Part 4

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Ayushi Gupta..

She had everything in her life.A loving mother, an adorable father and an equally sweet younger sister.Everything and she was content with it, really content until HE entered in her life.

Arun, Arun Khurana.

She met him when she used to work in Kashyap's industries.A well known, reputed company of India and she got her job due to her amazing skills and talent and everyone was happy about her job especially her little sister.

Khushi Gupta

Who was apple of her eye!

Both the sisters were beauty personified, so innocent, so genuine and yet so intelligent that the one who sees them would do stop or turn around to glance one more time.

Khushi has turned just 23 then but for Ayushi she became more than a child because Khushi liked it that way.She was well pampered and well loved by her elder sister as well as her parents.

Khushi graduated in fashion designing and was out looking for a job while Ayushi excelled in accounting.And she got the job of accounting manager right from the start in the Kashyap's industries.

"Di..Di...Di...!!!!" Khushi shrieked as soon as Arushi entered in the home after a tiring day at office.

"Khushi! Khushi!!! Calm down and stop spinning me.My head is already aching." Ayushi rubbed her forehead as soon as Khushi left her.

"Oops Sorry Di.. Come, come sit here.I will massage your head."Khushi said giving her a light push to the dining chair and then sighed exasperated as her parents and sister looked at her as if she has grown two heads.

"What?" She whined.

" will massage my head?" Ayushi blinked her eyes shocked.

"Wait, wait, wait! My Khushi will move her hands? Won't they pain?"Their mother Shweta Gupta said stifling a smile while her face depicted shock.

"The girl who don't even get up to drink water will massage her sister's head? Unbelievable!"Their father Ram Gupta didn't back off too.

Khushi pouted as they all three bursted out laughing.

"Come on everyone! I am not that bad." She encircled her arms around Ayushi from behind and made a sad face.She was like this only. The Khushi who won't even touch a single work would and can do anything for her sister.She loved her that much.

Ayushi cupped the side of her cheek.

"Yes you are not sis! You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met. Inside out!"

Khushi smiled from ear to ear at the compliment.

"I know right!" She started massaging her sister's forehead while Shweta got up and started arranging the things for the dinner.

"Ab bol kyun itni excited thi huh?(Now tell me why were you so excited?)"

"I got the admission.Yayy!!" She started dancing around the hall again making Arushi laugh at her."Now I will do the diploma in interior designing.Can you believe it?"

"You are too much Khushi!" Ayushi said as Khushi pulled her to join in their dancing session too.

Their father looked at them from the corner of his eyes before smiling and shaking his head and then he engrossed himself in reading the file he was working on.

"Congratulations!" Ayushi hugged her and ruffled her hairs.

"Now come and sit. Eat dinner peacefully" Shweta said sternly with her eyes shining with love for them.

Khushi and Ayushi smiled before joining their parents for dinner.

They had their happy meal like everyday that night not knowing this was the last happy dinner they are going to have .. together.

Because next day, Ayushi didn't return from her office..not only the next day but also the day after and then when she returned, seeing her condition, Ram Gupta died of cardiac arrest the very next moment and Shweta gupta, she was reduced to the bed only due to brain stroke.And Ayushi, she a soul without life.She looked like a ghost who didn't care if she existed or not.

And just like that, in one day the Gupta family was reduced to ashes.

One dead body,

Two lifeless souls

And only one girl to handle it all.


That day Khushi Gupta grew several years...more than her age.

That was the day Khushi Gupta's chirpiness and bubbliness was burned along with her father's ashes.That was the day when her liveliness rolled out of her like the tears which rolled out of her mother's eyes.That was the day Khushi Gupta died seeing the hollow eyes of her sister, Ayushi Gupta.

"Di.." She would cry , yell , plead Ayushi to say something but she won't."Tell me, who did this to you? Please Di.." She wailed before her but it didn't affect her sister at all.As if, as if she didn't even listen it.

But when she spoke, Khushi wished she hadn't.

"Khushi...will you do me a favour?"

