01| All Bark, No Bite

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Be a bartender, they said. It'll be easy, they said. It worked well as a cover-up for your actual occupation, they said. Well, Dominque was confident that they were lying their asses off. She wanted to cram those words back down the throat of the person who said it. Why, you may ask? Because being a bartender was more of an annoyance than a pleasure. But did she try to quit? Nope. Money talks, and frankly, she was in dire need of it.

The thick stench of liquor still invaded her senses like pesky Combees buzzing around her head, reminding her of her miserable occupation and that she was on her lonesome when making drinks. Threaded in between her fingers was a berry she squeezed to a pulp.

Although the continuous plops of each drop into the liquid were enticing, her gaze lifted to scour the area. On the far left of the tavern, she watched with little amusement as a Lurantis swiped its giant claw across its owner's back in retaliation for a joke. The person in question only waved their hand in dismissal, making the Grass-type fume.

Dominique lifted a brow, and curiosity bubbled within her chest. A part of her yearned to know the story over there, but the piercing stare directed at her head forced her to tear the idea apart. Deducing who was staring at her wasn't hard as he sat right across from where she stood.

Electrifying sapphire eyes settled on Dominique's form, watching her every move for anything dubious. It felt like she was being pinned down and scrutinized underneath a microscope as if she was a Beautify. For others, this may have left them shivering with unease, but all Dominique did was stir the drops from a couple of Lum berries into the drink. Jaded, she watched the liquor turn a shade darker.

Slipping the metal utensil out, she gathered the remaining berries on the counter into a pile. As she did so, she took note of the dazzling yellow core hanging from a silver necklace around the noble's neck. She quickly checked his attire and realized he lacked a weapon.

No weapon means either he's too confident in his abilities or he isn't proficient enough to use one. Another possibility is that he could be a mage. It wouldn't be surprising. Most nobles are far more skilled in magic than wielding enchanted weapons, Dominique thought.

She would have continued to survey the elf's appearance, but she didn't want to make it evident that she was doing so. However, she felt that he knew her glances and quiet hums were just a cover-up so she could inspect him. He didn't utter a word about it to her if he knew.

Her hand nudged a berry just enough for it to roll out of arm's reach. As she reached to grab it, the outline of a grimoire in a leather casing was seen alongside beady black eyes hidden in the depths of his cloak and on his belt. An Electric mage. He has to be a strong one, considerin' he's from a noble lineage. I'd rather not have to pull my blade on him. Fightin' mages are always a hassle. And that grimoire looks strange. It looks nothing like Nubia or Elio's grimoires. It must be because of the higher lineage.

"So, I assume you aren't from around these parts?" She stated with the semblance of a smile on her lips.

Great small talk, Dominique. Thank you for statin' the obvious. I'm an idiot. Her mind hissed at her stupidity. Brushing off those words, she continued speaking while waving her hand to catch Sylvie's attention. "Islesbury certainly isn't one to have many lingerin' around here. Everyone's scared about bein' swindled by night swindlers. Aren't ya worried someone's gonna swipe that core from ya?"

"My core?" At this, the black-haired elf skimmed his fingers across the sphere as if he was checking that it was still present. Once he confirmed that it was, he smiled reassuringly at the bartender with a tilt of his head. "That could only happen if someone managed to swipe this core from me. Whether you know it or not–"

His eyes flicked down before returning to Dominique. It may have been nothing, but it didn't reassure the russet-haired girl that his sight had fallen where her rapier was hiding. So the noble can sense her Psychic core, huh? Interesting yet terrifying. Psychic cores were hard to detect given that both the owner and the Pokémon that gifted it can conceal its presence unless it was used. Mages were such an annoyance, weren't they?

Years ago, her friend Nubia tried to teach her a couple of spells from her grimoire–which was strange since they don't even have the same core–and Dominique failed. It didn't help that their other friend, Elio, laughed at her attempts. She was no good with magic, but she was good with a weapon.

"–cores can only be used by the owner. Cores are gifted to us by the kindness of our Pokémon and forged through inseparable bonds. Through these bonds, we are given magical properties that can be fused into weapons and grimoires. Nevertheless, not everyone is capable of having this opportunity." The man shook his head as if he was disappointed in something. "Perhaps only the chosen few are given this opportunity."

A delicate white ribbon snatched up the beverage that Dominque was working on. The teenager nodded at Sylvie, and she purred in response. "I know all that. No need to tell me stuff I'm already aware of. But others may not know. Many dream of being blessed with power. Some thieves could be runnin' low on their luck. A bubblin' idiot might swipe that pretty little core off of ya."

