Planing Pt: 2

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The planing was going great the wedding planer found the dress I wanted and how I had to go try it on to make shere it fits. "Bye Zane Ill see you soon," I say geting my purse and kissing him on the cheak. 

"Bye sweety," He says as I walk out the door to Aphs house. On the way to her house I see Travis walking with Katelyn. "Hey guys waite up!" I shout running after them. 

"Hey (Y/n)~" Travis says smiling but stops as soon as Katelyn slaps him. "OW." He says rubbing his head.

"What up (Y/n)," Katelyn says hugging me. I tell her about my dress comming in and asked her if she wanted to come along with Aph, and Zianna. "I mean Your my sister and I want you to see it, so will you come?" I pleeded.

"Okay ill go," She says. 

"Can I come too?" Travis asks, "Please I wont be a bother I promess not to flirt eather," He says getting down on his knees. I nod and he gets up, "So I have a question for you Travis," I say. "Do you like my big sister?" I say and Katelyn blushes a bit. 

"Ya I like her I mean at A-con when you went to find Zane she kissed me. Oh waite," He says stoping and starts running. 

"TRAVIS YOUR DEAD!" Katelyn yelled And runs after him and he runs up to Aph. "Save me Aph!" He says hiding behind her.

"Aphmau move I need to hit him till he is almost dead," Katelyn says but I stop her. 

"Kat its just a kiss I just wanted to know if he liked you so just clam down," I say turning to Aph, "He want to come with Katelyn Travis Zianna and my planer to try on my dress?" I ask her. 

"Ya I would love to, we can take my car come on." She says grabing her keys as we all pile in the car. "So who is the made of honer?" She asked. 

"Katelyn but i need another to walk with Vlad," I say then relize somthing. "Hey Aph you want to be my other made of honer?" 

"I would love to!" she almost screms. "Sorry but I would be honerd to,"

"Okay that solves that, Oh Katelyn did you call all our brothers?" 

"Ya and they sayed congrats but there trying to get time off to come," 

"So the army wont let them leave for my wedding?" I say and you could here the sadness in my voice. She puts her hand on my solder. "Im fine I just want them there to see this, Im the first to get married and they cant even make it out..."

"Hey look at it this way," Travis says puting his hand on my other solder. "If you need someone to walk you down I can do it." He says with a big smile on his face. "It would be cool and besides even if I 'flirt' with you (Y/n) Im not you like a sister to me,"

"And what does that make me?" Katelyn says as we walk into the bridal place. 

He just srugs, "Maby my future wife," He says it so serious that I smile. "If you want to be."

"Okay then well Travis if my brothers cant come then yes I would like for you to walk me down," I say then soon get huged by Zianna. 

"Oh, (Y/n) Im so excited to see you in this dress and sence you brought your sister I figered she could try on some brides made dresses and-" She stops and looks at Travis. "Hello Im Zianna and you are?"

"Hi Im Travis a good friend of (Y/n)," He says shacking her hand. "Its a pleser to meat you Zianna." He was not even trying to flirt. 

~Time skip to when you put the dress on and Katelyn and Aphmau have on the brides made dresses~

When I walk out I here a gasp. Katelyn and Aphmau walked out first and I hered muttering. When I walked out all convarsation stoped. "(Y/n) you look beautiful," Aph and Travis sayed and I just blush.

"When I walked up to the merror and see myself I began to tear up. "My Zu-zu Is the luckest boy ever." I here Zianna say alost about to cry.

"Well Kat your the only one who has not sayed anything." I say turning to see her crying. "Kat dont cry," I say hugging her.

"I know but if only our brothers where here to see you then they would do the same thing."

"Zianna can you take a piture of me and Katelyn so I can send this to my brothers?" I ask handing her my phone. "Actuly do a vidio insted they might like that better."

Zianna points to us when the vidio starts. "Hey big brothers I wanted to show you my dress and Katelyn in a dress before my wedding." I say pausing taking a deep breath. "I wish you all could make it and give away you little baby sister, But I understand that if you cant." I say crying. "We lover you and we are proude to be army sisters!" Me and katelyn say in unision and the vidio stops.

"That was so sweet you two," Zianna says giving me back my phone so I can send it to them. "No go back and Change we still have to pick out flowers and decide on a cake," She says as we try and walk back but I stop. "Zianna can I ask you somthing?"

"Ofcorse dear what is it?"

"Do you think that you and Garet could bring my brothers home for my wedding?" 

"Im sorry but we dont have that kind of power. Whats is there regaman?"

"O'Khasis milatery fucility,"

"oh, well I can see what I can do but I dont know (Y/n)."

"Its okay I was just wondering..." I say and get changed out of my dress.

~Okay thats it for now I feal so bad because I have not posted in a long time and It kills me but I have state Testing (Aka the PARCC)

Stay happy not crappy stay in school dont do drugs and I LOVE YOU! 

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