Zap + Xin - Disappearance (Part 6)

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Part 6 — Call Back

"I've got like 10 minutes," Zap said, over the phone. "What do you need?"

"So there's this girl that's been visiting our apartment lately—"


"A girl named Britney. Short and 19 years old." After weeks of her visiting daily, Xin eventually learned some facts about her.

"Did you show her the beer?"

"Shut up! Listen, I don't feel too safe with her around. When are you coming back?"

"Not too long, actually. Give me a day or two, and I'll be back. I'm almost done with this."

"What exactly are you doing?"

"Confidential. Can't say a word."

"Ooh, sneaky sneaky are we?"

"Shut up. Is that all?"

"Nope! Glad you asked. Her boyfriend has also been visiting—name is Chris, age 22—and it makes me feel even less safe."

"Right. What do you want me to do about it?"

"As soon as you can come back, do come back. Please."

"Fine. I can be home in a few hours."

"What's the rush? You said a day or two."

"You saying please to me is creepy. Don't worry, I'll be back."

Xin was about to reply when she heard a female voice over the phone. "Zap, hurry up! They're coming."

"I'm almost done! Sorry, Xin, I have to go now. See you later."

"Uh...bye. See you tonight." Zap hung up. Xin pocketed her phone as she went out to Patience to eat dinner. I wonder what he's doing...and why he had to go so quickly. Also, who was that with him?

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