Hunted Royal Family

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Jeongguk sat Jimin on his bed as he walked out of the room to get bandages and other things to treat Jimin's wound. He came back and kneeled down and brought Jimin's leg up. Jeongguk checks it before wiping off the extra blood. He licked it which caused Jimin to scream and kick him away. Jeongguk fell to the ground hard.

"What the fuck?!" Jeongguk groaned.

"Why did you lick me?!"

"Because your wound will heal faster that way since it's just a scrape." He sat up and wiped off Jimin's leg.

"I thought you didn't wanna touch me! You just licked me!"

"Will you stop screaming? I have to do your cheek."

"Do not lick my- AH! JEONGGUK!" Jimin wiped his cheek with an exasperated gasp.

Jeongguk fell back and laughed hard, holding his stomach as Jimin wiped off his cheek as hard as he could.

Jeongguk had grabbed Jimin's face before having his tongue flat against Jimin's cheek before licking up his cheek. A smirk on his face as he still held Jimin's face. Jimin's face turned bright red in a matter of seconds before screaming at the feeling of Jeongguk's tongue.

"Notice you have no scar?" Jeongguk smiled after his laughing fit stopped.

Jimin touched his cheek, smooth skin, any sign he was scratched completely gone.

"How?" Jimin's eyes grew to saucers as he rubbed his cheek.

Jeongguk stuck his tongue out, pointing to it.

"Zeaquu saliva has healing qualities."

"Wow." Jimin reached forward and squeezed Jeongguk's face and looked into his mouth.

Jimin giggled as he looked at Jeongguk's sharp fangs.

"I like your teeth." Jimin smiled. Jeongguk raised an eyebrow as he shut his mouth.

"You're so weird." Jeongguk laughed laying on his bed. Silky red covers and pillow cases. Black lace around the pillows. His arms behind his bed as Jimin sat up next to him, back facing the head board as he looked forward.

"You know, I never thought you'd be comfortable enough with me to let me sit on your bed." Jimin laughed as he turned to Jeongguk.

Jeongguk chuckled, his muscles flexing.

"You let me know about your past and your emotions." Jimin straddled Jeongguk's waist, hands on his stomach as his back was straight. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you liked me."

"In your dreams, shorty."

"I'm not that short!"

Jimin smacked Jeongguk's stomach as Jeongguk laughed. They talked a little more, Jimin still on top of Jeongguk, they didn't notice their potion strangely enough.

"You really haven't heard the stories humans spread about us?" Jeongguk chuckled.

Jimin shook his head.

"We'll I've heard they say we're big blood thirsty animals that feast on humans."

"You could never eat me, you're too soft." Jimin poked Jeongguk.

"I've killed a man at five and you think I couldn't eat you?" Jeongguk arched an eyebrow farther up his forehead.

"Nope, you killed in the moment. Doubt you'd do it again." Jimin smirked arms crossed.

Jeongguk laughed in disbelief before sitting up and pinning Jimin down on the bed. Jimin's eyed wide as he gasped staring up at Jeongguk who's eyes glowed a golden yellow.  Jeongguk kneeled in between Jimin's legs with a smirk.

"I could eat you if I wanted to, but I doubt you taste good." Jeongguk smirked.

"Hey! I'm sure I taste delicious!" Jimin defended.

"Why are you fighting this? Do you want me to eat you?" Jeongguk laughed as his eyes dimmed slightly.

"No, of course not. But you have the audacity to say I'd taste disgusting!"

"I didn't say that."

"That's what you implied." Jimin spoke as he looked to the side with a pout.

Jeongguk laughed down at Jimin who whined for Jeongguk to let him go.

"Why should I?"

"You said I'd taste gross so there's no point in you holding me down." Jimin hmphed with a pout.

"Do you want me to try? See if you do taste good?" Jeongguk teased as he leaned towards Jimin's lips.

Jimin's breathing picked up as he thought Jeongguk was about to kiss him. His chest was riding and fall in quickly as he looked down at Jeongguk who's focus was in his lips. Jeongguk was just barely touching Jimin's lips before the door bursts open revealing a yelling Taehyung about something.