She nodded her head vigorously biting back the tears.

"Maar de mujhe..(Kill me)"

"Di.." She sobbed throwing her arms around her."Don't say like that. Please don't.I can't see you and Maa like this. Please..."

"Maar de mujhe..."

"Maar de mujhe..."

"Maar de mujhe..."

Ayushi kept repeating it rocking herself in her embrace.

"KHUSHI!!!" someone shook her harshly and she stepped back alarmed and found Arnav standing before her looking at her tearful eyes with his questioning ones until they hardened again as he remembered her deceit.


"Glass is full. Do you want to drown this house in water by your idiotic ways?"He said rudely.

She nodded in a no wiping the tear that rolled down her eyes before composing herself.

"I .. I am sorry.. I didn't mean to.. I was just.."

"Day dreaming huh?!" He spoke ruthlessly."Planning to trap another rich man in your fake innocence?"


"Save it! And bring my breakfast into my room in 5 minutes. I have been calling you from my room for many minutes but you were so busy in your mind games that I had to come here myself to ask for my breakfast.."

"I am ..."

"I said save it. Now hurry up.I am already getting late." Saying this he stormed upstairs not looking at his Anjali Di who has seeing this standing at the door of the kitchen.


How dare she even think about this word let alone say it?!

He sat back on his leather chair with worry nagging his mind now more profound then ever.

Living without her, he has tolerated it somehow but how would he survive when she won't belong to him anymore?

She won't dare.

"She knows I would not give her divorce. Ever."He muttered restlessly.

How dare she ask him to let her go? Slip away from his hands?

Then what is your relationship with her? You both are already living separately then why not make it official? Some part of his brain sneered at him.

No, we didn't stay together doesn't mean we were apart. His heart countered.

Yeah right. If you were so close to her then why don't you know anything about her? You know nothing because you mean nothing for her.Either you keep this relation or break it, it won't make a difference to her because it never had. Another sneer came from his brain.

And this time, his heart just slowed down not having any counter argument.

He has tried every possible way to find something, anything about her.He did it in past and he did it again in the present but nothing ... Nothing came out of it except for what he already knew about her.

His eyes suddenly turned hard as a thought struck him.

He dialed a number.


"Chote? What's up? Its 9 pm. When are you planning to get back home huh? I am starving."

"Err Di.. Don't wait for me. Eat and go to sleep. I will meet you in the morning." He couldn't hide the quiver in his voice and Anjali quickly caught it.

"Chote..?" She asked, he knew what.

"Nothing Di. Just work stress. I will be back tomorrow. I promise."

"What are you hiding from me?" She asked not paying heed to his explanations.

He sighed running his free hand on his face.

"Di.. I .."

"Hmm?" She urged him.

"I... actually..."He felt his insides choke with immensible pain that saying something more than a word became a difficult task.

"Chote, now you are scaring me. Where are you? I am coming there."

"No, no Di. I.. am fine."

"No you are not."

He heard the shuffling from the other side.He knew she must already be getting her bag and wearing her slippers to reach him.

"Di.. I am okay. Di listen to me!" he said firmly.

"I will not stop until I reach you, okay?" He heard her rigid tone.

So he didn't have any other option but to blurt out.

"She is back Di... She is in Delhi."

There was a minute silence on the other side before he heard her.


"Hmm" He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"What is going on in your mind Chote. Tell me? You didn't do anything wrong did you?"

He closed his eyes at her question. Khushi's condition when she left his cabin a few hours ago swam before his eyes and guilt washed over him.

His silence was enough for Anjali to know the answer of her question.

"Not again Chote. Why do you hurt her and eventually yourself so much? Why don't you just..."

"Why don't I just .. what Di? What?" he bursted."Love her? Without any questions? Love her, when she said someone else is more, very much important for her than me? Love her without knowing anything about her? Love her when she doesn't share anything with me? Love her when she refused to tell me why she came back from Pune? I .. Di.." He trailed off trying to hide the emotions in his voice.He was on the verge of breaking down.Two years was a long time to have it all buried inside him.One day it has to come out.

