the variations of Zap + Xin

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I'm calling it Zap + Xin in case innocent souls read this but y'all know I'ma be a BAD BOY in this chapter

(Which means cursing, lol, here's the context. Love you Lumi_Kasanagi)

The milk variation is the one in the previous chapter. Here it is incase you want to re-read and are too lazy to go back:

Zap + Xin — Milk (Fuck You)

"Don't tell me you actually just did what you just did," Zap muttered, looking at the splattered milk and shattered glass all over the floor.

"And you're not stopping me," Xin replied, reaching for another glass of milk.

"Don't you even dare," Zap said, snatching the glass of milk and splashing the contents all over Xin's face.

Xin, now drenched with milk, ran for a towel. "You're lucky the kitchen's nearby, else you might've slipped on this milk, huh?" Zap said, taunting her.

"Shut up!" she shouted, grabbing the jug of milk and throwing it at Zap.

Zap, who fell to the ground from the impact, said, "Fuck you."

"Fuck you too," Xin said, still trying to wipe the milk off.

"Fuck you three." Zap got up. He walked over to the fridge, glaring at Xin, who glared right back. What he got was a completely full jug of milk. He reached for the cap."

"No—" Xin began. "Fuck you four!" she said as she tripped on the milk Zap poured all over the floor.

"Fuck you five!" he said right back, moving the stream of milk to Xin's head.

"Arrgh! Fuck you six!" She grabbed Zap's shirt and caused him to fall down as well. Now face to face, she flipped him off.

"Fuck you seven," Zap muttered through gritted teeth, flipping her off right back.

Spreading the towel and getting back up on it, she said, "Fuck you infinity. I'm done."

"Fuck you infinity... plus one." Zap crawled to a different location and stood up. "Stopping now?"

Xin, smirking, said, "Well, actually... fuck you."

"No... you. Fuck you."

Xin pulled out a wet Uno reverse card from her pocket. Walking over to Zap, she slapped it on his chest.

"Well, shit." Pulling an Uno card from his back pocket, a Wild Draw Four one, he slid it into Xin's hair. "Green."

"Glad I played this game..." Xin muttered. Pulling out a Just Say No! Monopoly Deal Card, she placed it on top of Zap's head.

10 minutes pass and the two of them have set up a game of Monopoly. Zap grabbed his piece and knocked Xin's into the square labeled "Go To Jail." He himself did the honors, moving Xin's piece to the jail square. Xin, slightly annoyed, grabbed Zap's piece and knocked hers out of the jail square. Zap then made a ruckus on the board. While Xin was distracted by him, his left arm quickly grabbed her starting money.

Xin, giving up, grabbed the board and flipped it over. "Now we're done!" she said with a fake smile.

"Fuck you," Zap said. She grinned.

There's that one! Now onto the next!

Zap + Xin — Script (Fuck You)

"Hey Xin, what's—"

"No," she said, interrupting Zap.

Confused, he said, "Um... yes."

"No," she said again.

Zap cleared his throat. "Er... I claim middle, bitch, what'cha gonna do?" He was lost at this point.

"I'm going to... shit... on your copyright?" she replied, also confused.

"Well, I claim middle... so fuck you." Zap sat down, processing the jumble of words on the paper in his hands.

"Fuck you too then."

"Fuck you three." Neither of them understood what was going on, but they went on regardless.

"Fuck you four," Xin said, breathing slowly.

"Fuck you five."

"Fuck you six," Xin said, proceeding to flip him off with both hands.

"Fuck you seven," Zap replied, grabbing five pictures of hands that imitated his—flipping Xin off.

"Fuck you infinity... let's stop now." Xin was slightly less confused, but still confused nonetheless.

"Fuck you... infinity plus one?" Zap stared at his paper. "Okay, we can stop now, because... I win?"

"Wait, no... I've changed my mind. Fuck you."

"No u," Zap muttered. "Fuck you."

Xin grabbed the Uno reverse card taped to that page of the script and gave it to Zap, not knowing what to do. Zap, in turn, said, "Shit." He grabbed the Wild Draw Four card taped to his script and gave it to Xin. Xin turned the page and grabbed the Monopoly Deal card, which was Just Say No! Looking ahead of them, they saw a Monopoly board set up and ready to go. They walked over to it. Zap grabbed his piece and used it to slide Xin's piece towards the Go To Jail square. He then slid her piece to the jail square. Xin grabbed her piece and tossed it outside the jail square.