Jeongguk's head looked up to Taehyung slowly as Jimin turned a bright red panicking. Taehyung stopped talking, mouth wide open as he looked at the sight in front of him. Namjoon walking up behind him.

"So did he-" Namjoon stopped as he saw a yellow eyed Jeongguk pinning a bright pink Jimin down on his bed, in between Jimin's legs.

"What the fu-!"

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Jeongguk and Jimin walked downstairs to the standing couple who waited for them, accompanied by Jieun. Namjoon rushed to Jeongguk as Jimin skipped to Taehyung.

"Bana icho no kemio?!" Namjoon whisper shouted. (What the fuck was that?!)

"Han." Jeongguk looked to the side. (Nothing.)

"Han?! Lotat?" (Nothing?! Really?)

"What color were my eyes, brother?"

"Golden yellow." Namjoon sighed.

"Exactly, I was only teasing. Besides, I would never do that to our parents." Jeongguk walked by Namjoon, shoulder smashing into his.

"You can't fall in love with that boy. You know that."

Jeongguk stopped then turned to his brother.

"I know. I won't." Jeongguk told to Namjoon as he walked to join the group.

"What was that in the bedroom?" Taehyung whispered to Jimin who suddenly had a coughing fit.


"Jeongguk had you pinned down and was about to kiss you."

Jimin shook his head quickly, "No no no, that's not what was happening. Uhm, what are we doing?" Jimin tried changing the subject.

Jieun and Taehyung eyed each other before Jieun spoke.

"We're hunting. We're running low on food so today we hunt for meat, tomorrow we gather fruits and herbs."

Jimin nodded as they walked deeper into the forest meeting up with a group of Zeaquus.

Jimin watched as they all ran off through the forest or jumped into trees. He stood shocked before Jeongguk grabbed his arm jumping up to a high branch on a tree. Jimin gasped out as he held onto the trunk of the tree. Jeongguk jumped from tree to tree holding onto Jimin until they heard a lot of snickering. Two people in cloaks held each other as they turned their heads around to see a sea of purple eyes. They panicked and feared for their lives. Is this where they die?

"Look at that! Some trespassers. Should we kill them and eat them or feed them to our animals?" A young Zeaquu chuckled as she leaned forward, in a crouching frog position.

"I doubt they'd taste good." Another laughed maniacally.

"Can we kill 'em king? Lepownim?" One laughed, sounding like a hyena.

Jeongguk chuckled as he looked at the two trembling bodies before they looked up. He laughed out loud and jumped down. Jimin jumped down after him, Jeongguk caught him and sat him down. A herd of Zeaquus jumped down after them and the duo screamed while crying.

"Jimin. Do they look familiar?" Jeongguk smirked to Jimin.

The duo looked up as Jimin looked at them.

"Mother? Jinnie?" Jimin gasped.

The duo ran to Jimin and hugged him tightly.

"Great, more boonji!" A Zeaquu cried.

Jeongguk laughed as he looked to the tree that held his brother and Taehyung. He bit his lip and looked back down.

"What are you doing here?"

"We missed you." Seokjin sighed.

"I just saw you yesterday."

"Yeah well, the castle has been getting bad. Evan and your father are at each other's throats." The queen cried.

Jimin looked to Jeongguk who rolled his eyes already knowing what that meant.

"Bonan hajiko quokla." Jeongguk sighed as he turned to Jimin. (Go on without me.)

Namjoon jumped down. Seokjin and the queen gasped out seeing this tall red eyed Zeaquu man. He towered over them as he walked to them.

Jeongguk walked and stood in front of the queen, Seokjin, and Jimin.

"Aruo protoco kio nan?" Namjoon growled to Jeongguk as his eyes grew bright red. Glowing throughout the forest. (Are you protecting them?)

Jeongguk's eyes shown just as bright as he stood in front of his brother.

"I am not." Jeongguk whispered.

"You fucking are." Namjoon barked.

"Joon, now is not the time." Jeongguk sighed as he looked to his brother sadly.

