Stay happy not crappy stay in school don't do drugs and I LOVE YOU❤️

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