"They're welcome to try and do so, but," the gentleness in his eyes suddenly steeled. A single spark danced across his fingers. "I believe I'm better suited in a fight. It would be in their best interest not to engage with me. Although I prefer to avoid fights with no honor, I am not so weak that I must have someone else fight my battles."

Dominique's fingers twitched, itching to pull the psychic waves free from her weapon in defense. Instead, she clamped her jaw shut and swirled around on her heel. Nabbing a dark blue bottle from the shelf, the girl placed it on the counter. What a sorry excuse for hiding her emotions, but it was better than showing a scary face. "Hmm, what a shame. Here I was hopin' I could save ya like a knight in shining armor. Ya would be indebted to me."

Jubilant laughter breathed life into Alcremie Tavern, even if it was only for a second. Such a pleasure compared to the barbaric ones ringing in her ears. The noble's shoulders slumped a little, relaxing at her words. However, the electrifying pulses dragging their imaginary claws against the atmosphere around them made her stomach churn. Her hand gripped the nose of the bottle tighter. So much so that she wondered if it would break, but she didn't let go. Dominique didn't want to show the other elf that her hand was trembling out of fear.

"Do tell. Do you fancy yourself a fight?"

Fuck no.

"Kind of busy running the bar, ya see?" With her other hand, the half-elf gestured to the area around them. She pressed her arm to her side once she was done because her stupid hands were still shaking. "As ya can see, I'm the only bartender 'cause everyone else ditched. More work for me with the same amount of pay."

"What a shame."

No, it is not a shame. I don't like the feelin' you're givin' me, and I don't want to find out why.

Despite the weariness and fright wriggling underneath her skin, Dominique forced herself to smirk and give off an air of confidence. She didn't feel confident, but she could act like she did. "Why would I give myself even more problems? If ya wanna spar, it'd have to be on another day, and I doubt your stay here in Islesbury is long. Can't help but feel we won't have the time."

The noble hummed in response as he readjusted his glasses. "If that is what you've deduced, then I see no discrepancies in your answer—such a shame. I've never fought anyone that uses a rapier. Not many are suited for that type of weapon."

The girl nearly choked on her saliva. How did he know what weapon was stored underneath the counter? Even if he peered over, he wouldn't have been able to see the weapon. Instantly, her eyes snapped back to his heavy cloak. Unlike before, where she could see beady eyes burrowing holes in her body, whatever Pokémon that was there was no longer present. When did it slip out?

From what she's gathered so far, she can assume that the Pokémon hiding was an Electric-Type and that it was small. Pawmi? Helioptile? Wattrel? The amount of tiny Electric-type Pokémon was a lot, and she honestly did not have time to try and remember every single one.

On top of that, she's stayed silent for too long. But how could she not be? Her thoughts were running rampant with possibilities.

Well, there was no use in showing her panic. Dominique clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, although the usual annoyance was nowhere to be found. "Seems like your little buddy escaped. Don't you have to go get zir?"

"As much as I would like to, finding Zoom would be like digging in a haystack for a needle. I assure you that he won't run amok in this establishment, nor will he intentionally cause a disruption. I promise he will return shortly." Placing his elbow on top of the counter, the elf rested his cheek on his palm. A sigh fell from his lips. "Zoom... has selective hearing."

"Ah, so he listens when he wants to, huh? My Azure ignores me when he doesn't get his way. Such a brat if you ask me." Dominique lied straight through her teeth. Perhaps a bit of relatability would save her a fight.

Azure, a Beldum her mother had gifted her when she was five, listened to her most of the time. Zir refused to listen when she gave him pointless commands like 'bring me a glass of water,' but that was beside the point. Dominique just wished that 'Zoom' didn't make his way into the backroom because Cecily was still back there.

If Zoom made it into Dayani's office, Dominique already dreaded the scolding she would receive. That Pokémon better be hiding underneath a table and not causing trouble.

"Interesting, is it not?"

Snapping her head back toward the noble, the teenager raised a brow. "What's interestin'?"

"The atmosphere here. So rowdy without a care in the world. Such a thing cannot be found in Fioritura." The noble's eyes were focused elsewhere but only for a few seconds. The semblance of a smile could be found pulling at his lips. "It is refreshing in a way."

