13. Of Temptations

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Olivia opened the door to the knock, and Simpson greeted us with a smile. Then as he examined us, he said, "You look even more proper now, m'Lady. And you, Miss Olivia. And the both of you, so beautiful."

As I thanked him, he held out some papers. "These were left with the guard, m'Lady." He turned and pointed at the transom gate. "They asked for 'em to be placed in the messes for the crew ta see, and we thought Captain should see 'em first, because of what he said about the dangers ashore. Maybe these should be left for him to decide when he comes back."

I took the offered sheets and read, shocked by some of the content. "Oh, yes! Yes, indeed! Too much temptation for some." I handed them to Olivia. "Place these in the centre of Captain's desk, that he not miss them."

When she returned, Simpson led us ashore, joined again by Briggs, Roberts and Bonner. I became increasingly curious as we walked along the wharves, and finally, I asked, "I can imagine what a prostitution pavilion would be, but what is a bawdyness one?"

"Those be where women take off their clothes for money, but you ain't allowed ta touch 'em. Only look." Simpson shrugged. "Gets the men so as it's hard to resist goin' ta the prostitutes."

"Aha! Clever. One working for the other."

"Aye, m'Lady. That's what I saw last time at the hangings."

"Oh, are there hangings?" Olivia asked. "Is the trial already done so fast?"

"Oh, no, this would be hangin' others from afore. There's only seven of 'em, and we've brung twenty-two, and from what the new men said about 'em, they'll all hang. Every one of 'em. They'll likely be added ta the Christmas revelry."

"Oh, so a Christmas party's coming. When's that? After all these weeks, one day's now like another ta me."

"Today's the twenty-third, Miss Olivia, so it's the day after the morrow."

She looked up at Simpon. "So, what more did the papers say?"

He chuckled. "You're all proper, ain't you? Not readin' what's meant for others."

"Oh, I woulda." She giggled. "But I cann'a read."

"I could teach you."

"That's real kind, but m'Lady's learning me."

"I could help you practice."

Olivia bobbed her head for a long while as she examined Simpson. Then she turned to me and asked, "Would that be proper, m'Lady."

"Yes, I do think it would be." I delighted in the expression which grew on her face, and particularly that on Simpson's as they looked at each other.

A few minutes later, along Queen Street, we found a haberdasher replete with all manner of small and fancy goods. I chose a silk flower and some beads to adorn Olivia's hair, and she selected some for mine and placed them. Then we together assembled an assortment of combs, plumes, brooches and spangles, often holding them to each other to test their appeal.

Through all of this, I frequently glanced at Simpson, amused to see he was watching Olivia's every move. Smitten. And her glances, smiles and blushes show she is, as well.

Such a handsome man. So tall and broad-shouldered that she looks tiny beside him. I chuckled to myself. As I must appear beside Charles.

With our purchases bundled, we continued along to Godfrey's, where we were greeted by Martha. As she led us into the larger room, she said, "We have opened the remaining bales, and now knowing your sizes and preferences, we have set aside piles of items which might suit you."

"Oh, how thoughtful. That will save us time." I chuckled. "Or allow us to find more to purchase."

Martha laughed. "That was our thought." Then she pointed. "And this bale is full of scarves, sashes and cummerbunds, so size matters not."

"Cummerbunds? What are these?"

"Broad, loose sashes worn as colourful decorations about the waist. Originally a Persian fashion, but the Spanish have made these with pockets for perfumed cloths."

My mind went immediately to the scented cloths Mother had used, and I grimaced. Far too intense. Nauseating to be near.

"You appear troubled, Lady Camille."

"Hmmm." I shook my head. "Thinking of Mother as she had descended into insanity. She used cloths soaked in scented oils. An entire ampoule at a time."

"An entire ampoule? Surely not. They are so dear."

"I only recently discovered their price. She had a chest near full, and she continued buying them. Oils of rose, jasmine, sandalwood, bergamot." I shrugged. "And God knows what else."

"What ever for?"

"I had not thought to question this until recently. But from what else I recall, it appears she believed her nethers reeked. She referred to down there as the ugly place, and I surmise she thought the odours needed heavy masking." I shrugged. "As evidenced by her pinning the soaked cloths to her skirt front."

Martha nodded, then after a quiet moment, she said, "The cummerbunds seem not a good choice, then."

"I believe I am beyond that now."

I paused to search my attitude, finding now pity in place of the previous rancor, then nodding, I continued, "Yes, that has now passed. Would the pockets serve to carry coins? Perhaps a small purse?"

"Oh, indeed, and well-hidden. Many here use them for that, not only for their gay splash of colour."

Olivia and I sorted through the bale, and finding one she liked, she held it to her waist and turned to Simpson. "What do you think of this here?"

"That makes you all the more beautiful, Miss Olivia."

As she blushed, I thought: Well and truly smitten, the both of them. Then continuing my search in the bale, I considered him. Trusted to lead our guard. Fast to protect us. Concerned about propriety. Wanting to safeguard the crew from dangers ashore. All fine qualities.

Then I thought of his attention to Olivia and offering to assist her learning. The comments about her beauty. Is this only because he wants to lie with her? That must surely be there, but is there more? And with Olivia? She said she misses the touching. Is this her sole desire with him, or is it beyond that?"

I caught myself staring at a cummerbund without seeing, then refocusing on the present; I wondered whether their interaction should be of any concern to me. Digging deeper into the bale, I pulled out another which had caught my attention. Yes, it should; she has nobody else to guide her. Save for Titus, that is. And he likely has neither experience nor wisdom with such matters.

But, what wisdom have I? What experience? Would I be seen as meddling if...

Olivia's voice startled me from my thoughts. "Ooh, that's a lovely one, m'Lady. Lookit this one Simpson found for me."

"Hmmm. Oh, my! I do like that. He appears to have a fine appreciation of beauty."

A long and pleasant while later, Simpson led us out of the shop and back toward Zeelandia. He carried the bundle from the haberdasher, and the other men each lugged a large bundle from Godfrey's. I looked at it all and sighed. Some temptations are far too strong to resist.

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