42. In Action

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Manik and Nandini were lying on grass staring at sky, holding the hands of each other. Both had constant smile on their faces. Nandini looked at Manik and asked.



"Do you love stars?" Manik looked at her and smiled before answering.

"Yes. I love them. Always." Nandini bit her lip.

"Um.. any specific reason?"

"Of course. They are so pretty. I mean, they look absolutely prettiest in the sky twinkling together. They spread light in the darkness. They shine for us. I always love to adore them at night. And I do, many times." Nandini hmmed in response and kept quiet. Manik looked at her.

"Don't you love them?" Nandini shook her head and smiled faintly.

"The stars. Whom we can stare only from a far distance. We can not touch them, keep them with us forever. That's why I never liked them." Manik pressed her hand hearing her. She gave him a beautiful smile.

"But I love fireflies." Manik looked at her in surprise whose face was shining talking about fireflies.


"Yes. Fireflies. I love them so much." Said Nandini. Manik turned to her fully keeping one hand under his head.

"May I know the reason?"

"You know, they glows. When they glows na, it looks so so beautiful. It's amazing and outstanding feeling to watch them glowing. The light from fireflies appropriately represents hope, guidance, inspiration and awakening. They implore us to listen to our hearts and let them lead the way toward truth and light." Said Nandini looking at Manik. He smiled.

"Do you have them? I mean, I read somewhere that the people who loves fireflies, likes to keep them in a jar with them. So just asked out of curiosity." Nandini shook her head smiling faintly.

"I used to have them. Before three years. Now I don't have any." She looked at Manik who kissed on her knuckles.

"Mom was very much fascinated with them. She used to say, fireflies celebrate true love. When there's true love, they glow. And you know, they always used to glow brightly when Mom and Dad used to be together. But after their death, they stopped glowing. They died in that jar. So I never ever brought new again." Manik took her in his embrace. Nandini hided her face in his neck. Manik caressed her hairs. He thought to change the topic.

"Achcha tell me one thing, from when you started falling for me? I mean, when you realized your feelings?" Nandini giggled hearing him while Manik's heart soothed hearing her magical music of laugh. He looked at her lovingly.

"I started falling for you long back, I guess. But I was unaware of it. But I realized when that chipkali Veebha Dibba came and sticked to you." Said Nandini making faces. Manik laughed and pulled her cheek. She looked at him angrily but she looked extremely cute.

"Ohh my golu baby got so much jealous." Nandini huffed.

"Don't laugh. I was so angry that I literally felt like pulling her hairs. Chudail kahiki. And you, you were enjoying her company so much. Vee ye, vee voh. Huh!" Said Nandini imitating him. Manik laughed loudly. Nandini glared at him.

"Oh God! You are the hight of cuteness. How can anyone be so cute man. What should I do with you, ha? Tell me? Khaa jau tumhe? Bolo, bolo?" Saying this he bit her cheek while she pushed him and rubbed her cheek whining.

"Mani, ouch idiot! Don't bit me na." Manik smooched the same cheek where he bited and Nandini closed her eyes smiling with a tinted cheeks. Manik cupped her face.

"Your smile, your laugh, your twinkling eyes, your blush lighten my world. You are my most precious possession. Always remember that I live for you. You are my life. And there's no existence of Mani without his golu." Nandini cupped his cheek and kissed on his forehead. Both looked at each other.

"I know. Golu also can't live without her Mani. I love you." Said Nandini. Manik smiled widely.

"I love you more, Golu baby." Saying this he took her in his embrace.


Manik halted his car outside Murthy Mansion. He looked at Nandini and pouted sadly. Nandini giggled.

"You're going. So soon." Said Manik to which Nandini pulled his cheeks.

"Mani, you are too cute. Ekdam chotu baby jaisa. Come on, don't make such faces. We are going to meet tomorrow anyways. Why are you getting sad, hmm?" Said Nandini caressing his cheek. He looked at her sadly.

"I want you to stay beside me always. 24/7 hours. It pains here to stay away from you even for a second." Said Manik pointing at his heart.

Nandini smiled and kissed over his heart. Manik got startled by her move and looked at her being amused.

"Manik, I'm always with you. In your heart. Whenever you miss me, you just have to keep your hand over here and close your eyes. You'll feel me. Humesha." Manik gave her his most charming smile. Nandini smiled back and turned to open the door. Manik held her hand. She looked at him who had teasing look on his face.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"


"Tch. Everything I have to tell you. Arey you are going your home without giving good night kiss to your boyfriend. That's so unfair." Said Manik to which Nandini widened her eyes and hitted him.