"Good for you. I can't say I share the same feelin'. I've got enough on my plate servin' these people mug after mug of liquor. I wanna go home when the sun hits the horizon and sleep. Hopin' I don't need to break up a fight. Beatin' the crap out of people is nothin' hard for me, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna actively search for one." Out of instinct, the tip of Dominique's foot brushed against the side of the rapier underneath the counter. Her brows furrowed as she blew a stray curl from her face.

The man laughed, chest rumbling as if Dominique had told a funny joke and was not complaining about her work. "You do not like this place?"

"Nope," she popped the 'p.' Viridian eyes flickered away as her ears caught the sound of a strange noise. However, nothing out of the ordinary appeared in her sight. Dominique knocked her knuckles against the counter to release the jitteriness plaguing her body. Breathing in deeply, the girl stared at the older elf before her. "You're not good at hidin' your identity. So that ya know."

The girl half expected the man to glower at her but was surprised when a look of bewilderment crossed his expression. His ears twitched as his face relaxed. "It was not my attention to fool prying eyes. My main focus was to draw the least amount of attention to myself. Tell me, miss–"

His words died on his tongue. He blinked in hesitation. The elf opened his mouth to say a word but quickly closed it. Finally, his shoulders slumped in defeat. "I do not believe I have a name to put to your face."

Dominique's fingers twitched, itching to grab her weapon. How is this guy so nonchalant about this? A noble would be quakin' at the mention of a lower class knowin' their true identity. He's either overconfident or an idiot. I took a risk in tellin' this guy I knew, so why isn't he actin' out? Or is Zoom lyin' in wait to ambush me?

"Want to know my name?" she mumbled with a cocky smile. "Call me Dominique. Now mister 'I'm-not-from-around-these-parts,' what should I call you? I like to get to know my patrons."

Seriously? Where is that stupid Electric-Type? Her ears tilted up a bit, trying to sift through the rambunctious atmosphere of the tavern. It was a bit difficult, a harsh pressure building up against her skull as she allowed the background noise to come forward.

"Don't ya know the difference between a Lilligant and a Tsareena? Of course, they ain't the same!"

What type of question is that? Why would you need to ask that?

"Hey, have you heard about what's happening in the Alandra Kingdom? A tsunami almost destroyed Oceanbrook. Lucky for them, their Champions stopped it from damaging a good portion of the city."

Alandra's Champions? The Champion of Soul: Magearna and the Champion of Radiance: Diancie? That should be right– getting off-topic.

Various conversations filtered through her ears, along with boisterous laughter, the clinking of mugs, and other noises. The sides of her head were starting to ache, pulsating with pain as she tried to find a sound that was out of the ordinary.

"Miss Dominique, what a lovely name. As you have already deduced my lineage, I cannot tell you my real name. I hope an alias will be all right for now. You can refer to me as Maestro." The noble's hand hovered over the yellow core. Tiny sparks danced across his knuckles, threatening the girl to ask no further questions.

A mixture of excitement and fright flushed through her veins, warming her skin ever so slightly. Perhaps the electricity he released messed with her body's psychic energy. Maybe she was just crazy because she couldn't help but grin. The fear of someone stronger than her was washed away by comforting pulses. A part of her was beginning to mourn the loss of an opportunity to duel. Her rational side was scolding her for even thinking about such a thing. "Drop the miss. It sounds old. Ya suck at disguising yourself, ya know."

"Amidst the dulled senses, would such a thing have mattered? My main priority was to seize your attention. Anything else is but a nuisance."

The sound of glass shattering caused the russet-haired girl's ears to twitch. A similar action came from the noble in front of her. Neither of them tore their attention away from the other. Dominique snapped her fingers before she chuckled. "Amusin' aren't ya. I never met an elf as stupid as ya. Surely ya didn't march through the depths of the alleyways for nothin'?"

"Plunging oneself into danger is never done without a second thought. I know the consequences of lurking around these parts. I do not regret doing so." Deep inside the man's blue irises, his pupils flashed a deep gold. "Such a shame I have to wait a while, however."

"Don't complain about it—"A loud bang suddenly cut off her words. She tensed, ears ringing from the sound.

"Damn, pest! What do ya think yer doin'?"

Just my luck. A tired groan slipped free from her lips as she bowed her head in annoyance. Waves of russet hair hid her expression as she prayed to Xerneas that these drunken bastards kept their mouths shut and weapons sheathed.

"What did ya call me, ya lousy excuse for Trubbish?" A blonde woman snarled as she slammed her mug against the table. Her blue eyes were alight with fury as she glared at the brown-haired man who insulted her.