But he can't let himself be weak this easily.He has bore it all for years, he can do it again.


"She can't break me like this Di. I.. won't let her." He swallowed.

"Listen to me Chote..."

"No Di. You listen to me. Its important."He cut her.


"Di, make all the arrangement to welcome the bride of Raizada Mansion. I will bring her home tomorrow.For sure!"

Anjali gasped and before she could speak more, he dropped the call.

Anjali has tried, tried hard to help Khushi but she was bound by her brother's swear.

"Help her and you'll see my dead face."Arnav has said placing Anjali's hand over his head making her swear on him and Anjali never felt more helpless than she felt at that time.No matter what, she can't see anything happening to her brother.

Since the day he has asked from Kashyaps for Khushi working in RM as maid, he has given leave to each and every servant in RM and that includes an army of servants who used to look around the house, some worked in kitchen,some in garden and some were for keeping the house clean.

He has given a paid leave to them all and has assigned all of this work to Khushi not very kindly though.

Khushi without a word has started doing it making Anjali feel immense pity for her because mansion was so big that when whole lot of servant worked along then it took atleast three hours for them to completely clean it and here, all was this upon Khushi..just a single girl.

Not only this, she had to prepare meals three times a day and on time because one minute above the exact time then Arnav would insult Khushi with words that gripped Anjali's heart painfully and make her eyes well up then what they must be doing to Khushi, she couldn't even imagine.

In just a week of working in RM, Khushi has lost weight and she looked pale and worn out, her cheek bones were visible but that girl won't open her mouth, she won't complain, she won't wince and she won't open up about her lie to Arnav either.

Anjali didn't know what her brother wanted? Why was he torturing that poor soul and in return himself like this? Because she has seen his eyes when he would see Khushi working in the mansion and she knew he was punishing himself by not caring for her.Punishing himself in a way that was killing him and Khushi from inside yet none of them was ready to back off.Khushi won't speak and Arnav won't give up until she did.

And then the day arose when it all reached beyond limits.

"What is this? Isse daal kehte hain kya?"He yelled at Khushi standing besides his chair serving him.Anjali noticed he was avoiding looking at Khushi and she knew why.Looking at her makes her own her heart clench then how much painful it must be for her Chote who is the reason for all of it?!


"I don't need excuses. Go and make it again!" he shoved the plate aside.

"Okay."Khushi took the bowl and went to the kitchen.

While as Anjali tasted it and found nothing wrong in the daal, She looked straight into Arnav's eyes to which he just averted his eyes.She clenched her teeth.This is heights of cruelness.

"Its too spicy dammit!"

"It doesn't have any taste at all."

"Dammit! You forgot to put the salt in it."

"Its too much salt in it."

"It isn't good. Make it again!"

And then it continued for next two hours.He would make up an excuse to make her make the dish again and again and when for this thirteenth time she served him and he opened his mouth to dismiss it too, Anjali had had enough.

"That's enough Chote!" She exclaimed annoyed."Khushi ji, go and take some rest.Already too much stress is on you."She can't help her but she can stop something which she can.

"She isn't going anywhere until I eat what I like.She will make the dish again if it isn't good this time too."Arnav spoke cruelly.There was something in his eyes which scared Anjali, her brother was never this mean.How could he do this now?

He tasted the daal and literally spitted it out this time right on the floor.Khushi looked at him shocked.

"Chote don't be so mean and cruel!" Anjali reprimanded him sternly to which he ignored her and finally raised his head up to look into Khushi's eyes which were sunken and she looked quite weak.Immense rush of emotions overruled him coupled with anger for still feeling for her, he took the bowl of daal and mixed whole bowl of red chillies in it and raised it up to her face.

"You wanted me to eat the spicy food.Now you will! Eat!"

Anjali's eyes widened."Chote.."She couldn't imagine he could act like a monster, unemotional beast.

