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we got em bois! i've turned one year older than i was last year!

And now to do whatever I need to do:

To angemisurugi:


Zap stared at Neutron, who was busy modifying his new invention. "What'cha got?" he asked.

"Nothing much. Just a little test gadget. If it works correctly, it should fly up 50 feet and shoot electric bolts behind it as it zips down."

"And if it hits a roof before 50 feet..."

"Err... give me a moment." Neutron went back to fixing his invention.

"So?" Zap asked. "What would happen?"

"Um... malfunction, I guess."

"Cool! Let's test it!"


"How long did it take you to make?"

"Around two hours, but—"

"It's a test gadget! What's the matter?" Zap grabbed Neutron's invention and ran outside. Running under a tree in the Forest, he clicked the button on the gadget. It immediately pointed upwards and began flying. It flew up, up to the tip of the leaves of the tree... then fell back down.

"Shoot," he said. "That must've been like 50 feet or something, huh?"

"Looks like it," Neutron said, shaking his head without amusement. He had already given up on stopping him. Zap walked to a shorter tree and tried again. It flew to the highest leaves... and hit them.

"Well..." Neutron said, backing up. "Farewell."

"What do you me—" He looked up, startled, as he heard an explosion. What he saw was a gap between the tree and a set of leaves, which hit the ground.

"Surprised it didn't hit you," Neutron said, slightly disappointed.

"Well, I had a blast doing it, anyways," Zap said.

"Did you just—"


Neutron looked at him. "No."



"I'm making a good joke! Don't blow it!"


"BLOW!" He struck the already damaged tree with lightning and destroyed it.

"I will kill you," Neutron said.

"How about Magnet! Slot her into the fun too!"



"GAH!" Neutron charged Zap, who narrowly dodged and ran towards the Electric Zone.

(Best I could do... hehe. Thanks for requesting anyway. I wrote this in 10 minutes, so... yeah.)

To VoiceOfTheVoicelessX (Flame in this story):

The Birthday Party

"Another party... four days later... here in the Electric Zone... again," Zap muttered. He had taken off the cone-shaped hat Pacifia had put on his head.

"Don't feel so down," Flame (VoiceOfTheVoicelessX) said. "After all, it's your birthday." A non-Elemental he was, just like Penelope, in the Academy. He had received a letter of acceptance from Professor Elemental, granting him access into the Academy.

(Quick A/N: I really loved Penelope's character, okay? And since this is a somewhat continuation of "The Party" Christmas Special, which was a few chapters back, I just need to include Penelope. And if you did read it, don't worry about Penny.)

"Yeah, but I just don't think it's the best, having two parties with only four days in between them."

"Well, nothing you can really do about it. Just enjoy the party."

"Hey Zap!" Angel said, nodding to Flame. "What's the game plan?"

"I mean, we never took the Christmas decorations down..."

"Lazy, lazy." But you're right. There's no point in using anything else. Well, might as well make the party start now."

"Ugh, now? It's barely 11 in the morning!"

"Zap, dear, that's really late, to be honest."

"For a party?"

"Stop it. We're starting it now." As Angel walked away, Flame said, "I'ma take a look around."

"You do you. Just avoid getting static shocks... especially from Electrics."

"Will do, will do. Seeya."

"Mm. Bye." Flame left. Zap wasn't going to leave his position until people started coming.

Which wasn't for a while.

Meanwhile, Pacifia was adding extra decorations to fit the birthday theme more. Yeah, we've already got decorations, she told herself, but they focus solely on Christmas. Might as well make it sparkle a bit more!

This time, Quake did not arrive early. He didn't think that there would be much for him to do, so he told himself that he'd come when the party started.

🎉 Later 🎉

"The time has come..." Zap groaned, as he watched Elementals crowd into the Electric Zone. No-one had stopped to personally wish him a happy birthday, as they all:

1.) Mutually felt uncomfortable about doing so

2.) Had already done so earlier in the day.

Everybody was just here to party.

2 hours had to pass before Zap was finally settled and in the mood to have fun. Angel, Pacifia, and Quake were all in a group, waiting for him.

"Well, there you are," Quake said. "Been a while. Didn't expect you to take this long."

"I just—"

"Don't say a single word about the party being here again," Angel said. "Four days is a long time for you, anyway. It wouldn't even affect you if the parties were only a night apart."

"Pssh," he muttered.

"I think you're just not in the right mood!" Pacifia said.

"Well d—"

"Come with me!" Pacifia grabbed Zap's arm and dragged him to another part of the building. Angel and Quake walked behind to see what was going on. Where she stopped was a secluded area, where no-one else was.

Zap started to say, "What are we going to—"

Pacifia cut him off. "Let's go visit a few friends of ours!"


"Hey!" Flame said, behind them. "What are you all doing?"

"Going somewhere." Pacifia thought for a bit. "Want to come with us?"

"I mean, if it's fine."

"Sure it is. We're meeting some friends."

"Well then, why not? Let's go!"

🎉 The Earth 🎉

"I wonder if we're going to her area..." Zap muttered. "Remember—"

"Hey, I memorized this place. This is the one." Pacifia rang the doorbell.

"Who could that be?" they heard a voice say. The door opened and—


"Friends! How good it is to see you all again so soon!" Penelope exclaimed. She looked at Flame. "And who may this be?"

"It's another friend of mine," Zap said. "This is... Flame. It's just his nickname."

"That's nice!" Penelope said, not daring to ask why that might be the case. "Well, come in, everybody! Let's have fun!"

With all the excitement from meeting Penelope, no-one remember to tell her what day it was. Still, they celebrated it as it was, and Penelope joined in as well, because to her, a party is a party, and parties are to have fun.

"What's been going on?" Zap asked Penelope.

"Nothing, really. It's only been four days. There's really nothing going on, and New Year's isn't for another three days."

"That's true."

"Yeah. That's why it's so great having you all back! It's fun being with you all!"

"Aww, thanks, Penelope. It's amazing when you're around, too."

"I'm glad we all feel that. I'd hate to be the negative energy, so I always stay positive."

You feel negative about being negative, so you be positive. Amazing mindset, Zap thought.

"You should be more like her," Pacifia whispered in his ear.

"Shut it," he whispered back. Pacifia laughed.

When the night fell, Angel said, "It was great meeting you again! Are you having a New Year's party?"

"Definitely! I love parties!"

"Great! We'll try to come!"

"I'll count on it!"

"Bye, Penelope!" They all said.

"Bye, you all! Bye, Flame."

"See you, Penelope. It was nice here."

As they all went back, Zap asked Flame, "Where exactly in the world was that?"

"I'm not sure," he said. "I don't travel much."

"Mm. Well, it's getting late. See you around."

"Bye," everyone said.

(Anti-climactic ending, huh? Don't bully me. I literally wrote this in the span of like an hour, in the early morning and at midnight, so don't judge. I'll write a better story some other time. Thanks for requesting.)

That's that! Thank you all so much for sticking around with me!

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