Chapter 3

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Zeka finally reached the Russian mainland after 45 minutes of nonstop swimming. She was all wet, but Splashes dried her up. "Much better", complimented Splashes, before disappearing. Zeka then used quick attack to get to her next destination quickly. Her stomach was nearly empty, so she will have to find food.

After 3 hours, Zeka reached Kosmomolsk-on-Amur, starving. She had to buy food from the largest market in the city, Kosmololsk Market, for $100. Suddenly, one of the eeveelution spirits came to her again. He introduced himself to Zeka. "My name is Shadow. Are you Zeka?" Zeka nodded her head. Afterwards, Shadow gave lessons to Zeka. "Today, we are going to learn how to use bite. It is a very important move. You can use it to defeat opponents and dangers that lurk beyond this point." Zeka understood the explanation, while Shadow continued his speech. "To use bite, open your mouth, and your teeth should glow white. Then, close your mouth near the opponent to deal damage to it or possibly knock it out. Now try it on this piece of garbage." Zeka understood how to use it, and tried it. She opened her mouth, her teeth glow white. And she came near the garbage and closed her mouth, and it worked! "Good Work!", Shadow complimented. "I think you are ready to take on the Dark One. Just be careful, things will just get more dangerous from here". Shadow disappeared after he said his advice to Zeka. Zeka then left the city of Kosmomolsk-on-Amur, and continued using quick attack to get to her next destination.

She passed by the town of Blagoveshchensk, but when she swam across the river, guards came after her. They tried to shoot down Zeka, but it couldn't work. Zeka quickly used Bite on the border guards, knocking them out.

Zeka then continued her journey to Europe by using Quick Attack. As more guards came after her, she kept using Bite to knock them all down. After about 8 hours of using quick attack, she was warmly welcomed in the town of Hulun Buir. Night was just about to begin in the town, so the residents provided her with shelter, food, and healthcare. After a short while, Zeka began to eat her food that the residents gave to her. After that, she bought more food supply for $90. When she returned to her temporary home, Shadow came back.

"Hello, Zeka!" He greeted. Zeka wondered why he was here. Shadow explained, "Tonight, you will learn how to use Shadow Ball." Zeka was excited to learn a new move. Shadow continued, "This is essential for taking down enemies by long range." Zeka nodded her head. Shadow explained how to use Shadow ball. "To use Shadow ball, open your mouth. A purple orb should form in your mouth. Then unleash it using force." Zeka nodded her head in understanding. She opened her mouth, a purple orb forming in her mouth. She then tried to unleash it, but it exploded in her mouth. "Are you okay?" said Shadow. Zeka replied with, "I'm fine". She then tried to use Shadow ball again, but this time she actually unleashed it, and the orb hit the tree. "Nice move!" complimented Shadow. "You can use this against anything. It is useful in problematic situations". Shadow then disappeared. Zeka then yawned before finally falling asleep.

The next day, Zeka was given breakfast by their residents, which was Noodles. She finished it quickly, allowing her to prepare for her next destination earlier. After she prepared herself, she was ready to leave Hulun Buir. When she walked outside of the town, she was cheered on by the residents. And then, she used quick attack to get to her next destination.

On the way to the next town, Border guards try shooting at her again. But Zeka uses a shadow ball at the guards, knocking them out. Afterwards, she continued using quick attack to the next town.

Noodles used to be pancakes but since she is in an east Asian country, I had to change it to fit the traditions of the country.

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