Challenge #1

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This entire challenge is like screenshotception.

Alright, so I was tagged by the lovely CreativeWords01 to do this challenge. So I'm doing it, I guess, even though I could've just ignored it.

1. Night Owl, but I like being up really early for some reason, which isn't a good combination because I like sleeping.

2. Modern. I like form fitting clothes so it actually looks like I have some curves.

3. I have borborygamiphobia. If you don't want to look that up...actually, wait. I have a reason for that fear, so It's not irrational. I guess it would be spiders then. I HATE THEM SO MUCH THEY SHOULD ALL JUST DIE IN A FIRE.

4. Shoplifting. #SorryNotSorry

5. Power over time. So useful. I could shoplift, pull pranks, and sleep in.

6. Uhm, definitely June 28, 2016. We beat our long time nemesis in marching band, and we took Grand Champion. I was in hysterics for a solid 15 minutes. We were escorted home by the police and fire department, and we got to take a picture on a firetruck. Also, the colorguard girls did a tuba player's makeup. I'll post that right here:

Our band ended up being the highest scoring band in the state that summer.

7. "Don't get last." It helps me work harder.

8. A singer, most definitely. I can't dance to save my life. But I did get accepted into the All State Choir.

9. Alright this was something that went from mildly embarassing to a full blown shitshow in three seconds flat:
So one day in seventh grade English class, I decided to get some gummy bears and eat them in class, tearing open the bag dangerously far. We had those stupid desks that have the right arm rest (which are a NIGHTMARE for left handed people), and I dropped my pencil off the right side. I leaned over to get it, but there was too much weight on the right side, so I fell over. As I was falling over, I got frightened and farted REALLY LOUDLY in surprise. Also, I was flailing my left arm, which was holding onto my very opened package of gummy bears, so they went everywhere.

10. I'm just gonna start with physical features first. He'd be about 6'2, with hair styled like Jacksepticeye's, I don't know what colour. Brown, naturally, but maybe dyed. Blue eyes (I know, cliche). Lanky, not much visible muscle, but still strong enough to pick me up (which isn't hard). Average amount of body hair. Not shaved, but not excessive. He'd be sweet and kind, super nerdy, and love music. He'd be able to sing and play instruments so we could do duets together. Intelligence, humour, and good hygiene are a must. He would be a little shy, but adventurous and always willing to try new things and take a chance. He'd like being outside and inside, and could go from watching movies on the couch one day to hiking around a nature trail the next.

And that's it.

Alright, I'm just gonna tag three people to do this challenge. Sorry, if you've done this before. I just kinda picked random people I was following.


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