"Don't get so high an' mighty with me, missy." Stalking over to the woman, his face contorting in anger. He jabbed a finger into her chest. "Yer the one who started this!"

Domnique's forehead fell onto her palm as she contemplated whether or not she wanted to break those two from fighting. But before she could think about it any further, the sound of pages flipping alongside the crackling of power surging caused the hairs on the back of Dominque's neck to stand.

"Pugno Martellante!"

Her body moved before she could process anything. She snatched the sword from its scabbard, and the sound of metal was a bygone whisper. Psychic energy spilled from the pink core like a waterfall and glowed with the brilliance of stars before the ribbons wrapped themselves around the blade. Drawing her arm back, she sliced the area before her with fushia energy. The large arc cut through the sphere of pulsating blue energy that was cast by the female mage.

Sparkles of light rained onto the floor as the spell exploded into nothingness.

Pointing her rapier downward, the half-elf threw herself over the bar and landed beside Maestro with a huff. Dominque clicked her tongue. "Hey! Argue and fight all ya want but don't do it in here! Move your asses outta here! I ain't gonna tolerate this shit!"

"Stay outta this, halfie. Like ya can do anything anyway. Be a good girl an' go make some drinks. The adults are workin' this out. Although this miss here ain't gonna last with that scrawny frame of hers." Now that the man had her full attention, Dominque skimmed over his bulky stature. A brown cloak hid his muscular frame, but his outstanding height and broad shoulders made it easy for the girl to realize this.

"Ah, so just 'cause you're a bit bigger and older, ya think ya have the right to boss me around. Why don't you shut your mouth and listen? Get out before I force ya. The same goes for you, lady. Both of you started a ruckus." Irritation pricked at Dominique's skin, urging her not even bother to give a warning and instead thrust her weapon forward. But a teeny tiny part of her hoped they would stagger outside and fight in the alleyway.

"Me?" The blonde's head swirled around to gaze at the half-elf like she grew a second head. "Why'd I have to go too? He started it!"

"Says the one who used a spell. Ya ever thought about how much damage ya would have caused? Ya can't just start casting spells 'cause you're mad at this guy!" The teenager gestured toward the bulky man with a snarl. "I got no time to listen to the excuses you're gonna rattle off."

"Ya heard the lass! Get out! The both of ya!"

"Can't even enjoy a drink after work 'cause ya decide to cause trouble! Act all high and mighty 'cause you've got a lil ol' spell book! Hah! Like ya'd ever get anywhere in life with that!"

"Leave! We're tryin' ta relax an' here ya are! Makin' a racket over somethin' stupid!"

Patrons who could have cared less about anything suddenly spurred to life from their drunken stupors. Some slammed their hands on the tables while others thrust their arms into the air as a sign of annoyance. They hurled insults at the cloaked women and muscular man as if one didn't wield a grimoire and the other didn't have a cutlass strapped to his belt.

On top of that, hanging on the blue-eyed woman's belt was a cerulean core and an orange one on the handle of the cutlass.

Dominique slammed the tip of her weapon against the floorboards. A rush of crackling pink energy slithered across the ground like Silicobras threatening to tighten around their ankles. "Can y'all shut up already?! Blah, blah, blah! The two of ya, ya heard me! Get out unless ya want me to make the two of ya leave!"

The blonde woman had both arms at her sides; fists clenched hard enough that her nails were digging into her skin. Her jaw was tight, and her gaze downcast. In front of her, the aqua grimoire floated. A single whisper slipped free from her lips. "Pugno Martellante..."

Cerulean light spilled from the woman's hands like a sputtering fountain before curling in on itself. A jittering sphere of pure aura hovered above her palms as the words shown in the grimoire peeled free from pages. Wind stirred across the ground, dissolving the thin layer of psychic energy that Dominique conjured and whipping her hair up.

Quiet laughter rumbled through the woman's chest as she stared at the sphere with amusement. Her pupils were drowning in a blue glow, revealing the magic that flowed through her veins. The ball was pushed toward the man with a simple touch of her fingers.

Dominque grit her teeth. Sure, she was faster than most, not to mention it was because she was half elf, but at how close the proximity of the attack was, she would never make it in time to even jab it. Well, you never know unless you try.

Kicking off the tips of her toes, the girl pushed her body forward while thrusting her weapon. The slim point grazed the sphere, sinking a fushia thorn into it, yet not enough to blast a hole in it. Dominique's brows furrowed as she realized she had moved a few seconds too late.


