Zap + Xin - The Last Fight (Part 27)

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Part 27 — The Crowd

Zap came back with a sniper rifle, a 12-pack of beer, a box of tissues, and a lighter. "We might not need the sniper, but we best be cautious," he explained. Putting the gun aside, he pointed to the other supplies. "Ever wanted to make a fire?"

Azyra grinned. "We're going to fuck them up."

"We will. They may have anything they could get in at least three months, but what we have is all we need. If we could beat an assault rifle with only one bullet and a knife, we can beat them with this."

"Hell yeah," Xin said, equipping her pistol. "Hey, what's that crowd—"

"FUCK YOU TWO!!" Grace and Blake yelled, emerging from the crowd the three of them saw in front of the apartment complex. It was a crowd fully equipped with assault rifles and pistols.

"Well damn," Zap remarked. "That was quick. Ready?"

"In a bit," Azyra said. "I'd love to see how patient these bitches are.

"Now where the hell do you get friends like these?" Zap whispered to Xin.

Xin grinned. "I'm blessed, aren't I?"

"WE KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!!" Grace shouted.


"Wow. Those two are the most fucking impatient people I've ever seen," Azyra said. "That eager to die? Well, they're in for something."

Zap grabbed a beer bottle, popped open the cap, inserted a tissue, and grabbed the lighter. "Ready when you are."

"Okay. Let's go now. These bitches are going to visit hell tonight," Azyra said, gripping her pistol.

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