Chapter 5

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The next day at school I avoided Zane and North as much as I could but the classes I had with them I ditched and knowing my dad and my sister they would get mad at me so I went in explaining. I guess they understood cause they let me get my homework and makeup things and marked me here. By the time lunch came around I knew they would be looking for me so I hid outside hoping for the best but then I remember North usually is out by the field and that's where Zane is hanging out! Crap.. they both run up to me and start asking so many questions.

"Umm," I start looking around not sure what to do. "Look I got to run bye!" I say turning around but Zane grabs me and pulls me off to the side. "I'm busy Zane could you let me go," I ask avoiding eye contact with him, and what do I see out of the corner of my eye but North running over to me. "North please stop, I have things to do," I say as he runs over to me grabbing my other arm.

"Oh look it's the werewolf running to help the girl, how sweet," Zane says and lets me go. "Fine take her North but just remember she's mine," Zane says and his two friends follow behind him as they walk off.

North takes me over to this group of wolfs and puts me in the middle. "(Y/n), we have been talking and the school's pack and our alpha talked." he says and they all nod mumbling things.

"Talking about what?" I ask looking around.

"We want you to come to the wolf club after school, our alpha wants to talk with you. Nothing bad but it's gonna help you a lot," He says and the group nods and smiles, dispensing the group leaving me and North alone. "I'll meet you in the cafeteria if you see Zane run, don't talk to him and if he does want to talk then lie," he says giving me a quick hug and running off.

"I am so confused...." I say blinking a few times wondering what in the nether just happened. I ate my lunch still wondering what just happened. As I head to my next few classes I knew Zane and North weren't in them so I was ok to go, I had art and my language class for the next few hours. (Sorry if I changed up the classes its kind of hard to remember what I put rn)

In art, I was drawing a picture of well what ever cause it was art. I decided to draw a skull but a little different. "(Y/n) this is amazing," My teacher said and I look up. "It looks absolutely amazing who taught you how to do something like that?"

"Just something I learned," I say then the bell rings but the teacher calls me over to her desk. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask a little worried.

"No not at all," She says and takes out my portfolio. "I called your father to tell him about your progress in this class, and he has told me you are trying to get into a school in Japan that helps kids with talent. If you need a letter of recommendation please let me know, I would love to see you succeed in art one day."

"Thank you, Ma'am, but the reason I'm heading to the school is because of a music major but if you think art might help me get in I would love to have the letter," I say and she writes down her email if I ever need help. I head back to my locker to get a few things for the language class and who do I see but my twin.

"Hey sis," he tells me and smiles.

"Hey bro," I say and close my locker. "How was your day so far?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"Nothing much but where were you in 4th today? did something happen?" He asked and I come up with a quick lie.

"Girl problems," I say as we get to his class. "anyways I might be late coming home if I am I'll call," I say and he smiles, nodding and just not questioning it. That was what I like about my brother, he never really questioned me unless it was necessary and well put me in danger. But he knows I joined a club and I have music things. I did the same, I never questioned him unless it was the same reasons I had. Pless, we have twin things that not a lot of people understand.

As I head into my last class I find out the teacher was not there so we could do anything, I did not like when that happened because everyone was talking as I try to learn by my own pace and figure out things. That's when someone walked over to me, I did not know this person but they were a wolf so they were probably one who was with North. "Can I help you?" I ask him as he sits next to me, his eyes were really strange he had one green eye and one blue eye, kind of cool.

"Na, I just wanted to sit next to you. You are the only one who seems like there actually studying and I need to do that, so im your new desk buddy!" he says putting out his hand to me. "My name is Blaze,"

"(Y/n)," You say and smile. You kept studying and then Blaze nudged you. "Yes?" You ask and he points to his book.

"I'm really bad at reading French so can you help me?" he asked and I smirk.

"Actually ya I can but I need something from you," I ask and he nods for me to ask. "Can you take me to the wolf class after school? I need to meet my friend there and apparently the alpha needs to see me. It's for a -"

"Protection, I know I was there something going on," he says. "North is the one who asked for this meeting, and our Alpha agreed to it, I guess she like you cause not a lot of humans get to speak with the alpha in person," He says and I nearly blush but don't.

