The Road To Veritas!!!

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Zelour: Y..YESSSSSSS I won!!! I won!!!! Kinda!!! hehe

Hansuke: Well done Zelour!!! I will fulfil the promise I made. However, I need you to listen to my request.

Zelour: Okay, Hansuke

Hansuke: Let's go somewhere a bit more private.

Lady Shimizu: I wonder why they had to have a battle over that.

Miss Yoshihara: Probably Hansuke wanted to find out if Zelour was trustworthy or not.

Zelour and Hansuke go outside to have the discuss what the request.

Zelour: So, Hansuke what is your request?

Hansuke: Listen and listen well Zelour, my request is for you to try and never show your blade to any of your comrades. The only time you should show your blade to them is if a monster powerful as the one I faced 30 years ago shows up or a very powerful mage is attacking you or your comrades. One other thing I want you to do is if a monster of that calibre does show, I want you to be the one to destroy it.

Zelour: I will Hansuke but I can only handle the Kubikiribōchō if I'm out of mana or nearly dead.

Hansuke: No need to worry about that Zelour! Go and find the guild called Raven. The master of that guild is called Miss Raven or Master Raven, tell her that I sent you to help control Kubikiribōchō. She is really good at controlling any type of magic so I bet she will be able to help you.

Zelour: Okay I'll go and find her. Wait!! How does she know that I have Kubikiribōchō?

Hansuke: She helped me with the sealing. Anyway just find her,okay.

Zelour: Right!

Hansuke: Oh! and make sure you do your best against her, okay.

Zelour: What do you mean?

Hansuke: You'll soon find out!

Zelour: Huh?

*The next day

Zelour: Well then Hansuke, It's time to say goodbye again!

Hansuke: I guess your right. Please take care!

Zelour: I will.

Lady Shimizu: Don't worry about it Mr Hansuke, me and Yoshihara will take good care of him, right Yoshihara.

Miss Yoshihara: What are you talking about?

Lady Shimizu: Well I thought we all could travel together as a team if that is alright with you Zelour.

Zelour: I don't mind.

Miss Yoshihara: *sigh* fine

Hansuke: That sounds like a great idea. Please look after him you two.

Lady Shimizu and Miss Yoshihara: Right!!

Zelour: Well then let's hit the road!!!

After saying his farewells once again, Zelour now sets off to find the guild Raven and learn how to control the Kubikiribōchō.

Zelour: So... do any of you know how to get the guild Raven by any chance?

Lady Shimizu and Miss Yoshihara look puzzled as to why Zelour wanted to go to that guild.

Miss Yoshihara: If you don't mind me asking, why do you want to go to Raven for?

Zelour: Hansuke knows the woman in charge of the guild and wants me to join there.

Lady Shimizu: Okay!! Well we need to get to the town called Veritas put to get to there we need to pass through Bellenau.

Zelour: How long will it take us to get to Veritas?

Lady Shimizu: It will take about half of today to get to Bellenau and then another 1 day and a half to get to Veritas, so in short 2 days.

Zelour: Jeez!! This is going to be a very long journey then, huh.

Miss Yoshihara: If we don't think about how long the journey will be, the quicker it will be Zelour.

Zelour: Guess you're right, Miss Yoshihara.

Miss Yoshihara: *blushing* don't need to add the miss bit.

Zelour: Okay but why is your face turning red?

Miss Yoshihara: You don't need to know, idiot!!!

Zelour: Alright, Alright you don't need to bite my head off. Well, what about you Lady Shimizu? Would you rather me call you Shimizu or Lady Shimizu?

Lady Shimizu: *blushing* W..well most people call me Lady Shimizu but I don't mind if you call me Shimizu.

Zelour: Okay then! Bellenau here I come!!!!

*In Bellenau

Referee: And the winner is... Fists of the Lightning God!!! Totsuka!!!

Totsuka: I need a challenge!!! All of you are just a bunch of wimps!!!

Referee: You did well Mr Totsuka!!!

Totsuka: Yeah, yeah I just hope a worthy challenger shows up soon!!!

*Thank you for reading part 4 of Zelour! The Young Battle Warrior. Do you think Totsuka and Zelour will encounter each other in the next part? Find out next time!!!!

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