Questions and Betrayal

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The queen looked up and lunged towards the bars. Pulling them as he cried for her "son."

"Seokjin! Tell them to let me out! Son! Please!"

Seokjin stared at her disgustingly.

"Why us?"

"What?" She whispered.

"Why us? Why me and my brother? Why not a human child?"

"What're you talking about?"

"My brother and I are not your children. Not only are we not your children but we are not humans. You killed our parents and took us."

She was quiet.

"My husband will come for me."

"Answer my question."

"And when he does all of you will die."

"God dammit will you answer me!"

"Because I saw the fear in your eyes!"

"You caused that fear."

The queen's eyes starting to water as her throat tightened. She looked into Seokjin's eyes before sobbing out.

"I couldn't have a child of my own. I was drawn to you two and I knew no other way to get you."

"Why me and my brother? You took our parents from us then just fucking wiped our memories! Stripped us from who we are. How?!"

The queen was quiet.

"After we took you, we took an older man who practiced magic. He said he could erase your powers and memories."

Namjoon's eyes darkened. "You took one of our elders."

She ignored him and continued.

"So once we got back to the castle, he did as he said. He removed everything relating to here. I watched as your marks disappeared and your hair color and eye color changed. Soon, you only knew me as your mother."

"That explains why your husband never looked at us with pride or love. He knew what we were. And he knew what he had done."

"Your father-"

"He isn't my father."

"My husband always wanted children, just not blue faced children."

"What happened to the man that wiped their powers?" Namjoon asked.

"He was killed." The queen spat.

Namjoon sighed.

"I love you, Jinnie." The queen whispered.

Seokjin just looked at her before leaving. Namjoon following behind.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Evan smirked to himself as he knocked on Ziema's door. Ziema was upstairs in his room when he heard the knock. He ran down wearing an oversized shirt and panties. He ran his fingers through his hair before opening the door. He let out a gasp as he pulled Evan into his house. Looking back and forth before shutting the door.

"What're you doing here?!" Ziema yelled.

"I wanted to see you."

Ziema rolled his eyes.

"To see me?"

Evan nodded as he walked towards Ziema, holding his waist.

"What're you getting at, human?" Ziema eyed Evan as he smirked down at him.

"Nothing. I just simply wanted to see you. Is that a crime?"

"I guess it's not. But you could've been seen."

Evan leaned down closer to Ziema, "That's the thrill of it."

Ziema's lips curved as he looked up to Evan. He found the human interesting. Nothing like that annoying little human that resides in the palace. He liked this human, found him interesting.

"I have a proposition for you." Evan moved back and walked towards a table and ran his fingers over the surface.

"Oh yeah?"

"You want the prince and I want my fiance."

Ziema nodded, "Yes?"

"So. I'll take my fiance soon. What day will the kingdom be off guard enough for me to take my fiance with me?" Evan smirked to himself, back facing Ziema.

"Probably in two days. It's been a little much here, but I'm sure it'll be quiet then."

"Perfect. I'll come by then." Evan smirked as he walked towards the door.

"Thanks for the help."

Ziema nodded as he left.

Nothing bad will come of this right? Evan will just take his fiance and go. Then Ziema can get back the love of his life. Everything will be-

Knock knock knock.

Ziema opened the door and saw Jeongguk's main soldiers.

"Jennie, Rosé, Lisa, Jisoo. How can I help you?"

The four girls push themselves into his small home and shut the door.

"Who was that?" Jennie barked.

"A human? If so, why was he here with you?" Rosé added.

"I've been seeing him in and out of your home. I thought you hated humans." Lisa interrogated.

"Well I-"

"Does the Sergeant know about this?" Jisoo steps forward.

"You could put us all in danger you know that right? Whether it be a Zeaquu ends up killing him and that starts a war. Or he brings his own people and starts a war. You never think before you do!" Jisoo screamed at him.

Ziema took and breathe before he looked up, "He's a prince."

