Zap + Xin - Storytime (The Past)

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(This is a little new concept I'm willing to try. Hope you enjoy! It's in script mode to make reading easier.)


Xin: So...Zap was the one who asked me to be roomates.

Zap: Don't make it sound weird. It was simply because...because that fight with you was the first time I talked to anybody at college outside of a classroom.

Xin: What about projects and such? You communicated outside of classrooms, right?

Zap: Absolutely not. While we'd talk in the classroom, I'd tell my partner that I would not be talking as soon as we walked out the door.

Xin: You were such an introvert. I actually talked to people.

Zap: Were? I technically still am.

Xin: No, you've talked to others in the past year.

Zap: That's true. Okay, Xin, put your knife down for a bit. So, there was Grace, Blake, Jess, Samuel, Hannah, and others. Azyra and Momoko wouldn't really count because I also live with those two now. The others are history.

Xin: By the way, I've got my knife again now. Just so you know.

Zap: Okay...We've been off track this entire time.

Xin: Right. Start something then.

Zap: Okay. Three weeks after Xin and I have our fight. I see her sitting on a bench, and I have papers in my pocket, which is the contract to move in to the apartment we live in now. I walk up to her, and this is the most awkward part.

Xin: Right, because you ask a stupid and out-of-the-blue request.

Zap: Yet you still accept.

Xin: We can talk about that later. Anyway, after you ask me your dumb question, I give it some thought. I'm thinking, I remember this idiot. Why would I want to live with him?

Zap: And then?

Xin: ...And then I say, "Sure, why not? It'd be interesting."

Zap: I was actually surprised because I knew you were talking about living with me but I didn't know why you said yes, specifically. Then I remembered that I was the one who asked you everything.

Xin: So then you give me papers and whatnot, give me an address, and tell me to go there later that day at like 6:30.

Zap: Yep! And that's where it all started. I ask a stupid question, and you comply to my request.

Xin: The end.

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