Zap + Xin - Disappearance (Part 22)

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Part 22 — You Came Back

Xin dropped her bloody knife. "I told you to shut up. Now you're going to shut up forever." Xin looked at Zap's body, still on his bed. She walked out of the room and closed the door. Azyra...where are you? Please come back soon. I need you right now... Xin walked into her room. 1:30 AM... I really need to get to sleep. She turned off the lights and plopped onto her bed. She went to sleep.

In the morning, Xin silenced her alarm clock, which read 8:30 AM. She walked into Zap's room. "Heavy sleeper today..." Unaware of what happened the night before, Xin shrugged and went downstairs. She made herself a sandwich. I wonder when—her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. She walked over to it and opened it. "A...zyra?"

"Xin!" Azyra jumped and wrapped Xin in a hug. Xin returned the hug, glad to have her back. "I'm so glad you're okay!" she said.

"Me too. I got worried that I'd never be able to come back, but here I am!"

"And that's the best thing that's happened to me this week!"

"I'm so glad to hear that! Hey, where's Zap?"

"Sleeping upstairs."

"This late? I'm going to wake him up." Azyra walked upstairs. When she walked into Zap's room, she stood still. "Xin!" she called out, in a panicky voice.

"Yeah? What is it?" Xin, sensing something was wrong, quickly ran upstairs. Azyra had lifted the covers. Zap's body was covered in blood, and Xin's knife was on the carpet floor, stained with the same blood. "What happened?!" Azyra shrieked.

"I..." Realization came to Xin. She remembered everything that had happened last night. "I, uh..."


"I think this was my fault."

"Why did you do this?!"

"He...made me mad?"

"And you killed your roomate?!"

"What? He's not family or anything!"

"He may as well be!" Azyra shook Xin's shoulders. "Who cooks for you everyday? Who actually goes to work to pay rent?"

"Hey, I can't cook! And I'm an introverted person!"

"And? What are you going to do now, huh?"

"I don't know, go out to eat!"

"And rent?"

"I don't know...I'll figure out something."

"That's besides the point! How is killing him going to solve anything?!"

"Girls, keep it down!" Yawning, Zap sat up. He looked around at the blood around him. "Strange. That was it?"

"What do you mean, 'that was it?'" Xin was relieved that he wasn't dead, but she was still confused.

"I thought you killed me last night, and even if you didn't, I didn't expect this little of a mess."

"I still knew that killing you wasn't a good idea," Xin quickly said.

"That's such a lie. You just didn't want to kill anyone you didn't see a reason to kill," Zap said. "Why would you kill me? I basically take care of you."

"Well, killing you still wasn't a good idea. And I didn't, did I? So don't worry about it and move on. The shower's across the room, you know."

"Be quiet and leave my room."

"Whatever you say." Dragging Azyra, Xin walked out of the room. She sighed. "Thank God..."

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