You're Strange

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Jimin jumped to the sound of his bedroom door being slammed open and clothes being thrown on his face.

"Get up." Jeongguk said sharply.

Jimin sat up, removing the clothes from his face with a growl. He stood up on his knees and got ready to take his shirt off, noticing Jeongguk wasn't leaving.

"Get out!" Jimin yelled.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes and walked outside shutting the door. He leaned his body against the door outside of the room.

Jimin mumbled to himself as he took his shirt off. He looked at the outfit he was given. A black top the was cut, it had a sheer fabric along his arms connected to a ring. He slid the shirt on and slid his fingers through the rings. He slid on the black shorts that were fitted to his body. He checked himself in the mirror and thought Taehyung's taste in clothes was immaculate.

He opened the door to see Jeongguk with his arms crossed wearing black pants, fitted to his body. Jeongguk walked off and Jimin followed behind. Taehyung was sitting with his husband in the kitchen. Taehyung smiled as he saw the two walk in.

"Here have breakfast." Taehyung smiled to Jimin as he rushed to him. "You look cute by the way."

Jimin blushed slightly with a smile.

"Thank you."

"Tae we can't eat."

"Why not?" Taehyung pouted.

"Because we're training. Yan kalo polamony plew finny." Jeongguk scoffed. (Because we're training. The weakling might vomit.)

"I can understand you, asshole." Jimin turned around, wanting to kill Jeongguk with his eyes.

"Good. I knew you could." Jeongguk challenged.

"Wait, you can?" Namjoon's curiosity escaped his lips.

Jimin nodded.

"Were you taught?"

Jimin shook his head, "I just understand." Jimin shrugged.

Namjoon stroked his chin curiously. "Strange."

"Come on, let's go." Jeongguk told Jimin annoyingly.

Jimin eyed Jeongguk murderously Taehyung giggle before touching his shoulder.

"He'll get used to you."

Jimin turned his head from Jeongguk to Taehyung, back to Jeongguk, crossing his arms.

"I doubt it."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Jimin followed Jeongguk to the stables. The same beautiful black horse was who they walked to. Jeongguk hopped on and rode her out of her stall. Jimin stared up at him, arms crossed.

"Are you getting on or what?" Jeongguk asked.

"Where do I sit? Behind or in front."


"That would mean I have to hold your waist you seem like you'll kill me if I touch you."

Jeongguk thought about it for a while.

"Fine, in front."

Jimin grabbed Jeongguk's hand and hopped on the horse.

"All of your people will flip when they see me." Jimin whispered as they rode slowly to the fields.

"No, my brother already informed them. He told them how squishy and unintimidating you are." Jeongguk teased with a smirk.

"The only thing squishy on me is my ass." Jimin argued with his arms crossed.

"I don't wanna know about your ass." Jeongguk retorted as he had his horse go faster.

Jimin giggled quietly to himself as they slowly approached the sparing fields. Everyone turned to greet Jeongguk before gasping at the person in front of him. Jisoo ran to the horse thinking to just see her prince.

"Lepownim! I- huh?!" Jisoo squealed out as she saw Jimin.

His eyes widened as he looked at her. Jeongguk jumped down telling Jimin to jump down to, which he did. Everyone stared at him in awe. They were mesmerized by his beauty. They all heard stories that humans aren't that pretty yet some are gorgeous. Was he one of those?

Jeongguk walked as if nothing was out of the ordinary, Jimin following behind him. Jimin felt a tug on his arm and turned around seeing an entranced Jisoo crowded by Lisa, Jennie, and Rosé.

"Are you really a human?" Lisa asked, eyes wide as she looked to him.

"Uh, yeah. I am."

"What's the human world like?"

"Oh it's-"

"Have you been in a war?"

"Well no I-"

"Are humans as evil as they say?"

"I guess?"

"Do they know about us?"

"Well I didn't so-"

"Where are you from?"

"Diamond Kingdom."

Everyone wowed. He was a prince. Jimin looked around at everyone.

"Leave the kid alone. Start training idiots."

Everyone sighed but left Jimin alone sadly. Jimin walked over to Jeongguk arms crossed.

"They were just interested in me." Jimin shrugged as he turned to Jeongguk.

"I don't know why. There's nothing interesting about you." Jeongguk bitterly laughed.

Jimin rolled his eyes staring at Jeongguk annoyingly as Jeongguk walked off.

Lisa ran to Jeongguk.

"Let's spare again!" She said excitedly, confidence shinning in her eyes.

"For what? For me to wear that costume?"

"Yes! Exactly." Jisoo laughed.