Lament seared itself into her chest while panic flashed in her viridian eyes. Various scenarios flickered in her mind. They all ended with Dayani giving her that sweet smile while spewing words of anger in a friendly voice. Dominique did not make enough money to deal with this. Her contract never said anything about dealing with bar fights, but did she have a say in it? No.

The ball of fighting energy soared, growing closer to its target with every millisecond that passed. Panic sewed itself onto the teenager's features as she tried to think of anything she could do. All she drew up were half-hearted ideas that she quickly shut down.

Suddenly, blazing heat kissed her cheeks, and a rise in temperature made her close her eyes briefly. In the time that she had to keep her eyes shut, the crackling of raging flames resounded in her ears. Landing on her feet, Dominique peeled her eyes open to witness a cutlass wrapped in fire. The silver blade of the weapon had turned a bright red. The large man swept the cutlass across his body, slicing the sphere with the pure heat emitted by the weapon.

"Now, you've done it, missy! Ya better start running if ya want to make it out of here alive!" Pointing the blazing cutlass at the blonde, the man's eyes gleamed with hatred and rage. He took a few steps forward, swinging his blade haphazardly. A few embers freed themselves from the blade. "Volcarona, use Will-O-Wisp on her! Make her burn!"

Emerging from zir spot at the table, a giant moth baring scarlet wings decorated with black dots released a skittering chitter. Volcarona's compound blue eyes focused on the woman. Fire coursed out of zir mouth in streams, nearly drowning the crimson horns covering zir cheeks. With a mighty flap, a surge of flames was blown.

The Fighting mage squealed in fright as she scampered to flip the pages of her grimoire. Ancient words began to unseal themselves from the paper as she thrust her hand out. "Scudo Rialzato!"

Letters of unknown forged themselves together, melting into a translucent azure barrier that barely deflected the scorching flames. Since the attack couldn't hit its intended target, the fire crawled across the barrier and hissed at anyone too close to the fight.

"Mienshao, Force Palm that annoying bug!"

A blur of white and purple flashed through the air as the long-bodied Pokémon twisted zir body. The Mienshao's right arm was enveloped in a brilliant white light, and ze struck the Volcarona in the chest. A shriveled noise was heard as the bug was thrown across the room and slammed into the wall.

The frustration and haughtiness that once plagued the tavern quickly morphed into an atmosphere of hysteria. People clamored out of their seats, knocking them over without a care. Mugs were tipped, spilling their contents or shattering once they hit the floor and scattering shards everywhere. Some barreled to the exit, while others hid underneath their tables.

Now if this were a typical restaurant with easier-to-deal-with patrons, Dominique would have probably done her best to protect them. However, this was a tavern where she didn't make enough money to deal with bar fights, but did she have a say in it? Nope. There were only two things that she was worried about now. One was making sure the tavern didn't ignite like paper; the second was that she wasn't thrilled to leave with some third-degree burns. Dying at the age of nineteen wasn't on her bucket list.

Flames crackled, and energy swept the air as various attacks collided with each other as both owners and Pokémon released a stream of attacks. A few deflected attacks had flown in Dominique's direction, but she managed to jab or duck out of the way.

So much for a quiet night.

Sucking in a large breath, small embers and smoke burned the inside of her throat, and she coughed instead. Drawing her lips into a frown, she pulled at the magnetic string that attached her and the glimmering pink core decorating her blade. At the same time, she harshly yanked at the thread connecting her and Cecily. The Hattrem wasn't the one who gifted her the core, but that didn't mean she couldn't use it to call wherever the heck that brat had disappeared to.

She sprinted, catching the window of opportunity to attack the man with the cutlass. She squatted, but only briefly as she propelled herself into the air. The handle of the rapier twirled around Dominique's fingers as she readjusted her grasp. The pointed tip directed itself at the ceiling while she slammed the brunt of the handle onto the top of his head. A sharp crack resonated within her eardrums, followed by the thud of a crumbling body.

A confident smirk spread across her face, but her victory was short-lived as he slammed his palms against the wooden panels to push himself up. The half-elf landed on her feet, but she had to sink to the ground to evade a rush of fire at her head.

Dominique scowled and reframed from saying some harsh words. The pink core released a wave of psychic energy. The pulsations curled around the thin blade like a coil, solidifying itself like steel. Dominique's pupils held a fuchsia glow as the magical power flowed through the enchanted weapon.

