Zap + Xin - Disappearance (Alternate Ending #1)

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Continuing from Part 21 — Tell Me

With time wasted, Xin was able to pull Zap back. She raised her knife.』

Part 22 — Friendly Fire

Zap quickly jabbed Xin, causing her to fall. Grabbing the emergency pistol under his pillow, he opened the door and jumped downstairs, slightly injuring himself. Grabbing his jacket, he ran outside the house. Xin got up and dashed outside Zap's room and down the stairs. She quickly started chasing Zap. Zap turned a corner and went an odd path before Xin could see him. Xin, expecting him to take the faster route, went the wrong way. Zap watched her fly by. Relieved, he started to run back when he saw her knife fly past him. Startled, he was unaware of Xin knocking him down. She quickly grabbed her knife. "You piece of shit!" She stabbed his chest. Zap held his hand to his mouth to prevent from yelling. Xin pulled his hand away. "Don't restrain yourself! You'll never use your mouth again, anyway!" She nicked his neck. "This right here? This is what's keeping you from being speechless."

She waited for a moment, thinking about what to do. She shrugged. "I guess I shouldn't make you suffer." Quickly, she sliced his neck. Zap stopped breathing.

"That was quick." Xin cleaned her knife and started casually walking towards home. When she reached home, she looked at the kitchen. "Well, at least I don't need to bother cleaning it. There's so many nearby restaurants, anyway." She looked at the coat rack. "I can get rid of that now, can't I?" With all these thoughts in her head, it took her a while to get to the most important one. "Oh! Azyra! I hope she comes back soon." As soon as those words left her mouth, the doorbell rang. She opened the door. "Azyra!"

(Rip Zap can we get an F in the chat)

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