Chapter two

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Things to look out for
Y/N- your name
F/C- favourite colour
W/N- wolf name

Your POV
I woke up by the sounds of birds chirping I was confused what was around me. I stood up and looked at the sky it was sea blue, I looked at the ground to see my feet in pretty F/C shoes than I looked what I was wearing. I was wearing F/C dress with O/F/C butterflies on it, I didn't remember anything except waking up from here then I heard a shake in the bushes I backed up and the noise and started running the other direction. While I was running I trip on a rock and fell on my knee and I started crying and the noise became louder I cover my face with my hands and started crying. The noise stop and I felt a strange wried felling on my knee I took my hands off my face and saw wolf licking my knee. It stop and looked at me I gently place my hand on it and I tamed it it licked my face and jumped on my lap I looked at my knee and touch it, a golden glow appeared and then it closed I looked at my wound and it was fix. I gasped with surprise and the wolf had a confused look and it's face.
" do you have a mommy or daddy "
It gave no reply.
" okay I will call you W/N "
W/N jumped on the ground with delight I giggled and petted him. Then we heard another sound near the bush I stood up and W/N started growling. It came closer and closer, then appeared a boy with white hair and green eyes, W/N barked and tackle him I pushed W/N back gently. I looked at his eyes and I could tell he wasn't evil.
Y- who are you?
???- my name is T-Travis
Y- well nice to meet you Travis my name is Y/N
T- well hello Y/N, your pretty on what your wearing but I think it's pretty cold
Y- what are you older than me
T- how old are you?
Y- 4
T- ha I'm 5 I'm older, well Y/N it was nice meeting you but I have to go
Y- bye Travis
He ran and I was alone again with W/N, he nudged me and my stomach growling.
" well I guess I'm hungry but I have nothing to eat "
W/N started sniffing the ground and followed a smell he came back with 5 pork chops I smiled at him and we kept on walking and found a spot to sit. For some reason you knew how to make a campfire.
" now all I need is fire but how am I going to get it?"
I rubbed my hands together to make them warm I rested my head on my knees and I touched the sticks thinking it would lit and it did. My head lifted and I looked at W/N who backed out a little I grab a pork chop from him and started cooking it. After we ate I sat sitting on a log and made myself comfortable and little by little I became sleepy, I saw W/N standing on guard even though he was little I smiled weakly and fell asleep.
The next morning
I woke up by the rays of the sun I sat up and rubbed my eyes I looked around and some of the snow melted, I saw W/N sleeping on the snow and the fire lit out, I stretched my arms and legs and found W/N awake I heard a footsteps coming I stood there and saw Travis with a big smile on his face.
Y- how did you know I was here?
T- I know the island so I know where I am anyway here, my mum made clothes
Y- why?
T- I asked her because what your wearing isn't snow clothing
Y- thanks
T- no worry here
I walked behind a tree and got change I was in a grey shirt and long black pants just my size and a F/C jacket. I walked out and Travis was with W/N stroking him his eyes widen as he saw me.
T- wow you look pretty
Y- * blushes * thank you
T- I heard that F/C was you favourite so I asked her and she was able to make it with that colour, oh and here a backpack for anything you put in
Y- thank you again * sits next to Travis *
T- so where do you live?
Y- I don't live anywhere but I'm planning to stay up there
T- up there?
Y- why not
T- because you might fall and hit your pretty face
Y- don't worry I'm making a tree house
T- do you need help?
Y- maybe
Travis and I gather up supplies and climbed up the tree we worked all day until sunset. We finished and we jumped down. ( if an adult saw they would faint ) last of all Travis place down a ladder for me to get up.
Y- thank you so much Travis! * you hug him *
T- * blushes * no problem Y/N happy to help * starches behind his hair *
Y- well you should get going, it getting late
T- nighty night Y/N
Y- nighty
I climbed up the tree house and laid on the floor I put my backpack on the floor for a pillow and liad my old dress for
W/N to sleep on I laid down and thinking about the fun I had with Travis I sat up and walked at to look out the window and sat down and stared at the stars I felt W/N sit on my lap.
" one day we will be with lots of people I promise W/N "
I stared down and saw W/N asleep I giggle and set him down on his bed and I walked to my own bed and fell asleep.

Hey guys Dianna here
I just wanted to tell you that most of the chapters won't have that much Zane but maybe halfway there will always have a Zane moment.
Author~chan out.

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