The curved blade brimming with ignited flames threatened to consume the tavern with its lashing fire. The core embedded in its handle carried the same blaze. Embers hissed, swallowing mouthfuls of tainted oxygen, and roared with determination. The man, a traveler or drunkard, Dominique wasn't all that sure. His steps weren't tipsy, and his frame didn't hunch over like one who had consumed too many cups. She could see the red dust coating his tanned cheeks, but the flickering fire played a trick on her eyes.

If Dominique wanted to pick a fight, she would have chosen an eternal knight rather than this one. At least a knight knew proper training, which would be challenging. But this guy? He was swinging his sword without any plan in mind. Well, he did have a plan. The plan was to kill the mage who was preparing another spell and maybe her.

Dominique placed a foot behind her, ignoring the red puddle seeping into the leather of her boots and staining her soles. A confident, almost manic grin slithered onto the half-elf's face. "Ya really want to go on? You're gonna lose in the end. Same with that mage over there. Ain't that gonna be disheartenin'? Losin' to a girl half your size?"

"Cut the tough shit, halfie! You've only got the upper hand thanks to yer bastard bloodline, and 'cause you caught me by surprise!" Blood trickled down his forehead from the hit. "Get out of the way before I make ya!"

"Oh," The russet-haired girl hummed as she raised a brow. "Threatenin' words. How scary. More like embarrassin' if ya ask me. All bark, no bite!"

If Dominique's goal was to piss off the man, she succeeded because a wave of flames was sent her way.

Sparks soared as the cutlass parried against her rapier. Dominique's arm trembled against the pressure of how much strength the man swung his enchanted weapon with. It didn't help that she had a small frame, and the guy was practically a giant compared to her. If she hadn't coated her own in psychic energy, she had a good feeling that she would have been blown away. If this were a fight of pure strength, she would have lost.

Heat consumed her weapon momentarily, slithering down the metal and whipping at her hand. She hissed, the flames burning portions of her skin. Grounding her teeth together, she realized the pressure was causing her knees to buckle. Viridian eyes connected with the inferno lying behind the man's violet ones. No way I'm losin'! My pride wouldn't allow it!

Her free hand slipped into the pouch connected to her belt. She barely noticed the flash of silver coming from her dagger as she jammed it into the man's wrist. A howl of anguish was ripped from the man's vocal cords, and the pressure and heat dropped.

Was it a dirty trick? In most eyes, it would be, and Dominique would be pretty pissed if she were on the receiving end of it. However, in this place, rules were always thrown out the window. No matter how much you despise cheaters, you'll always find one. This was no different. This fight wasn't an established one where you would get scolded and disqualified for injuring someone intentionally for the upper hand. And that was ignoring that if this were a judged fight, she would have been charged with assault.

But this wasn't a real fight, and she wouldn't take a beating if she could do that.

The man stumbled back, and his cutlass lay forgotten on the floor. The scorching flames that once danced across the steel were extinguished, and the only sign of fire was the smoke rising from it. His hand cradled the injured one, mouth agape at the sight of a knife jammed into his arm. Pain and fury contorted his face as he drew in heavy breaths.

"Why ya–! Yer goin' to pay for this!"

"No, I'm not. There are no knights here to arrest me. Plus, ya think they would care for a lowlife like ya? They don't. Now..." the teenager pointed the tip of her blade at the man. An egotistical grin made its way to her face as her eyes brightened with ecstasy. "Victory is mine."

A brief flash of magenta colored Dominque's irises before dissipating. As it did, a blur of pink and blue soared through the air. Cecily had finally returned from wherever she had disappeared to. Wailing in displeasure—whether it was because of the mess or the slight burns on Dominque's hand, she wasn't sure—the Hattrem brought both pigtails down with force. Cecily pummeled the man with Play Rough. It seemed like Cecily was hellbent on hitting everywhere she could.

When the man was rendered unconscious, the Psychic/Fairy-Type whirled around with predatory eyes aimed at Volcarona and Mienshao. The latter kept bringing its arms up and down as it unleashed a flurry of Fury Swipes at the bug. Droplets of crimson stained the floor. A mixture of a cry and laughter left Cecliy as she skittered over to the two larger Pokémon. She swung her pigtails ferociously.

Dominque sighed softly. Cecily was a violent little thing, wasn't she? She never understood how she caught her in the first place.

