writing tips from a teenager pt. 8

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(I can hardly relate. In fact, I can't at all.)

Have you ever had any comments asking for certain events to happen in your stories?

Maybe you feel like that's a good idea, but you don't know how to really write it?

Of course, there's a good way to do this.

Say I'm writing about a group of friends and a comment asked if one of them could be exerted from the group. When I read this in my head, I'm thinking, "That's interesting. But I can't just get rid of someone!"

I then start to wonder about ways I can tweak the comment. Instead of getting rid of them, what if I make them leaving voluntary? Maybe they go explore and that person wants to go on a different path alone? That way, I'm doing what was requested, but it was in a way that still made me want to write it.

Maybe you think it's a bad idea, but it might add a unexpected twist to the story? Say it's two people in my story and a comment asked for one to die. In my head, I tell myself, "No way. I'm not doing that."

But then I think to myself even more. "Maybe people would get shocked if that happened...and there's a lot of events I could make with that..." I'd hate if I just killed that person, but I love the idea and want to incorporate it into my story, right? So I try to see what parts I don't like and fix it. I'd also try to add to it.

> I don't want them to straight out die. Maybe put in a coma?

> If we were going to kill that person, we could add some new characters to try and kill that person..

> What if I killed the other person? That works, right?

The point is, sometimes commenters have a really good idea for your story, and I advise that you write multiple drafts to see what would work best. Of course, if you see a few things you don't like, change it. Don't worry about it being opinion-based. Isn't that how you wrote your story, anyway? It was all you.

This is writing tip #7 from Zap! I wish you good writing!

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