"Mani! Shameless. Leave me." Manik pulled her towards himself.

"Arree! What's there to shame. You're officially my girlfriend now. Mujhe haq hain." Said Manik leaning towards her.

Nandini closed her eyes and Manik took her lips in a quick soft kiss. Their moment broke with a loud ringtone of his phone. Nandini giggled parting away. Manik made faces but got alert seeing the ID. He looked at Nandini and waved his hand. She waved her hand back and started walking towards the entrance.

Manik received the call and what he heard shook him to the core. He looked at the way Nandini was going. She was smiling. She was happy. His sight then went to the balcony where he saw Abhimanyu standing, watching her. He gritted his teeth and ended the call.

Abhi who was standing in his balcony saw Manik dropping Nandini to Murthy Mansion and took a deep breath. He turned to go down when his phone beeped.

"Don't even dare to take a step ahead. She's very happy today. Otherwise tomorrow morning, all news channels will see the video of conspiracy of two long lost lovers. If you don't want that then tomorrow morning, meet me at the cafe leaf , sharp at 9. Change your appearance. We are being watched."

~ Manik Malhotra.

Abhi closed his eyes and held his head. He looked out and found Manik staring at him with stern expression. He sighed and replied.

"Listen, Manik. It's dangerous. You don't know how much risky it is. Your life is at stake."

~ Abhimanyu Murthy

Manik read his message and gave him glare.

"I don't care what you do. Throw any reason on her face. But I won't let you destroy the happiness of Golu. And you no need to worry about me. I'll look after it. Just remember what I said."

~ Manik Malhotra.

Abhimanyu let out a suffering sigh and saw him driving away.

This is going to be tough. He was exposed infront of Manik Malhotra.


Manik and Abhi were sitting in Cafe leaf with different appearance. No one could recognize them by their identity.

"What did you tell her, yesterday?"

"I messaged her that I got some very urgent work so have to leave. I'll talk to Nandini as soon as I get free and she is home. She agreed." Manik nodded.

"I won't run around the bushes. Spit out the truth, Mr. Murthy." Said Manik in cold tone. Abhi sighed.

"She's Soha. Nandini's best friend. She doesn't want Nandini to get any happiness so she's blackmailing me."

"Wasn't she dead?" Abhi shook his head.

"It was fake. It was all planned. She knew Nandini loved me the most and cannot stand my hate. She forced me to act as I hate her." Said Abhi closing his eyes in pain. Manik clenched his fist tight.

"Tell me everything from the very start."

Abhi took a deep breathe and narrated everything to him. Manik's eyes was red in anger. His jaw clenched.

"Where's that bastard? Is he in jail?" Abhi shook his head.

"After the murder of our parents, I put all police force behind Aryaman. They nearly caught hold of him but he died on the spot in an accident while running away from them. This is the another reason of Soha's increasing hatred towards doll." Said Abhi. Manik closed his eyes and took a deep breath calming his anger.

"Why didn't you tell anyone about this? Atleast Ansh? You both could have found solution till now and Golu wouldn't have been this hurt. You did wrong keeping it all to yourself." Abhi chuckled.

"You think it was easy for me? No. My doll is my life. She threatened me with their lives. And she didn't give fake threats, she tried to harm them whenever I tried to fight back. I couldn't risk them more. I was helpless. That Saxena is with her. They have trapped us totally." Said Abhi in tired tone.

Manik looked at him. This person did everything to save his siblings. Bearing their hatred. Making his image down in their eyes. He loves them so much. But still, he should have took anyone's help in this matter. Manik sighed.

"Listen here Mr. Murthy. First we have to find the sources from which they are getting deep information about us. I have a plan. Do you have CCTVs in Murthy Mansion all over?" Abhi nodded. Manik smirked.

"Great. I'm sure Harshad and Soha spreaded their spies around us. Everywhere. I'll check the footage of Malhotra Mansion along with office. You check the footage of Murthy Mansion along with all branches of your office. Wherever you, Golu and Ansh works. I'm sure we will get clues." Abhi thought for a while and agreed. Manik got up from his sit so did Abhi. He turned to leave when Abhi called him.

"Manik.." Manik turned to him.

"Thank you so much for whatever you are doing for us." Said Abhi with a gratitude. Manik shook his head.

"Whatever I'm doing is all for my life. My Golu. I won't let any harm near her till I'm alive." Abhi smiled hearing him.

"You love her alot, don't you?" Manik looked at Abhi and replied deeply.

"More than anyone else in this whole world." Abhi smiled with moist eyes.