Namjoon tsked before lifting his hand up, turning it in a circle as all the Zeaquus howled and ran off. Namjoon stared at his brother backing up before running off. Jeongguk scoffed before turning around and walking to the palace. Jimin held his mother and brother's hands as they walked behind Jeongguk. Jeongguk walked into the palace and up the stairs to his room slamming the doors. Jimin brought the queen and Seokjin to his room. He sat them on his bed.

"You said it's bad?"

"Terrible! Evan wants to hunt for you but your father wants to leave you to yourself." The queen sighed holding her hands over his chest.

"And I overheard that he plans to have a group of soldiers look for you. They plan to take dad and lock him away." Seokjin whispered.

Jimin crossed his arms.

"I don't plan to ever come back."

The queen stood up quickly. "Why?!"

"I can't stand to look at father right now. Nor do I want to even think about Evan."

"You have to come back! He might destroy our kingdom."

"I don't want to talk about any of this right now!"

Jimin sighed before leaving the room, he knocked on Jeongguk's bedroom door before opening it. He saw another door opened and the sound of a piano playing. He walked to the room and saw Jeongguk playing a piano. Like the one he had at home.


"My brother got this from the human world for my sixteenth birthday."

Jeongguk turned to Jimin.

"It's because of you he's pissed at me. It's because of you that he looks at me with a hint of doubt. It's because of you and your fucking family my people are scarred and I don't have parents! How do I know your mother and brother aren't here as spies to report back and have humans invade us! Why did you have to come here and confuse me?!" Jeongguk screamed as he clutched the seat next to the piano he was sitting on.

Jimin was shocked as he stepped back. Jeongguk looked up the Jimin as angry hot tears fell from his eyes. Jimin walked cautiously towards Jeongguk, sitting next to him.


Jimin touched Jeongguk who pushed him off. Jeongguk stood up and walked out of the room. Jimin sighed as he stood up. He just got on Jeongguk's good side. Hell, not that long ago Jeongguk had him pinned down and now he doesn't even want to look at him. He refused to be set back like this. He's actually starting to like Jeongguk. He doesn't like, like him. Heck no, he'd never kiss him or love him or anything, obviously. He just thinks he's nice and caring.

Jimin walked back to his room and flopped onto the bed. His mother rubbed his back as he sighed.

"What's wrong?" Seokjin asks as he flopped next to Jimin.

"He's mad at me now."



Seokjin snorted, "Why do you care so much? He's not the one that kept you here. Wasn't it the kings husband?"

"Yeah but I've just been around Jeongguk more. I feel more connected with him."

Seokjin laughed before laying on his back.

"You can't feel connected with him. You sound like you're in love and you can't be in love with him either." Seokjin let out a belly laugh as Jimin stood up on his knees.

"What? Why?"

"It's forbidden. Humans can't be in love with those beasts."

Jimin cut his eyes at Seokjin.

"Stop calling them that."

"You didn't hear them say they were going to eat us?"

Jimin rolled his eyes.

"They were kidding. They don't eat people."

"Sure. Besides, you can't date them anyway, that's disrespectful to father. Those monsters almost killed him and tried taking you away." Seokjin turned to Jimin.

Jimin laughed breathlessly.

"They almost kill him? That's funny."

"Jimin, this is no joke." The queen snapped.

"Mama, you know thats a lie."


"You were there weren't you? When father killed Jeongguk's parents. Killed the king right in front of Jeongguk and his wife. Laughed at the poor boy as he stood over their headless bodies." Jimin snapped.

"Jimin how did you-" The queen stood up, eyes wide.

"That's not true, right ma?" Seokjin sat up.

"Tell him, mother."

"Yes, it's true. How did you-"

"Jeongguk told me. He showed me. That's why he hates us so much."

Jimin stood up and grabbed Seokjin.

"Where are we going?! Why are we leaving, mother? Did father really kill his parents?"

"You're the only person I can tolerate in this family and yes he did. You'll see when we get there."

They were going where Jimin hoped he could find the pained prince.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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