September 10 - Trouble - Day 20

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I saw the two of them in the alley. They were still shadows, so I couldn't see them clearly enough. I walked closer and I saw...?!

5:00 AM

"Wake up!"

I might KILL Pacifia just so I can sleep everyday. Honestly, this is not good for my health.

"Oh come on! What is it, Zap Saving Time?! I'm used to 6, but now 5?"

"Stop complaining! Come on!"

Walking to the living room is so hard... I might as well be fighting World War III against the rest of the world, and me winning would be more possible than walking to the living room.

I am literally about to collapse as I reach the couches.

"Morning," said Uni.

"Hey," Noire said.

How do the others wake up so perfectly? Well, I only slept for 5 hours last night, so I guess...

"So, there's this big monster that's attacking Gamindustri..." Noire started.

Uni slouched in her chair. "Why do we always have to go save the world?"

"It's our job," Noire reminded her.

Uni fell to the floor.

"We never get breaks," she complained.

"Well, today's your lucky day! We're doing nothing that involves work!" Noire said.


"Well, nothing that involves 'saving the world' or aything like that."

"But the monster-" I started.

Noire cut me off. "That's in Planeptune. Not our job. Neptune can handle that."

5:30 AM

While Noire and Uni stayed in the Basilicom, Pacifia and I went out to get drinks- er, "refreshments", Noire calls them. Pacifia and I sat at a table as we waited to get the dr- refreshments. Just then, someone came to our table and took a seat. I honestly didn't mind, but he started whispering to us.

"Elementals?" he asked. I nodded. "Same with me. I'm Atlanteon. You?"

"Zap," I muttered.

"I'm Pacifia," Pacifia said.

"Nice. Pacifia, can you come outside with me for a second?"

Now, I did say I didn't mind him, but this seems unusual.

"I... guess?" Pacifia replied.

They both walked out of the café. I stayed at the table, waiting for the refreshments.

5:40 AM

Finally. I walk outside, looking for Pacifia and Atlanteon. Then, I hear a quick "Hey!" Before that scream was cut short. Where did it come from?

What happened to those two? Did something attack?

Wait, I hear a soft noise this way.

6:30 AM

I hate Atlanteon.

I hate him, I hate him, I hate him.

Want to know why? Sure! I'll TELL YOU!!

So I was hearing the sound, right? It came from an alley. I bet the noise was coming from Atlanteon and Pacifia, so I followed the noise. They were there. I saw the two of them in the alley. They were still shadows, so I couldn't see them clearly enough. I walked closer and I saw...?! I see Atlanteon forcing Pacifia into a kiss!

Now, back to the present...

"That hurt..." muttered Pacifia. She lay down on my bed, groaning from her experience with Mr. Deathkisser.

"It's ok," I assured her. "No more surprises like that from now on."

"Really?" she asked.

"Yes. I promise to protect you until the end." I said. Just then, a bright light shone and a necklace with a water drop with a lightning bolt-shaped shield on it appeared on me.

Why did this happen?

It's a direct promise. If I break my promise, meaning that Pacifia dies (well, except because of things I can't protect her from physically) before I do, my punishment will be very painful. If we die at the same time, the promise isn't broken, as I did try to save her.

"Ok then," Pacifia said.

7:00 AM

I have a faintris potion for Mr. Deathkisser.

I just need to find him...

"Hey," someone behind me said. I turned around and I saw Atlanteon, with a friendly face.

"What do you want?" I asked, hiding my anger.

"Is Pacifia with you?" he asked.

"Sorry, she's not here. Now, if there's nothing else I can help you with... wait, I think Pacifia said she'd be in the café where you two first met."

"You mean... her and me?"

"Yes. Go see for yourself."

After we were clear of any witnesses, I threw the potion at him, and he fell on the wall, fainted. I quickly ran away before any witnesses did come.

12:00 PM

I honestly don't know what to think of Atlanteon anymore.

"I'm going to Leanbox," I said.

Everyone looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Well..." Noire started.

"Are you sure? With Atlanteon around and everything..." Raziél muttered, looking at Pacifia.

"Pacifia, I also need to talk to you," I said.

"Ok," she replied.

2:00 AM

"You can't be serious!" Pacifia said.

"Pacifia, this has been going on for two hours! You have to trust me!"

"But why?!" she yelled.

"Quiet!" I said. "Just... just let me do this."

Pacifia gave up. "Ok," she muttered.

8:00 PM

Why so late? It's so I can do what I need to do.

"I'm here," Pacifia said as she caught up to me.

"You know what you have to do, right?" I asked.

"Yes." She walked into the café, and just then, at the perfect timing, Atlanteon walked in and saw Pacifia. He walked to her table and sat down. He looked around, and since he couldn't see anyone, scooted closer to Pacifia. I walked into the café, acting like I never knew the two where there.

"Hel-" I said, and pretended to be startled as I saw them.

"Oh... hey," Atlanteon said. "Pacifia and I are busy. Can you come back some other time?"

"Actually," Pacifia said, "I need to go now. I think Quake needs me."


"Some friend of mine. Bye, Atlanteon." She got up from her seat but suddenly fell back down.

"I don't think so," he said, turning to me. "I said, Pacifia and I are BUSY. Can you come back some OTHER time?" he said.

I pretended to use my phone, pretending that I never heard him. "What?" I asked.


"Why?" I asked innocently.

"BECAUSE I'M TRYING TO GET PACIFIA TO LOVE M-" Atlanteon said, stopping himself too late.

"What?!" Pacifia asked, pretending to be shocked. She got up. "You... I hate you now!" She got up, pretending to be angry, and walked out of the café, grabbing my arm as she reached the door. As soon as she walked out, out of Atlanteon's sight, her face changed to a happy expression.

"We did it!" She said.

"Perfect," I said.

"What now?"

"Well, now that our Atlanteon problem is solved, we can rest.


10:00 PM

"Are you sure?"

"I'm perfectly sure." I said. I was about to head over to Leanbox.

"Let me come with you," Pacifia said. I looked at my necklace.

"Ok." I replied. We said our goodbyes as we started our journey to Leanbox.

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