Losing Followers

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VoiceOfTheVoicelessX oh don't tell me otherwise because I understand your pain

See, on my alt account, ZapAndTheElementals, I follow people who follow me, right? So when someone unfollows me, their "FOLLOWS YOU" badge on their account on a mobile device is gone. So I can scroll through my following list on my alt account through this account and see exactly who unfollowed me—

It brings a happy tear and a sad tear to my eye when I see my alt account following people who:

>I don't follow

>Don't follow me

Because on my alt account, I refollow everyone who I follow here.

Welp. Now I'm sad.

There's gotta be at least 10 people that have unfollowed me

I mean, overtime, it would be obvious that people would eventually unfollow me, but I hardly ever go to my alt to follow my followers on this profile.

I hope this isn't because they expected a follow.

Look, I'm fine if they unfollow me because there's no point. I unfollow people from time to time (rarely) as well.

Still, I'm pretty sad about it.

Feelsbadman can we get an F in the chat

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