Chapter sixteen

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Things to look out for
Y/N- your name
F/C- favourite colour
F/F- favourite food
F/S- favourite snack

Your POV
Again I was visiting the children again, there just so adorable!
They children was always so energetic when it comes to me coming. One day the children where making cards to their valentine, when they were finished they were running to me and handed them all their cards to me, I all have them a hug.
Y- thank you!
Children- we love you!
Just then I heard a bell ting, Zane came in with his normal self, I felt little hands pushing my forward, I turned back to see them pushing my to Zane and some behind him. When me and Zane were close, they gave me one last push and I fell in Zane's arms.

Zane's POV
I saw the kids pushing Y/N towards me, and me to, when we were close to each other Y/N fell in my arms she began blushing and gave me a kiss on the cheek, and I wrapped my arms around her. The kids began laughing and giggling. I felt a tugged on my robes,  I turned around seeing a small boy with a Y/N's F/C card, I bent down to him.
B- give this to her
Z- really, okay
I saw the kids and Y/N sitting on the rug playing, I wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her cheek.
Z- happy Valentine's Day! * hands her the card *
Y- aw Zane! Thank you! I see a little child made it to give it to me, cause I don't think you would draw this
* starts laughing *
Z- ha, ha very funny, shall we go
Y- yeah I'm a bit tired, okay kids happy Valentine's Day, but I need to go, see you next time!
Children- BYE!

Your POV
Zane was buying something ( I suggest your F/F ) and I was walking around I ended up to a dead end to a wall I saw a man who was walking towards me, he pinned me to the wall and brought out a knife close to my neck, I felt fear all over my body and I was shaking, I felt it coming closer and closer, then I heard a voice.

Z- hey! let her go!
???- shut it little girl!
Z- don't talk yo her that way!
Y- what do you need?!

he step back and ran, I stood there confused, Zane running to me.
Z- Y/N are you alright!
Y- ya, and I think I know that person was
Z- who was it?
Y- it was..................................




Y- Aaron
Y- I don't know what happen

Aphmau's POV
Aaron just snap and ran we tried to stop him I guess he really misses he's whole family.
A- what are we going to do Laurence?!
L- just hope that Y/N will be okay
A- hope so

Aaron's POV
I didn't mean to hurt Y/N, but I was so mad that Y/N was able to fall for Zane.
I have been spying on them, and I didn't liked how it looked.

Your POV
I was really frighten I began to feel weak I was caught in Zane's arms and fell asleep.
I woke up in a cell and seeing everyone I love dead on the floor, and Zane was the last. I saw the sword fly up, I couldn't move as I was tied to a rope, it slashed he head and I fell to my knees I felt years and a bright light appeared and was gone,
I- dear don't worry, your in a nightmare
Y- huh, mom
I- I guess you realised, dear it may be hard for you to go back to your Irene form as now you are a shadow knight
Y- well what do I do
I- try to fight without using that form, okay, don't worry I will be here to help you
End of dream
Y- MOM!!
Z- aghhhhh * falls off a chair * Y/N you scared me!
Y- sorry, just a nightmare
Z- okay then, need anything?
Y- would it be okay to have F/S?
Z- sure, be right back
I was lying on a bed in my room, I looked at P/N who was eating food, she looked really cute as dropped on of her little meat pieces and whine a little. After Zane came in with two F/S, he sat down next to me and left the food on a table.
Y- Zane! Why did you put it there?
Z- because I need something in return
Y- but-
Z- or no F/S
Y- fine!
I leaned in and kissed him and he slowly payed on the bed with me on top, we deepen the kiss and Zane was ended on top. I pulled away.
Y- was that enough
Z- yeah, it was
He handed me a plate ( or whatever ) of F/S to me ( this if you have a snack with whip cream on or whatever topping on ) I wiped a little bit of frosting on Zane's cheek and some on his mask, he put a spoonful on my face, I grabbed spoonful and put it on his robes.
( you can put whatever colour you want him to wear black or white )
he stood up, and I laughed and until I was tackled to the bed.
Z- I will have revenge on what you did!
Y- of what putting frosting on you
Z- that's right!
He started tickling me, I was laughing to death that, my face was red and I had tears in my eyes, he stopped, and leaned in to give a small kiss, and layer his head on my stomach. I saw P/N jump on the bed and payed on top on Zane's head. 
( I was giggling at this part )
I smiled at the sight I saw P/N eyes close and I felt mine fall to.

Sorry is this took to long to come.
I am not having a writers block its just having the right time to type it up.
Author~chan out

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