Good Zap x Xin Lines

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Pfft. Xin THINKS it will annoy me. Well guess what? No u.

This is for you, VanguardRanger25. Here are some lines that I think will be good for some situations in your Zap x Xin story. Tweak them in any way you want! It doesn't have to be exact. Good luck! Hopefully you can annoy Xin!

(Also, it's still a crack ship. Sorry to ruin your hopes and dreams.)

Here's what you'll replace:

_____: Zap/Xin (When you see blanks, fill it in with Zap or Xin, however you want.)

them, they: him/her, he/she (When you see the word 'them' or 'they' in bold, depending on how you fill in the blanks, you will replace it with 'him' or 'her,' or 'he' or 'she.')

『_____ tackled _____ and pinned them to the wall. "You're so fucking annoying..."』

『_____ wrapped _____ in a hug, beginning to produce tears. "I'm sorry..."』

『_____ gripped a frying pan. "Are you stupid?" They prepared to swing it at _____.』

『_____ kissed _____'s cheek. "I'll be back in a moment."』

『Locking the door, _____ took a step towards _____. "Trying to run?" they asked.』

『_____ grabbed _____'s arm. "I think it's time to go now," they said.』

『"I think you're taking it too far," _____ said, slowly backing away.』

『_____ wrapped themself around _____. "Nobody's taking you away from me.』

(This last one was kind of uncomfortable to write and I was considering not writing it, but annoying Xin is annoying Xin.)

『__1__ kissed __2__, and the whole world went out of focus. __2__, shocked, was about to pull away, but couldn't. They were too entranced by the heat of the moment. __2__ returned the kiss, and nothing else happened in the apartment. It was only their kiss.』

(Should I be honest? Fine. Yes, I had a little fun writing that one, but it's just my author spirit! And Azyra, if you really liked those specific lines, say it. Say anything about it in the comments. This was all for you, anyway.)

Goodbye! Fuck you, Xin!

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