"I..."Khushi's eyes teared up finally.She looked ready to breakdown.It wasn't easy to take up this kind of humiliation without breaking down and she has endured this for a week.It didn't hurt her when she was working in Kashyap Mansion because she wasn't emotionally attached to them.But here, before her was this man for whom she has felt something which she haven't felt for anyone else ever and it hurts like hell to receive this kind of treatment from him and try as she might, she couldn't stop her heart from breaking every time he would humiliate her one way or the other.

"What are you looking at? Eat!!" He ordered maniacally.

With quivering hands and burning eyes, she took up the bowl but before she could eat, Anjali snatched it from her and thumped the bowl back on the table glaring at Arnav.

A sob left Khushi's mouth while Arnav clenched his jaws looking down at his threaded fingers with unshed, anguished tears shining in his eyes.

"Khushi ji go to your room and rest.."When Khushi glanced at Arnav scared for his reaction, Anjali said sternly this time."He won't say anything. Go!"

She nodded wiping her tears before tracing her way back to her room that is store room.Arnav was generous enough to let her stay there wasn't he?

As Khushi left, Anjali turned her attention to her brother.


He looked up at her call and Anjali had to swallow to look at the state of her brother.

"Look at me Di. Look at me and see what she has done to me!" He hoarsed and Anjali quickly went to him and gathered him in her arms.As he broke down in her arms, she made up her mind.

Its time she has some serious conversation with that certain Khushi for the sake of her brother.

She was kneading the flour when she heard the door bell.Washing her hands, she walked to the door and opened it without looking at the key hole because if she had, she wouldn't have made the mistake to pull open the door.

But as she did in her own thoughts, she found the man in her thoughts standing before her with unreadable look on his face.

"Arnavji.." She gasped and was about to shut the door on his face when he pushed it back harshly and stepped inside closing it behind.

"Hi to you too darling!"

"Is this the way to enter someone's house at..this time of the night?"She was flustered and...apprehensive.

What is he doing here?

" far as your latter question is concerned, its only midnight not very late though and to answer your former question.Its not someone's house, its my wife's.I can and would enter whenever I want to."

"Coming from the man who never gave me the right to be his wife.I was always a toy for you to play and upon whom you'll show your anger on."

"Who made me that rage-full huh?"he growled coming closer to her.

"I don't want to argue again and again with you on this.Please leave!"She said looking into his eyes.

"Oh I will but not without you baby!"

"Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean?"

He walked around her and threw himself on the couch leisurely.

"Well, we have this whole night to discuss that but for now I am hungry.Get me some food will you?"

"Why would I entertain you? Go to your home and eat whatever you want to."She fumed.

"Its because of you that I haven't had a morsel of food for the whole day so only you should compensate for that."

"I didn't make anything today."She said straight forwardly.

"Toh ab bana lo..(Then make it now!)"

" ..."

"Either you gonna get me some food or I will eat something else for the dinner...and trust me I will have it all night."

A shiver ran down her spine.

She gulped taking a step back as his eyes roamed over her body as if he would actually do it, as if he wanted her to defy him and he would act on his words.

Her throat turned dry before she silently went to the kitchen and started making dinner for the unexpected and uninvited visitor.

Within an hour she prepared the meal and arranging it on the small dining in the kitchen, she came back to the living room to call him only to find him sleeping on the couch in an awkward position.His head was tilted to the side while his legs were spread on the table forward.Little bit movement and he would fall down.

Walking slowly to him, she sat besides him and involuntarily her hand raised up to his hairs before she removed the locks falling on his forehead.He looked like he hasn't slept peacefully for days or maybe...years.Even in this uncomfortable position, he was snoring softly as if he was having the most comfortable sleep ever.

Her eyes teared up.She took his hand in hers and then sat there watching him unblinkingly.She has missed him.She has missed his anger, his rude words, his possessiveness, his eyes, his hairs, his face, his hands, his...lips.She swallowed.

If it was upto her, she would've given away anything to be with him but being with him would mean involving him in the mess her life has been for many years now.She don't want to involve him in any of this.Already two of the most important people's life was in danger.She can't add one more important person's life into this.She won't be able to lose him.Not at any cost.She was strong but not that to bear the loss of losing him.She has survived the death of her father, her mother and...