Jeongguk rolled his neck before shaking his head.

"You're going to loose."

"What if we get someone else to fight for us?" Yoongi arched an eyebrow curiously.

"Oh yeah? Who?" Jeongguk smirked amused.

"Can I try?" Jimin raised his hand slightly as his lips were in a pout. The sheer on his arm raising with him.

"You?" Jeongguk asked raising an eyebrow as he leaned to the side, pushing all of his body weight onto his right leg. Eyeing Jimin.

"Yeah?" Jimin questioned confused.

Everyone laughed as he answered.

"Human against Zeaquu in hand to hand battle? Really?" Hoseok laughed, arm on Jennie's shoulder as be laughed leaning forward.

"Can I spare with him before you all judge me?" Jimin asked as he looked at everyone lazily, head cocked to the side.

"Sure, I could get a good laugh out of this." Jeongguk smirked.

"Just to be clear, our bet doesn't rely on him." Jisoo explained to everyone with her arms expanding outwards.

Jimin rolled his eyes as he walked to the field in front of Jeongguk. Everyone looks with amused eyes knowing Jimin couldn't even put up a fight against their Sergeant. Jeongguk finished wrapping cloth around his hands and got ready to "fight" Jimin. The thought of it made him laugh. Jimin got in position too.

"Tamfli!" One Zeaquu smiled as she clapped her hands. (Fight!)

Jeongguk charged Jimin first who jumped up and grabbed his shoulders flipping above him and landing behind him. Jimin stood up from his squat position and he watched Jeongguk. He took note of weak spots before running to him, jumping up and holding onto his shoulder. He landed behind him and wrapped his arms around Jeongguk's neck locking him there. Everyone thought Jeongguk would break out like he did Yoongi but he was stuck for while. He grabbed Jimin's thighs and flipped him over. Jeongguk stared at Jimin frustratingly. He watched Jimin get back up by pushing himself up with his hands. Jimin threw kicks at Jeongguk, Jeongguk blocking them each time with his arms.

Jeongguk grabbed Jimin by his ankle and tried flipping him but Jimin wrapped his other leg around Jeongguk's leg and Jeongguk fell. Jimin was thrown off as Jeongguk stood up, breathing hard. This human was actually putting up a good fight.

"You're gonna loose to a human?!" Jennie teased Jeongguk who rolled his eyes.

"You're actually putting up a good fight." Jeongguk told Jimin as he was breathing hard.

Jimin ran behind him and swiped his leg under Jeongguk's. Jeongguk flipped forward to catch himself.

"Gee thanks, princey." Jimin exhaled as he watched Jeongguk catch himself.

"I should end this." Jeongguk said cockily.

"Sure." Jimin laughed sarcastically, running to Jeongguk jumping up and flipping behind him.

Jeongguk grabbed Jimin's leg as he was in the air but Jimin wrapped his legs around Jeongguk's arm. Throwing him down then straddling his waist, arms pinned to the side of his head. Jeongguk fell with a groan and his eyes shut. Everyone gasped out as they watched Jeongguk get pinned to the ground. Jeongguk opened his eyes and stared up at Jimin who had a teasing smile.

"Funny. I thought you said you'd end this? Yet look at me."

"Get off!" Jeongguk sat up and threw him off. Jimin fell back on his butt and laughed.

Everyone cheered Jimin. He defeated Jeongguk.

"Bonla poqul Zamqu, boonji hahyu." Jieun laughed as she walked down to him and pulled him up. (Great job brother, lost to a human.)

"Pampam." Jeongguk growled rubbing his shoulder. (Shut up.)

Jimin stood up and grinned mischievously at Jeongguk.

"Okay remember when I said our deal doesn't rely on him? I take that back." Jisoo smiled to Jimin who scrunched his nose and shook his head.

"You had no faith in me. Fight for what you want yourself." Jimin threw a sarcastic smile to Jisoo.

Jisoo frowned. Jimin smirked to Jeongguk walking over and placing his arm on Jeongguk's shoulder.

"But I do want something for beating your ass."

"I don't owe you shit."

"I could beat your ass again if you want."

Jeongguk closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead before looking to Jimin, "You're strange."

Jimin winked at him with a smile.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Jimin giggled as Jeongguk sat down in front of him arms crossed. Jieun, Jisoo, Jennie, Lisa, Rosé, Hoseok, and Yoongi all stood around him as Jimin held some paints, facial paints. They weren't what he was used to. But he could make it work.

"Why the fuck did I agree to this."

"Language princey." Jimin smirked.

