Chapter 9

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I went to school the next day after the breakup and everything but I was sad. I looked terrible and I just didn't know exactly how to feel. Sunday I tried to help my dad and clam him down because he was gonna go beat up North and his dad but I had to remind him on the drive over to there house that they where all werewolf, so he just said that they raised a terrible son breaking a sweet girls heart, then I realized my dad is the best person I need and he will help me through so much. He told Garroth and Zane that they needed to help keep boys away from me and told Aphmau the same thing.

But when I got to school the next day I nearly broke down cause word got out to the other Werewolves and they started pushing me around. I didn't even know what to do but Aphmau did she told them all to stop teasing me and showed a picture of my brothers and dad yelling, "This is the family you are messing with and trust me they can take down a pack of you with there eyes shut, if you don't want to get hurt you will stop because she is under my protection!"She shouted to all of them and they all nodded scared out of there mind.

North ended up moving schools because he was being so mean and was called the Omega at his new school. Zane kept me close but just to protect me, Garroth and my sister did the same but I didn't really mind that. And my life went on, of course when Zane found out he just gave me a look that was just like 'I told you so' and he told me every time I saw him. So he was still evil and just not kind to me at all but stood up for me when people would pick on me and that happened a lot.

If I ever learned anything out of this mess it would be that never ever date a werewolf. Anyone else would be fine but not another werewolf.

"(Y/n) please pay attention," my teachers told me and I snap up from my book from writing, and she smiled at me. "Now as I was saying, the book we are gonna read is an old fable about the Ultima werewolf, and well the story is incomplete so for your final this semester you will write an alter bet ending to the story, this is worth 100 points and is the most important grade so get started now." She said and everyone pulled out there books and I just sat there making plains for my trip by the end of the year.

"(Y/n)," I hear someone say and I looked up again to see someone I didn't really know. "Hi, I was just wondering if I can use your book? I left mine at home,"

"I don't have mine today either sorry," I said knowing it was in my locker and I just didn't bring it to class.

"Okay, well I hope you're doing ok after everything," the girl said and went to ask someone else.

Zane came and sat next to me and shared his book. "You got to get this done even though it's a stupid assignment," he said and I could tell he gave a smile under that mask of his. "And quit staring at me it's not cool," he said and we keep quiet to read and work on the assignment.

As the bell rang and everyone got their things I caught up with Zane to ask him a question because well I enjoyed hanging out with him.

"Hey, Zane!" I said and he turned around, "We should work on this at my house, I can't find my book and well everyone's out of town. I'm home alone so do you mind coming over?"

"If your home alone maybe you should stay at Aphmaus, and why is everyone leaving you home alone lately?"

"Katelyn and my dad are visiting my other brothers but Kayce is out for a soccer match that's like out of town for some reason. Anyways hey trust me home alone but I don't want to be there alone so would you?"

"It's Friday so yeah I'll be over, and I'll tell my mom to make our food too," he said and I got a small blush. "See ya later," he said and we went our separate ways.

Zane might not be a good person but he's nice to me after everything. I'm glad the fall semester is almost over cause that gets me closer to leaving this town and moving on to better things. 

~Time skip~

"It's open!" I shout as I finish picking up the broken glass off the floor from my cup. "Oh, he Zane," I say as he walks in and locks the door behind him. 

"Why would you have the door unlocked that could be very unsafe, especially with the trouble you cause." He said and put his textbook on the table and the bag of food his mom cooked for us. "And why does your dad trust you home alone so much? Doesn't he worry about his, 'Princess'?" he asked quoting princess. 

"Actually in a Queen and yeah sometimes he worries but Katelyn is his favorite and well I'm just here to help," I said and shrugged getting some plates for us. "It also cause I'm moving away, he cants be there to protect me so I learned how to protect myself." 

"Well, he doesn't deserve farther of the year," 

"Neither does yours," I said and he gave me a dirty look like I had gone too far. "Sorry, but I know your mom deserves the best mom, she didn't have to cook for us," 

"It was mainly for you, she didn't know if you had any food ready so made us some tacos," He said and I smiled. After we ate and played one game that Zane cheated on we decided it was time to work. 

"So let me see our rough draft," He asked and I handed it to him. As he mumbled to himself I laughed because it was strange seeing Zane be nice. "Wow," He said after he was done. 

"Bad?" I asked hoping it wasn't. 

"No this is amazing, a really good ending at that. What gave you this idea?" 

"It was nothing really, just thought of the characters and what they might like happen to them," 

"I love this," He said and I smiled. "No really, you stayed true to the storyline and didn't back away from what you thought actually happened to them. You're really good at writing," He said and I was blushing this time. 

"Thanks, now can I see yours?" I asked and he shrugged. 

"Mine won't be half as good as yours is," he said and as I read it I noticed how depressed Zane was by the writing. "Well?"  

"Zane," I said and put it down. "Are you-" I stopped myself and took a breath. "Are you depressed in any way?" I asked and he looked at me mad. 

"No, I'm not," He said annoyed by what I said. "Look just tell me how it was," 

"It was great just the way you write made me think you are depressed. Do you want to talk about anything?" 

"No I don't, I'm perfectly fine I just wanted the ending to be sad and not happy," He said and I shrugged. "Anyways its good though, enough for me to pass the class?"

"Yes," I said and he was fine with that answer. The night carried on and we talked about things we would do over the break and about my leaving after the year was over. "So is that why you're in my English class and not the freshman one?" 

"Yes, my mind was too advanced for that class and way to easy. At least now I have a bit more of a challenge." I told him and he pulled down his mask for the first time. 

"(Y/n) I'm sorry for what I did to you, you didn't deserve that, but you still treated me like a friend why?" 

"Because no matter how hard you try to push people away, those who really like you will try to be your friend," I told him and smiled. "And I guess we must be friends you never pull your mask down to just talk, you only do that to just eat," I said and he laughed a bit. 

"Well whatever my case may be, I guess I'm glad I have you as a friend," He said gathering his things because he had to go. "My mom said if you ever want to come over your welcome to," He said and I got up and gave him a surprise hug. 

"Thank you, Zane, you are one of the best guy friends I could ask for," I say letting him go and he looked at me. 

"Even more than Garroth?" he asked putting his mask back on. 

"Don't compare yourself to your brothers, believe me, it brings nothing but pain. and yes I like you more than Garroth, he's too blond for me anyway, but I'm still nice to him." I said and laughed. "See ya after the break I guess,"

"You can always come to hang out with me if you want," He said and left. 

I locked the door behind me and then went up to my room, locking that door too and changing into my pjs.

Zane was a nice person and before I had to leave for the summer I did want to spend my last day with him. I was starting to think I had a crush on the emo boy of the school, a mean person to everyone but me. What would he even think if I said I liked him like that! I didn't want to think about it. I had finals to worry about and to e-mail my teacher the paper we wrote because she was alredy gone for a family thing. 

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