He squirmed in his position and would've fallen down if she hadn't caught his shoulders right at the time.

She stood up and made him properly lie down on the couch before going inside her room, fetching the blanket and covering him with it.He was so into deep sleep that these movements didn't wake him up even a slightest bit.

Giving him one last glance she was about to turn when a tug at her duppata hitched her breath in her throat.She quickly turned and sighed in relief finding him asleep and her duppata stuck under him.She tried to free it but to no avail and in this, he turned in his sleep and her hand got pressed under his arm.She huffed and not having any other option sat down besides the couch only and placed her head on his arm not wanting to wake him up because he looked so peaceful in his sleep.Within seconds she was asleep too.

In the morning, Arnav was the first one to wake up and when he did.He looked around disoriented before things starting dawning on him.He has come here in Khushi's apartment last night and he had a purpose of coming here.

What pleased his eyes was seeing her face closed to his first thing in the morning and what he didn't like was the way she was awkwardly sleeping on the floor.Her hand was in his firm grip and he realized what must have stopped her from going to her room.

He was waiting for her to prepare the meal when the day's tension has gotten into him and he has closed his eyes leaning back on the sofa to relax a bit and he didn't realize when did he sleep and he didn't had this much good nap in the last two years which he had on this small couch which even though couldn't accommodate his whole form perfectly at all.

Khushi was a really light sleeper and little bit movement from his side woke her up.The first thing she did after waking up was yawn leisurely spreading her arms and that's when her eyes caught the sight of the man drooling over her.She immediately held back her hands embarrassed.Events of the last night came back to her mind and so did her anxiety of the purpose of his visit.She hoped he won't ask her questions again because she won't be able to answer him like always.

She got up at once and announced.

"I will prepare breakfast. Will you have it?"She knew he didn't had anything yesterday.He must be hungry.

He nodded.

"Khushi?" He called.

She turned to him.


"I want to freshen up.Show me the way to your bathroom."

"Uh yeah.Come" She walked and he trailed behind her.

As she left him in her room and showed him the bath, she came out to the kitchen and started making breakfast for the two.

They both didn't realize but it was the first time they didn't argue while talking.It was the first civil conversation they had without pulling, pushing, hard words exchange.

But for how long this civilization will last, only time could tell or the topic which Arnav would bring up for which he was here.

Arnav came out of the bath with his wet hairs, his hairs were falling on his forehead giving him formal rugged look.

He came out and found Khushi working in the open kitchen behind the counter.She was frying the eggs when she spotted him.

"Sit there. I am almost done."She pointed to the dine at a corner of the kitchen.He went and sat without a word and watched her working efficiently wearing a blue color apron.Her hairs were tied up in a messy bun with a few locks peeking at her face which she would move behind from time to time with the back of her hands.

The sight made his mouth dry.He suddenly got an urge to get up, stand behind her and wrap his arms around her waist, dove to her neck...pepper kisses there and then down and down...and...He gulped clearing his throat.

She placed the omelette before him along with the slices and a cup of tea.

She untied the apron and was about to leave when he had had enough of silence.

"Won't you have breakfast too?"

"I will have it later. You have it. You must be getting late for office."She didn't meet his eyes.

"Stop!"He ordered.She did who was trying to get away."Sit and eat with me."

"I..said, I will ..."

So here it goes again!

"Kabhi toh mairi koi baat bina sawal kiye maan liya karo Khushi!(For once listen to me without any questions!)"He said disappointed.

She didn't say anything.Serving herself the same things, she sat down across him and then they both had the breakfast together...silently.

She was cleaning the table when he came behind her and said,

"Now pack your things."

"Why?"She was actually startled.

"What...why? You are going to stay with me from now RM."He stated.


"Yeah!" He said and moved to the living room.She followed him furiously.

"What is this new condition?"

"No condition. I have made up my mind to give our relationship another chance."

