On the Third Day Till Christmas...

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The Party — Return

"Is this the light you all had spoken of?" Professor Elemental asked. He had seen it and brought the four Elementals and Penelope to see it.

"Most likely," Pacifia said.

"Looks like it," Quake said.

"It looks identical to the one I walked through," Penelope said. "Is it safe to walk through it again?"

"Probably," Professor Elemental said.

"Well, I hope you're telling the truth," Penelope said. "It was fun meeting you all! Hopefully we can meet again next year!"

"Hopefully," Angel said. "You're such a great person, Penelope."

"Aww, thank you! All four of you were amazing too!"

"Thanks, Penelope," Zap said. "We'll see you in the future."

"Yes we will! Goodbye!"

"Goodbye!" They all said. Penelope walked into the light and disappeared with it.

"What now?" Quake asked.

"That's that," Zap said. "Let's enjoy the party like we were originally supposed to."

"Definitely," Pacifia said. "I could use a break from the craziness."

"Going to a party does not give you a break from craziness."

"True. I'll go back to my Zone. Bye."

"See you."

"I'm heading back to mine as well," Angel said.

"Same here," Quake said.

"Wish I could do that," Zap said, laughing. "See you all later."

"Bye, Zap," they said. The three of them returned to their own Zones. Zap sighed as he muttered, "Light Zone next year. Definitely. I should tell Professor Electric and Professor Light." Slowly, he walked into the main building.

Part 10 of 12 END

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