He opened one of the containers and dipped his fingers in, bringing his finger to Jeongguk's face. Using the paints as lipstick, eye shadow, and anything he needed it to be. Jeongguk eyed Jimin as if he could kill him. Jimin smirked as he finished. He moved closer, holding Jeongguk's face as he used his thumb to apply a dark paint to his lips.

"I don't appreciate you touching me." Jeongguk growled.

Jimin giggled evilly as he leaned back. Everyone gasped out as they looked at Jeongguk.

"Lepownim, you look good with black paint on your lips." Jennie covered her mouth.

Jeongguk looked around at everyone before turning around to look at the mirror behind him. He touched his lips with his nail. He looked up to Jimin in the mirror.

"Why did I agree to this?" Jeongguk sighed as he rubbed his eye.

"Yah! I worked hard on that!" Jimin grumbled grabbing Jeongguk's hands pulling it away from his eye.

Jeongguk yelled pulling his hand away, standing up, "Do not touch me!"

Jimin flinched as Jeongguk's hand flew back. His eyes shaking as everyone was quiet. Jeongguk stared down at Jimin before walking away rubbing his lips. Jimin was breathing hard and shaking as he placed his palm on his eye, the world was blurring and doubling itself. Everyone noticed and immediately walked towards him.

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Jennie walked over and gently placed her hands on Jimin's shoulders.

Jimin nodded as he swallowed hard.

"What happened?" Taehyung's voice chimed throughout the room as he walked in. Hearing the commotion gained his attention.

He walked to Jimin and saw his eyes were glossy. Taehyung rushed over and grabbed his face, the bracelets on his arms clinking against each other.

"What's wrong, Jimin?" He asked worryingly.

Jimin sniffled and smiled, shaking his head, raising his hands to touch Taehyung's.

"It's nothing."

"No, it's not nothing. You flinched hard as hell when his majesty raised his hand. What's going on?" Lisa intruded.

"Jeongguk raised his hand to you?!"

Jimin shook his head quickly.

"He was pulling away from me. It's my fault, I grabbed him knowing he clearly doesn't like me. I don't understand why he hates me so much." Jimin sniffled.

"It's not exclusively. It's the species you are." Jisoo sighed.

Jimin looked at them, bewildered.

"Human, Jimin." Yoongi chuckled.

Jimin made an "O" with his mouth.

"Why? What did "we" do?"

"Let's just say humans invaded and traumatized both he and my husband, terribly. My husband has just coped better and faster than Jeongguk." Taehyung frowned looking down to the ground as he held Jimin's arms.

"But tell us, why were you so scared when Jeongguk lifted his hand? He wasn't going to hit you." Rosé asked softly, worried to hit a nerve.

Jimin smiled sadly.

"Uhm, well, it's the same reason I'm here." He whispered biting his lip.

"Do you mind telling us?" Taehyung smiled softly as he held Jimin's hands.

Jimin exhaled shaking as he held himself. "Can I tell you in my room?"

Everyone nodded and migrated to his room. Jimin sat on his bed and exhaled before turning from Taehyung to Jennie next to him.

"Back at my kingdom, in that castle, m-my fiance would put his hands on me."

Everyone gasped and spoke kind words to Jimin as Taehyung rushed to hug him.

"How dare he?! I'll kill him!" Yoongi growled.

Jimin turned to him quickly shaking his hands as he blinked back any salty liquid trying to escape.

"Please don't! I'm away from him. If I can just stay here, please, I'll be fine." Jimin smiled.

Taehyung hugged him, pressing his marshmallow cheek against his.

"Of course, baby." Taehyung said in a pout.

Jimin felt safe with all of them. He felt more welcomed here then he ever did back at his castle.

"But what about Jeongguk? Why doesn't he like humans?" Jimin asked towards Taehyung.

"Hates."  Yoongi corrected.

"Yeah, hates." Jimin added.

"I don't think that's something I should answer because truthfully, I don't know the answer for sure." Taehyung answered, pain all over his face.

Jimin hummed as he rubbed the messy darkness upon his head.

"You should ask him." Lisa suggested, the fabrics on her shoulders sliding up to her neck as she pushed said shoulders upward.

"You think he'll answer?" Rosé scoffed.

"You never know unless you try." Lisa showed off her fangs as her lips curved upward. Her blond locks with blue scattered along falling to the side. Bound to her head by the knot she put them in.

Jimin smiled at her positivity. "I guess I could try."

"He's probably at the river." Taehyung clasped his hands together.

"River?" Jimin wondered aloud as his head tilted confused like a puppy.

"His favorite river." Lisa giggled.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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