Zap + Xin - TLF (Alternate Ending #3)

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(Can't find it, so this'll be number 3)

Developed in the comments by VanguardRanger25

ALTERNATE Part 26 — Azyra the Avenger

After hearing what Grace and Blake did to Xin and Zap, Azyra went crazy. As soon as I get to that bitch and her fucking boyfriend, I'll give them pain they'll never be able to imagine. Walking outside, she noticed a crowd of people walking towards the apartment complex. Quickly, she ran into the nearby gun store and bought an assault rifle. She then walked towards the crowd, hiding the gun. As soon as she passed the last row of the crowd, she brought out her rifle and began firing at the crowd. With no-one nearby to watch, she fired as much as she could, dodging as she reloaded. She went through all the rows until only Grace and Blake were left. "Hello, motherfuckers. Ready to have some fun?"

Grace and Blake aimed their assault rifles at Azyra. Pulling the trigger, they began shooting at her, but Azyra was as fast as lightning. Dodging all the shots, she brought out her pistol and fired once. The shot landed in Blake's ankle. As he fell, Azyra fired another shot. The bullet landed in Grace's shoulder. Once they both fell, Azyra removed their weapons and pushed them until they were touching shoulders. She began to jump on them like she jumped on the bed as a little kid. Fun memories... except this is way more fun. This is for you, Xin. She then started to try and tapdance on them. She tripped multiple times, but made sure her whole body fell on them, not the cement below them. Eventually, she got bored. She grabbed her pistol, jammed her gun in Blake's head, and fired 3 shots. With him now dead, she moved to Grace. She found where she had gotten shot the first time and shot there again. "Fuck you, bitch!" She shot the other shoulder. "This is what you get for messing with Xin!" She shot her left hand. "You're a fucking asshole!" She shot her right foot. "Go to hell, bitch!" She shot her in the stomach. Now forcing her to look at Blake's dead body, she whispered in her ear, "Tell me what it's like down there." She smashed Grace's skull with Blake's, and as Grace fell back onto the cement, off of Blake, Azyra took her last shots shooting Grace around her body. Her last shot was in Grace's head.

Azyra whistled. "That was fun! But now... bodies are everywhere, and it's almost morning..." Azyra looked at her phone, which showed the time to be 5:30. "Well, time to go back to bed. I hope none of them noticed..." Azyra noticed a blood stain on her pistol as the sun began to rise. "Well, fuck you, Blake!" She wiped off the blood with Blake's shirt. She than skipped back to the apartment.

[Don't worry about what I said about your childhood and you skipping back. What really matters is that you fucked Grace up :)]

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