Zap + Xin - Isolation (Part 27)

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(Debating on if I should change the title to something for generic since there's four people. You know what, there may be five! I like friends :) )

(Also modifying the narration a little bit. See if you notice and like it or not.)

Part 27 — T.I.E. (o damn i'm creative eh)

From what Xin could see, the Institution of Execution was like a university. However, from what she knew, it was not a generic university that taught subjects like math, or language arts, or science and whatnot. This place taught the basic and advanced properties of murder.

Remembering what Zap had said, she guessed that there were courses on specific forms of murder, such as stealthy murder, aggressive murder, destructive murder (explosives and such), ranged murder, and her personal favorite, melee murder.

Xin pulled out her phone after she felt a buzz, seeing a text from Azyra. It read: I'd guess that if you need to know your way around, you can ask Zap. We tried to ask him in advance, but he refuses to say anything. Got anything?

Xin responded. Try running down to the kitchen and grab the egg carton and throw the eggs on the stove. That'll make his day. And make him talk. Don't question, I've tried it. With that settled, Xin entered the large building before her.

While this was going on, Zap was hiding the eggs from the girls. He had looked over Azyra's shoulder to see Xin's texts without her knowing, and so he had been able to prevent the trashing of the kitchen (and waste of the precious eggs). As he saw Azyra and Momoko walk towards the kitchen in mild surprise, he said, "The security they have is phenomenal..."

With that said, it should be no surprise that Xin was running out of the institute seconds after entering. She frantically dodged the lasers that were still firing at her, and pulling out her phone, she rolled to evade a rocket while dialing Azyra. Moments after the call was placed, people began dashing out of the institute's entrance, firing machine guns in Xin's general direction. Is this practice for murder as well? I just don't get why they're missing... She looked behind her and ducked under a single bullet that almost pierced her head.

Azyra picked up. "Why do you desire to destroy my ears?"

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