Zap + Xin - Isolation (Part 23)

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Part 23 — The Knife

Xin was studying her knife as she saw Zap exit his room from the corner of her eye. I still want to know what happened that had to do with a knife—or my knife, even. He's saying not to worry about it, but I'm still curious... "Zap!"

"What is it?" Zap stopped and turned to Xin's voice.

"Uh...can we talk?"

"Huh?" Zap walked towards her room, where she was. "Yeah?"

Xin showed him her knife. "I wanted to ask about this."


"Okay." Xin breathed. "Remember how you were acting odd because of something to do with a knife?"

"That wasn't too long ago. So, what is it?"

"I wanted to ask you about the whole incident that happened."

"Yeah...I'm not going to talk about that. Not to anyone."

"Why is that?"

"I guess it would be a PTSD kind of thing. It isn't really, but it's somewhat like that. Even so, I still don't want to talk about it. Even thinking about it makes me uneasy."

"Alright, Zap, you know me by now. Eventually I'm going to find the answer out from you."

"Yes, and you know me by now. I'm going to stretch the time that you don't know the answer out until the very last milisecond that I can."

"I don't care. I'm getting it."

"You can try!" Zap ran out of the room, closing the door. Xin jumped off her bed, quickly opened the door, and chased Zap, who jumped down the stairs and ran out of the house. "Zap, you're a kid!" she shouted.

"So?" Zap led her all the way towards the college before stopping. "You're still on me?"

"Yes!" Xin knocked Zap down and kneeled on one of his legs. She tapped the tip of her knife to his leg. "Now, answer please?"

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