"I'm happy for you both." Manik looked at Abhi and nodded smiling faintly. He left from there while Abhi immediately called his guards.

Their plan had started.


It was night. Abhi along with Manik were standing at the outhouse of Malhotras. 10 persons were tied on the chairs infront of them.

After having a look at CCTVs, they found suspicious activities of few people around them. And when they confirmed, they were right. There were 2 spies in Murthy and Malhotra Mansion respectively as butlers. And another six were from their staff of Murthy industry. Manik moved towards them dangerously.

"For whom you're working?" Asked Manik. Persons looked at each other with a fear.

"Please leave us. We don't know anything. We didn't do anything."

"You don't know anything ah? Fine. Grey!" Shouted Abhi for his guard. Grey came there with a hot oil. All got scared. Manik smirked.

"Still you don't know anything?" Asked Abhi to which all gulped.

"We will tell everything. But please. Don't beat us. Don't kill us." They pleaded.

Abhi looked at Grey and he went out. Manik raised his brow at them indicating them to speak.

"Harshad Saxena gave us money to spy on you all. He asked us to give each and every hour update. Also there's a girl with him. She also call us to get updates. We just tell them whatever happens in home or office. Other than that, we didn't harm anyone. Please sir, leave us. We won't work for them anymore. But please forgive us last time." They all pleaded. Manik looked at Abhi who nodded at him.

"Well, you have to work for them till we want. Give them updates which we will tell you to give. And-" before Manik could continue further a phone of butler rang. He looked at Manik and Abhi and then at phone with a fear.

"Who's it?"

"It's them."

"Pick it up and tell them if they ask that Abhi scolded Nandini or not. Tell them that both had fight and Nandini cried. Understood?" Said Manik to which he nodded and picked the phone as Manik removed his rope.

As expected, they asked the butler of Murthy mansion about Abhi and Nandini and he told as Manik instructed. Call ended. Manik smirked.

"Did they believe?"

"Yes. They were saying to inform them if anything big happens." Abhi clenched his fist in anger.

"Good. Good going. Remember, you have to inform them whatever we are going to tell you all. Not a word more or less. Because we have our eyes on you all. Don't ever try to oversmart us." Warned Manik on which all nodded. Manik looked at Abhi and gestured something. He nodded.

"Grey, Rony!" His guards came inside. He ordered them to free them all and they obliged.

"I'm setting you free so that they don't get any doubt on us or you all. But do not forget, our spies are keeping eyes on you all. One wrong move and you all will be finished. Now leave to your respective places." Said Manik coldly. All nodded with fear and left. Abhi moved to Manik.

"Manik, now what? How we will reach to Harshad? We don't have any proofs." Said Abhi and voice came from behind.

"Don't worry Mr. Abhimanyu Murthy. We are still alive. Even if you won't ask, we will help you." Said Ansh entering inside along with Cabir. He had stern expressions on his face. Abhi gets shocked seeing him.


"Yes. Ansh. I'm happy you remember my name." Abhi gave him pleading look.

"Ansh, how you got to-"

"I called them here. It was important for them to know all this. We all should be well aware." Said Manik cutting Abhi in between. Ansh gave Abhi hurt look.

"I always knew, you love Nandi. You love her the most. Your actions spoke different and your words spoke different. Still, I somewhere had hope that you love her. You love us. But no. You don't. You don't!" Said Ansh with tears. Abhi tried to go near him but Ansh showed him his hand.


"Don't. Don't say anything. When you should have spoke to me, you didn't. You didn't say anything. Ek baar bhai, bas ek baar mujhe sab batate. We would have found some solution over it. We would have faught together. But no! You didn't. You didn't trust me. You didn't trust Nandi. And if there's no trust, there can't be a love. You disappointed me, bhai. You disappointed me so damn much." Said Ansh while tears flowing from his eyes.

Abhi's tears also fell. Manbir were silent spectator. Both Murthy brothers needed to solve this on their own. They didn't interfere.

"Aisa nahi hai, Ansh. I love you both. I trust you. But your life was at stake. I couldn't endanger you both. We already lost mom and dad. I couldn't afford to loose you both. I'm sorry. Please understand me. Please." Said Abhi while crying. Ansh wiped his tears and looked at him.

"Do you know what will happen when Nandi gets to know that her best friend, her Soha played dirty game with her life?" Said Ansh to which both Abhi and Manik jerked their heads towards him.

"No one is going to tell her about Soha!" Said both in unison and looked at each other. Ansh shook his head while Cabir sighed looking at them.

Screen freezes.

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