25. Of Patience

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Saturday, 26th December 1676

I awoke to the light of dawn filling the night cabin, and as I snuggled closer to Charles, I thought about the ship astern. Is she still there? Closer? If there is concern, he would have been called, and I would know. I sighed and lifted a hand to stroke his chest.

He rolled and wrapped me in an embrace, then he rolled back, pulling me on top of him.

"Ooh! Good morning, Charles. Been awake long?"

"Not half a minute. The ship has fallen back another mile or so, her hull now appearing fully dipped from here."

"Oh, how wonderful." I shifted my hips, causing Miss Cunny to kiss Cyclops good morning, then I raised my head and looked out through the windows to see topsails lit gold by the rising sun. "Even if she gains when we tack, she will lose it through the day."

"Yes, if the breeze remains gentle. We seem a near match in brisk winds, but in light, we are favoured."

We remained quiet as I rose and knelt astride, gliding Miss Cunny back and forth on a lengthening Cyclops, wetting both. Then as she swallowed him, I said, "I love how we both shudder when we join."

"Ummm! Such delicious sensations. As much with soul as with body."

When I again had lain atop him, and we had settled into a gentle shifting, he said, "In clear weather such as this, the breeze generally strengthens through the day, then eases at night."

"So, they will maintain distance, then fall back more tonight."

"My thought, as well."

"They may lose sight of us, then."

"From aloft, sails still show well at fifteen miles."

"Yes, of course."

We remained silent for a while, enjoying the sensations, then he said, "Her hope is when we tack. She can recover her loss, plus gain two miles or more across the angle."

"So, three tacks would bring her within gun range."

"Aye, and that is why they persist."

"Have they nothing better to do?"

Charles chuckled, then after a slow, deep thrust, he said, "This is their best. The art of a skilled pirate is to follow and intimidate. Press hard and wait for their quarry to make an error."

"But not all ships are as swift as is Zeelandia, nor as well-sailed."

"Indeed, and those are easy captures. I would wager her captain is enjoying this adventure as much as am I." He chuckled as he gave another series of slow thrusts. "No, nowhere near so much as I."

With his thrusts, my telltale tensing began. "Nearing. Assist me."

While my convulsive shuddering calmed, Charles said, "See! Nowhere near so much."

"But this is my enjoyment, not yours."

"Oh, but you are wrong, Camille. It is mine as much as it is yours. I find great joy in your ecstasy, and it takes all my will to resist releasing with you."

"From the pulsing, the tightening?"

"Yes, that as well. But I find more joy in watching the intensity of your pleasure."

"Hmmm! Martha had said the tightening excites." I squeezed a few times. "In this manner."

"Oh, it does. A lot." A puzzled expression grew on his face. "You can do that at will?"

I nodded, and again I squeezed. "She said it is caused by the same action as for withholding my piss."

"Exactly how I cause Cyclops to throb and wag."

He pulsed within me, much as a beating heart, and I trembled again, humming a long sigh. "It seems even with our differences, there are similarities."

Charles offered another series of throbs, then two long, slow thrusts. "Indeed, though I do prefer the differences."

We continued our pleasant morning exercise mostly in silence, revelling in our communion, though from time to time, offering words of instruction to refine our physical intercourse as we tried a variety of positions. A while after six bells had pealed, Charles broke a long silence. "What have you learnt about the passion between Simpson and Olivia?"

"She told me that Richard suggested they wait until they have a comfortable place, so their first time is relaxed and memorable."

"How very noble of him."

"Indeed. And it shows he desires more than only to fuck her."

Charles chuckled. "Or that he is not fond of discomfort. But seriously, it does show there is more depth to this than I had first judged."

"And as had I mistaken his intentions."

"Would she secret him into her quarters? So easy with us in here."

I giggled. "I would, were I her. But we need not worry for a while; the time is not right."

"Time? How so?"

Oh, dear. Her secret, and I have no way to avoid telling. "Her time of the month."

"Oh!" He was silent for a while as he offered some gentle thrusts, then he said, "Might it be that he plays the patient suitor, now seeing it inappropriate to press with her in such condition?"

"Possibly. But that he has waited this long to approach a woman, shows he has great patience in this. There would be no need for him to play at it."


I churned my hips. "Should we now finish? A long while since the last bell. The next will be seven."

Charles turned and rolled me beneath him, answering my query with fast, short strokes, and in a trice, he erupted, accompanied by loud guttural howls.

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