Reminiscing on old memories was swept away in an instant as her ears twitched. Whipping around on her heels, Dominque's eyes widened at the sight of cerulean crescents. She drove her blade into the attack. The psychic energy managed to deflect the first arc, but for the second one, she had to dodge. Throwing herself to the side, she jumped as a smaller crescent was aimed at her feet.

The worn soles of her boots scrapped against the sleek surface of the bar as Dominique bent her knees. As she ducked, she could feel a bit of weight leave her scalp as a curved arc hacked off a few curls. The teenager didn't have time to mourn the loss of hair.

Stepping forward, the woman waved her hands as the grimoire flipped through pages once more. "Ya couldn't say out of the way, could ya?"

"Why am I the bad guy? My workplace, my rules. You're the one causing a fuss over what? A couple of insults? You've got a fragile ego there." Dominique waved her hand dismissively.

She didn't hear the beginning of the argument because she wasn't paying attention. Her attention was focused on that noble elf. Now that she was thinking about it, where did Maestro go? Before her thoughts could unravel with more questions, the woman's voice pierced through her mind.

"It was my fight!"

"Well, ya suck at fightin'. Kinda strange, considerin' you're a Fightin'-Type mage. Your Mienshao puts up more of a fight than ya do."

The woman stomped her foot like a child. "You're so annoyin'! I'll shut your mouth, you ignorant child!"

"I'm not the one throwin' a tantrum here, am I?" Dominique released a long whistle. "'Cause I'm not the one who's flinging spells willy-nilly. You're not a threat. I've had worse and harder fights. This ain't one."

"Shut it!" The blonde's brows furrowed, and she flung her arm outward. "Attacchi Rapidi!"

"Yeah, no. I'm not dealin' with this anymore." Dominique rewound her arm before thrusting the tip of her rapier into her opponent's chest. A garbled yelp of pain tumbled out of the other's women's chest as she stumbled back.

Out of the corner of her eye, a violet blur coming her way caused her jaw to lock. She wouldn't be able to dodge it in time. Her viridian eyes steeled, and she thrust her free arm out in a feeble attempt to brace herself. Dominque's teeth rattled, nearly biting her tongue as Mienshao's kick connected with her forearm.

Unable to resist the force of the attack, the russet-haired girl teetered off her heels. A grunt left her as her spine connected with cabinets behind the bar. Above her, the bottles lining the shelves trembled. The wriggling agony and dusted bruises on the girl's arm were long forgotten. Her heart dropped to her stomach as she feared that the bottles would topple.

Dominique scampered to her feet. To the girl's utter joy, none of the bottles filled to the brim with liquor toppled over. She would have sighed in relief if it weren't for the fact that the Mienshao was about to slam zir foot into her skull.

Twisting her body around, she swung the rapier across her body. The thin blade collided with the bipedal's ankle, knocking the Pokémon off course. However, it wasn't enough to damage the Pokémon, considering it flipped in the air and landed with ease. Mienshao tilted zir head, almost glaring down at Dominque like she wasn't worth zir time. The mocking smirk didn't help either.

Dominique frowned. She kept her body in a defensive position with her weapon drawn and stance ready to move if needed. Forcing a confident smile, she said, "All this for a measly insult? Come on. Ya drove out most of my clients with this nonsense. Why don't we let bygones be bygones? But I guess not considerin' ya act like a little kid who doesn't get what they want and throws a tantrum instead."

Not the best declaration she could come up with, but it wasn't like she had the time to think of one. But her words did hold weight. Two-thirds of the patrons had left when the fight started to get out of hand. No one wanted to get caught up in a fight that had nothing to do with them.

Her right arm tingled. The nerves in her arms were scrambled as they tried to figure out whether they wanted to ache or stay numb from the kick. Dominique flexed her fingers weakly and found that her pinky and ring fingers barely moved. The swelling and the ugly reddish tint tainting her skin were more than enough to prove why.

Great. Now she had to visit the doctor in the morning and pay. No one cares about how this is going to affect her! Also, where the heck is Cecily? She's supposed to be handling the Mienshao!

She placed her weapon in her left hand as her right wasn't going to be to handle it well anymore.

She wasn't great at using a rapier with her left, but she didn't have the time to complain as another blue crescent was aimed at her head. Dominique threw herself to the ground to dodge the attack. The second she hit the floor, she jabbed her leg out and slammed the back of her heel against the woman's feet. The blonde was swept off her feet with a yelp.