Zap grabbed her money and Africa by Toto played, on this section:

There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do~

Xin proceeded to grab the table and angle it so that the board and all it's pieces fell down to the floor. Zap said, "Fuck you."

Xin, following the script, gave a small, fake smile.

Zap tossed both their scripts aside. "Who wrote this?!"

"Apparently, we did," Xin told him, looking at the crumpled paper she pulled out of her pocket. On it was the draft of the script they just recited.

"Well... shit."

I hope you liked that one. I have no idea where I went with it. Moving on!

Zap + Xin — Cooking (Fuck You)

"You know, there's forever going to be a stain," Xin muttered, looking at the stain caused by the milk in their... previous argument.

"And whose fault was that, exactly?" Zap asked.

"Shut up," she said.

"Mm. Well, I didn't do it. That means that only one other thing could be true..."

"Shut up."

"Well, I'm hungry. I'm going to make lunch now."

"Kay. I'll order food."

"I do remember saying that I'm going to—"

"I'll order food."

"Fuck you." Gripping the pan in his hand tighter, he began to—

"Woah, woah, woah! Calm down with that!" Backing up, Xin covered her head with both her hands.

Zap looked at the METAL pan in his hand. "Fine." He set it down on the stove. "I'm still cooking though. Order your McDonald's or shit."

"Well fuck you too! My standards aren't that low."

"Fuck you three. There hasn't been a single day where you wanted to order food when I specifically said I was going to cook."

"Well, fuck you four! Don't get mad at me when I wanted to eat sushi on this specific day!"

"Sushi? Well shit, I can't make sushi..."

"Haha, I win."

"Right then. Order your sushi."

"Bye!" She ran outside the house.

"And this is why living 5 minutes away from a sushi restaurant has its cons..." Zap muttered to himself. "I'll just..." He grabbed the pan and some cooking oil. "Okay... round two then."

2 hours later, Xin opened the door. "Back," she called. She walked into the kitchen. "Hey, where'd he go—AHH!" Sliding on the cooking oil now spread across the floor, she fell to the ground. "Why the f—oh, he wants a fight, huh? ZAP! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!"

"You called?" Zap said, running to the kitchen and snickering when he saw Xin on the floor.

"Fuck you... Fuck you for... doing this..."

"Fuck you five." He grabbed a toilet brush from the back pocket of his cleaning apron and whacked Xin on the head.

"What the hell, Zap? Why the hell would you do this? Fu... fuck you six."

"For more reasons than just my personal enjoyment. Fuck you seven." He walked towards the kitchen. "I'm actually really pissed at you right now."

"Fuck you infinity. Fuck you forever." Xin got up. Careful not to fall again, she walked out of the kitchen and towards the door."

"Xin? Where are you going?" Zap followed Xin to the door.

"How far is the nearest apartment complex?"


"Well? How far is it?"

"Er..." Zap reached into his pocket and shut off his phone. "I don't know."

"Okay. I'll check myself. Thanks, anyway." Opening the door, Xin walked outside with her phone out.

(Why am I fucking crying writing this shit I don't fucking understand help me Xin)

"3 hours..." Zap muttered. "I've searched it up before. 3 whole hours..." He heard the doorbell rang as he was walking towards the kitchen again. He opened the door and saw Xin. "Uh..."

"I'm not walking a distance that takes cars 3 hours to reach. Fuck it, I've dealt with you before, I can still do it.

"Wow. Fuck you infinity... plus one."

(Okay, I've stopped crying. Couldn't make it a sad story lol)

"Piece of shit..." she grabbed the toilet brush that she apparently had kept. She threw it to Zap and ran upstairs. Zap noticed her shoes outside on the front porch. "Dammit. Xin! Come back here you little fuck!"

Gonna stop it here. I feel like this is the perfect place to end a story like this, and plus, it's just getting repetitive, even if it is funny as hell.

Alright, that's going to be it for THAT conversation! And hopefully Xin and I are creative enough to give me good material for making stories like these!

Goodbye! Hope you enjoyed them!

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