Zap + Xin - The Last Fight (Part 22)

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Part 22 — Homespital

"We're almost out of here. Just a few more days," Xin said, staring at the calendar.

"But, you didn't have to stay here," Zap pointed out. "Sure, you could've visited every day, but you could've always left and came back."

"I'm too lazy to do that," Xin replied. "Besides, there's really no point of going back. What am I supposed to do? I mean, the hopsital has decent food, so I really don't see what the point of not staying here is."

"There's actually a lot you can do, like go out to eat, be with friends, or you know, live in an actual room designed for you to live in."

"Be with friends? I'm doing that right now. Even if it's in singular."

Zap felt his head, which was now well and unbandaged. Still, the hopsital requested that he remain in the hopsital for four more days, which was four more days until the end of the month. "Hey, what happened to those two?"

"Blake? Well, I fucked him up. Bitch doesn't deserve mercy. Grace? I mean, I reached her, but after hurting her a little bit, she eventually ran off."

"Well..." Zap muttered.

"And they're both in this hospital."


"Don't worry. We're getting out before them. I fucked Blake up, remember?"

"Yeah... what exactly did you do?"

"Beat the shit out of him. Nothing to do with the gun."

"Okay... I wasn't asking about the gun, but—"

"Oh, and you know, threw my knife in his shoulder. Bleeding out like Imagine Dragons."

"Damn. You really got him, huh?"

"I swear, if we weren't limited by the laws of the world—"


"Shut the fuck up. If we weren't limited by them, I'd make him feel hell on earth. Fuck him, and fuck Grace." Xin looked at her phone. "Well, since we can't have weapons or such in here, it's currently tucked safely at home."

"Good... to know."

Xin's phone started ringing. "Oh shit, a telemarketer. Give me a moment..." Xin answered her phone. "Hello? Uh huh? Mm... Yeah. Oh? Okay. Well, I'm not interested, so shut the fuck up and leave me alone." Xin hung up and put her phone back in her pocket.

"In...teresting approach," Zap said.

"Fuck you."

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