The bell rings as we finish talking and me helping him with reading. Blaze told me he texted North to just meet us there as we start walking, up to the class. I stayed quiet and close to Blaze, "We're here," He says and I see a lot of wolfs in the class. The teacher was not there but mostly a lot of the wolfs in school was and then there was Aphmau, why I had no idea?

(Again I don't remember if I already put that you found out about Aphmau being Alpha but ya know)

"Aph?" I question as they closed the door. "Did the Alpha want to talk with you too?" I ask and she shakes her head no. "When why are you here?"

"Well, (Y/n) please don't tell your sister she will kill me but, I am the Alpha," She says and I nearly laugh but she looked at me and I hold it back, my jaw dropped. "And it has come to my attention that Zane has been bothering you,"

"Oh," I say looking down at the ground. "Ya he has been bothering me but that only cause he would have had Kayce join his stupid grup and I don't want that, so I made a deal with Zane," I say slightly looking at her. "Don't tell my sister," I say and she nods.

"I won't but North has told me that when he is around you, you become a turtle, meaning your close up when he's around, what is Zane making you do?"

"Just about all his homework and working on recruiting others as he tries to destroy the shadow knights, making the Jury the strongest in the school. He says I am also there to just make the group look good and so the teachers won't question it." I say and she nods.

"Okay so what I'm going to do is talk with Garroth who will talk with Zane and then ill get back to you, but tomorrow stay close with he wolfs they will help you. You already know North and Blaze but anyone of them will help you, right?" She turns to the wolfs and they all nod. "Good,"

"Thanks, Aph, and don't worry your secret is safe with me," I say and give her a hug. "Wanna walk home together? Kayce is still at soccer and Katelyn is at Volleyball," I ask and she nods.

As we were walking we shared a lot of things with each other like me possibly moving out of Ru'aun to another place and she was happy about that cause I would be doing what I love, although she is sad I would be gone. As we got to her house I told her mother he and she gave me a Popsi and offered to give me a ride home but I said no but thank you. I loved Aphmaus mom, even though I did not have one and my dad was amazing on his own, I really considered Aphmaus mom as mine. Before I left I asked if she was okay with me calling her mom instead of Aphmaus mom, she said it was perfectly fine.

Not gonna lie as I started walking home I got to thinking my dad and Aphmaus mom should be dating when they always got together it was cute but they were also friends in high school so it's understandable why they were so close. By the time I got home I see Zane walking down the road going somewhere. I quickly head inside and peek out the window, he was looking around for what I dont know but I guess he saw me in my window and started walking to my house. I quickly closed the curtain and duck.

"(Y/n) can we talk?" I hear him knock and I freak out! "I know your home please," I hesitate before opening the door.

"Zane now is not a good time my dad is on his way home and even though he and your mom are friends he still doesn't like me talking to boys unless for school projects," I say and as I was closing the door he put his foot in the way.

"Look I'm sorry," he says and I open the door giving him a 'what did you just say' look. "I'm sorry, your apart of the jury as much as anyone else and I am leaving your brother alone. Aphmau called me and told me, I didn't know I was making you feel hated and just used." He says giving me a quick hug pulling away but his mask got caught on my coat and it fell off. 

"HA HA!" I say and try getting it un stuck from me. "Im sorry Zane I did not mean for that," I say and hand it back to him. "You should have it off more often," I say smiling as I put it on him. "See ya tomorrow Zane," I say and he nods. 

As I head into the kiction to get dinner started, since it was my turn. I never expected Zane to apologise to me like he did... He looked cute with out his mask but I can't fall for Zane 1) dad would kill him than me then Zianna would kill dad. 2) Katelyn would kill me then kill Zane then its just a hole killing circle! I was also falling for another,  North... North was just the best person I have met. He was sweet and caring and asked even before he did anything asking if he would upset me. I mean Werewolfs think they're better than humans but with Aphmau being the human Alpha they seem a lot better than ever.  

Irene why can't I get my feelings strained out!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Vote? Comment? Let me know what you think! Have a great day!

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