"Aur ye khayal apko tab aya jab humne kaha k hum divorce case file karein gay?(And you got this notion when I said I would be filing for divorce?)"She taunted.

"You can't get divorce even if you tried."He was calm, very calm.

"Why can't I? I will go to the court."

"Even then, you won't get it."

She frowned.

"Why don't you let your little brain rest and ask me?"He smirked.

She caught his collars.

"What games have you played this time?"

He chuckled.

Removing her hands from his collars, he stepped back and took out a few stapled papers from his blazer's pocket.

"See this and you will know."

She took the papers with shaky hands.

They were their marriage agreement which she remember she has signed that day years ago due to...she shook her head not wanting to recall it all.

She went through them and didn't find anything out of place.

What was he talking about?

Maybe he read the confusion on her face, she heard him say.

"Read the clause no.8"

She turned the page and reading the clause, she went pale.

The authority to give divorce will be in Mr.Raizada's hand.He will decide when and how he would end this relationship and in case, Khushi Gupta tried to nullify this marriage then it will be illegal and Mr.Raizada could take the help of the court to keep his wife with him.

"This is rubbish!"She exclaimed.

"This is the truth darling! See the signature at the end.They are yours and mine."

She pushed him away and tore the papers into pieces and threw them on his face.

"Grow up Khushi. Will you stop being so predictable? I knew you would do this.These.."he pointed to the torn papers on the floor."...were the copies of the original papers.Do you really think I would hand over the original ones to you for you to tear them?"He raised his eyebrow.

She went around him and fell on the couch with her head in her hands.

It was all her fault.If she hadn't fallen weak and haven't went to AR to see him then all this wouldn't have happened and she wouldn't have fallen into another mess.In this entangled rue with him.He wouldn't have seen her and all those questions wouldn't have risen again and he wouldn't have been here forcing her to come back to RM.It all started because of her and it was happening again because of her.Because of her, they have come face to face again and only due to her, he wants her RM.

"Stay there and sulk.."She heard him say."I will go to your room and pack your bags."

"Don't!" She growled and came up to him angrily."You can't decide what to do and what not to always Mr.Raizada. Jab apka mann kiya humein apni zindagi se nikal diya aur jab ap ka mann kiya wapis bula liya?! Nahi Mr.Raizada aisa nahi hoga aur iss bar toh bilkul bhi nahi..(When you wanted you threw me out of your life and now you want to add me back there. No Mr.Raizada all the things won't happen as per your likes forever and this time, don't even think about it!)"Her eyes were spitting fire at him.

"I want to kiss you right now." He said instead calmly and he did what he said in the next moment.

She gasped pulling back with tears shining in her eyes.His kisses always made her vulnerable and he knew that his touch make her weak and so much at that she forget about her surroundings and lose her senses and it happened that exact moment too.She was lost...and intoxicated as he didn't give her time to think and kissed her again holding her encaged in his arms.

"You will pack your things or should I?" He husked touching his forehead with hers.She was gasping for breaths.

"I will..."She rasped."NOT!!!!" She pushed him away gathering her bearings."I told you this time I won't listen to anything you say."

"You will!"

"I WON'T!"

"Fine, If you can't come to RM to stay with me then I will come here to live with you.In that way we will have more privacy."He said calmly with a poker face."Well coming to think of it.Back at home there is only Di who stay there apart from me and she isn't an invader of privacy I swear!"He smirked winking at her.

"Get lost!"

"Gladly but with you only!"

She huffed.

"Arnavji... please. Try to understand me.I can't..."She pleaded.

He tugged her closer.

"No, you understand Khushi Singh Raizada.I DO NOT TRUST YOU! I don't trust anything you say so I have to keep an eye on you so that you don't do anything to nullify this marriage!"

"I.." His words that he doesn't trust her pricked her in the heart.

"Say yes Khushi, you don't have a choice.I am here to get you and I am not leaving without you."

Her shoulders slumped.She knew, there was no way out of this.

Out of ASR's reach!

"I will come with you...but on one condition!"She finally settled something in her mind.


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