"Prince?!" All four girls screamed.

"He's Jimin's fiance."

"You let that man into your home?!" Jennie rushed forward.

"He said he'd come and take Jimin back so then I could-"

"Have Jungkook when you KNOW he isn't yours!" Lisa crossed her arms.

"That man abuses Jimin." Rosé looked down sadly.

Ziema's eyes shook.

"He w-what."

"He hits the poor boy. Why else would he have run away?" Jennie held Rosé's arms.

"I thought he-"

"Was some spoiled brat, huh? Fuck you, Ziema." Lisa growled.

All four girls left but Jisoo stopped and turned around.

"You'll have to tell lepownim. That prince will bring humans and will bring war. If we aren't ready, we could be wiped out. Don't forget, we don't have a Dragon or Phoenix." Jisoo pointed her black pointed nail at Ziema.

Ziema shook as he realized what he had done. He watched the girls leave before shutting the door. He couldn't tell Jeongguk. He just couldn't!

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Jimin turned his body in Jeongguk's bed to look at him. His eyes were closed as his left arm rested under Jimin and his hand was on the small of his back. His leg was propped up as his right hand rested on Kama's head.



"Do you think I'll ever get my powers back? My look? A-and my memories of my parents?"

Jeongguk opened his eyes and looked to Jimin who had a pout. He kissed his pout away and smiled.

"I'm sure everything will come to you."

"But when? I want to be my true self." Jimin's puppy eyes looked up to Jeongguk who awed then started attacking him with kissed.

Jimin released giggles.

"I know, babes. I know you do."

"I want these markings." Jimin caressed Jeongguk's face.

"And these nails." Jimin rubbed Jeongguk's hands.

"And teeth! I like your teeth!" Jimin giggled as he squished Jeongguk's face

Jeongguk chuckled then pecked Jimin's lips  as his were puckered.

"Why did they have to take us?" Jimin sighed as he laid on top of Jeongguk's chest.

"I don't know, Min."

"A-and they made us forget who we were! I hate them."

"I know you do. I do too."

"Are we going to let her go?"

Jeongguk was quiet. Jimin turned his head, chin resting on Jeongguk's chest.

"We have you, your brother, and the queen. As far as the humans know, you're gone, maybe kidnapped, and human. So, they'll come looking for you."

Jimin frowned. Jeongguk patted his face and smiled.

"And we'll be ready when they do."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"You're ridiculous!" Taehyung groaned as he laid on their shared bed. Head rested on his arm.

"I'm not! You are! You're acting like it isn't a valid conclusion."

"You want me to believe Jimin is Luna?"


"You can't have a Luna without a Zingzu. So? Who's his Zingzu?" Taehyung entertained the idea. (You can't have a moon without a sun. So? Who's his sun?)


"Your brother?" Taehyung looked at his husband questioningly.

He stood up and touched the back of his hand to his husbands forehead, "Are you feeling okay."

"Pinibi, I'm serious! They were so easily compatible."

"Joon, baby, it's said that as soon as they meet their powers will be awoken."

"But Jimin's were silenced for twenty years!"

Taehyung held his husband's face.

"You're insane."

Namjoon sighed.

"Fine I'll let it go."

Taehyung smiled and slid his hands behind Namjoon's neck and intertwined on his back. Taehyung pecked his husband's lips.

"I've been feeling neglected recently, ya know." Taehyung smirked at his husband.

"Really?" Namjoon smirked back.


"Then I should pay some attention, shouldn't I."

"Yes you should."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Evan smirked as he approached the king a his desk.

"I know where your sons and wife are."

The king stood up and grinned.



"Where those creatures dwell?"


"Let's go now!"

"No. We'll strike tomorrow."


"I talked with one of them and they think I'll be back in two days. They may have told their superior. So, if we strike tomorrow. They won't see it coming."

The king smiled and squeezed Evan's shoulder.

"Smart boy."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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