19. Further Counsel

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When the crowd had dispersed and fewer guards were required on the wharf, Simpson and seven others were assigned to carry the bags of coins into Zeelandia's great cabin. As the last was set on the deck beside the dining table, Charles said, "It is well past dinnertime, but it is best we sort, count and weigh these before we pause to eat."

"Aye, Sir," Simpson replied. "But we're not hungry. Olivia sent Titus to the wharf with slabs of ham wrapped in bread for us."

"Fine, then. You and Briggs remain to assist. The others, return to your watch duty."

I wondered at the wisdom of not having more to help us, what with receiving almost treble the quantity we had in Barbados. Then Charles said as he scooped handfulls from a bag, "It will be much easier and quicker than before. Most of the payments were with cobs, and there is need to neither sort nor to count these, only to find their total weight."

The next bell had not rung by the time the coins had been sorted and counted. And with the weights of the gold and silver cobs converted to pounds, Charles finished his cyphering and said, "Seven thousand, eight hundred and five pounds, seventeen shillings, thruppence."

"Oh!" I examined my total of the lots. "That is almost four pounds higher than my cyphering had rendered."

"Aye, this would come from weighing it in large quantities, rather than a few at a time. It surprises me that it is so close. Less than four pounds in nearly eight thousand. Twenty pounds either side would not cause concern."

"True. And even twenty, about one in four hundred, seems an unreasonable accuracy."

Simpson pointed to Charles' figures. "How much of that is gain, Sir?"

I turned to the last page in my sheaf. "I show six thousand, seven hundred and thirty-three, and now with this additional, a bit more."

A broad smile lit his face. "So, my share should be well more than enough to settle ashore with Olivia."

"Indeed, it will be a handsome amount." Oh, my! More serious than I had thought. "And she is entitled to a share, as well."

He nodded. "Aye, m'Lady, but my mother said my wife should keep her dowry, for if something befalls me."


The sun was low in the western sky when the longboats assisted the mizzen and outer jib to pull Zeelandia toward her anchorage. Olivia and I stood at the rail on the quarterback, watching the city glide past, and I identified buildings for her from my map. As we passed Fort Carlyle, an open grassy area came into view, and I recognised it as Gallows Point by the scaffolds there. Similar to those in Portsmouth. And the gibbets, but so many more of them here, and holes being dug to erect still more. Twenty-four up, five more needed.

A repetitive thudding had grown louder as we approached, and when we neared, I saw its source – men with sledges driving long wooden pegs into the ground. Then a familiar rumble came from forward, telling me the anchor had been let go, and Zeelandia's way was pulling the rode through the hawse.

While we settled to the anchor, men ashore hauled poles upright, raising sheets of canvas with them, and I admired the strength and coordination required. As the pavilions took shape, stayed now by guys secured to the pegs, Olivia pointed to the largest and asked, "Is that where the women are going ta take off their clothes for money?"

"Yes, I suppose it might be. It would have sufficient room for a large number to view."

We remained silent for a while, then she asked, "Do women pay ta look at men like that?"

"I am uncertain; this idea of bawdyness is also new to me." I thought back to how I had enjoyed watching the crew in their nakedness as they bathed. I would likely still enjoy watching. But to pay? I think not. "But now that I now know what they look like, I would not pay to see more."

"Maybe the ones that's never seen a naked one afore."

"Yes, I suppose – from the curiosity."

Olivia pointed again. "Them smaller ones would be for the prostitutes, wouldn't they?"

"I would think so."

"Do some women pay ta be fucked by men?"

I laughed. "From what I have seen, that requires no money, only a show of interest. A show of flesh."

"So, we can have 'em do it ta us whenever we want?"

"If they were able, but when they release, they lose not only their stiffness, but also their interest, and they need some time and rest to recover."


"But mind you this, Olivia: Men do not do it to us; we do it together. And that togetherness is its true enjoyment. It goes far beyond the physical."

"Oh! My sisters ain't never talked 'bout – about that ta me."

"Possibly because they had never found anyone with more than carnal interest. If fucking is all the man wants, the act has no depth. Besides, their interest will turn to the next raised skirt or bared bosom, so it is best the woman look elsewhere."

I thought to the strangeness of this situation. Me, so recently in ignorance of such matters, now offering counsel. She had her sisters as advisers while she came of age. Likely well before that, as their own changes came. While I had nonsuch.

But it seems they were using their bodies to find a man. Rather than through friendship and a sharing of minds and spirits. Aye, therein lies the difference. But with so little experience, should I be offering –

"You look again troubled, m'Lady."

"Hmmm. Oh, do I? No, not troubled, Olivia. Rather, I was pondering my experiences and the seriousness of all of this."

I thought about Father being so infrequently at home and the toll this had taken on Mother's mind. "Before you fuck, remember that with child, you will be vulnerable, and you will need support – emotional and spiritual support much more than physical. You need to ensure he will remain with you if you become gravid."

"Sorry, m'Lady. What's gravid?"

"No need to apologise, Olivia. It is always best to question if you do not understand. But to answer, gravid is being with child, being pregnant."

"Oh! That's what we both want."

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