In retaliation, the Mienshao leaped in the air with zir leg tucked into zir abdomen, fully intending to break Dominique's head open. Dominique could try and block it with her arm again, but she doubted her bones would be strong enough to withstand such a hit. Mienshaos were tough as it is with their graceful and acrobatic movements and heavy blows, and the half-elf trying to withstand another smack wouldn't be a good idea. So, she did the next best thing.

Fuschia light engulfed the blade once more, and Dominique scampered to her feet. Raising her arm, the russet-haired girl jammed her rapier against the ground to release a shockwave of psychic energy. Ribbons of pink frantically swirled across the floor until they jumped up to strike the Pokémon. The ends morphed into thin spikes.

Mienshao's sharp eyes narrowed, inspecting the rush of spikes coming at zir. Completely composed, the Pokémon brought down its knee onto the attack. The energy collided, sending sparks of pink and blue into the air. The ferocious spikes were shattered, their fading light plummeting to the ground like withered flower petals.

Dominique's teeth clamped down as she realized Mienshao raised zir arm to strike her as zir descended. I won't be able to dodge or block that with my sword!

Although the teenager was not thrilled to do this, she prepared to swing her weapon again. But given how much power was being stored in the Fighting-Type's arms, she doubted her attempt would be successful. Dominique braced herself.

"Sylvie, Moonblast."

A condensed sphere of swirling aqua and soft pink connected with the Mienshao's abdomen in midair. The Fairy-Type attack whizzed, crackling with essence as it tossed the opposing Pokémon across the tavern and into a well.

The sound of soft footsteps clicking against the wooden panels made Dominique's heart still for a second. She tossed her head back in defeat with a groan. She would have rather taken the hit than be left with this outcome. Pulling her sight back, the half-elf watched as a short female pointed a cutlass at the mage's throat. A light pink core was hanging from the end of the handle by a leather string. The tip rested on her skin, dragging a thin line of red across the woman's neck. A few drops of blood seeped from the thin cut.

"Such a large ruckus, Dominique. Couldn't you handle this in a more civilized manner?" The question was glazed over with elegance.

"Uh..." the russet-haired girl pulled herself up from the ground with some trouble. Everything ached. "Kinda hard when no one listens to you."

"Try harder then." The woman hummed in response.

"I'll keep that in mind, Miss Dayani," was the only thing Dominique mustered to say.

Glancing upward, the teenager's eyes landed on her boss, who was stepping on the mage's foot with a sweet smile. Wisps of strawberry blonde hair framed the woman's face, hiding her tan face and lilac eyes. However, those features weren't the things that stood out the most. The two large horns shaped like those of a Sawsbuck protruded from the top of her head. You would have seen a fluffy tail and ears if she wasn't wearing an oversized baby blue cloak.

A species known as fawns were the only ones who carried this appearance. Despite their resemblance to Sawsbuck, they aren't related in any way for some strange reason that eluded Dominique. But then again, she had pointed ears and enhanced senses, so she couldn't question it.

"I'm content to know you're taking my words to heart." Dayani's head dipped, causing hair to fall around her face as she turned to Dominique. "Or at least those would be my hopeful wishes."

Dominique smiled awkwardly while eyeing the Mienshao, who was struggling to get to zir feet. She turned away when Sylvie's ribbons elongated to make the finishing blow.

"Let go of me, ya–!" the mage's words were cut off by Dayani digging her heel further into the woman's foot. She screamed.

"No yelling." The fawn drew the cutlass a little further. "The establishment may almost be empty, but I won't tolerate such disrespect in front of my employee nor those cowering under the tables. You and that man and your Pokémon cause quite a fuss. You wouldn't want me to make a deeper incision, now would you?"

Whatever words the mage wanted to say were quickly forgotten as Dayani carefully drew the tip a little more. The mage gasped slightly, and her body shook in fear as she worried whether or not the fawn would end her life. For a split second, the mage's eyes shifted to the grimoire lying on the ground a couple of feet from her.

"Domi, don't allow any interferences."

Exhaustion and pain clung to Dominique's features as she sagged forward. Her fingers throbbed, swollen from the attacks, and some burnt skin. Nothing too severe but enough to cause her discomfort. Heaving a sigh, Dominique held her rapier with her injured hand but with her good fingers. Picking up the grimoire, she slammed it shut, and the blue glow seeping from the pages ceased to exist. She wasn't sure whether it was because she didn't have an affinity for magic or because she wasn't the owner. Nor did she care.

"Don't touch that–!" A pained yelp touched the air.

Flipping the grimoire around, she inspected the hefty spell book. The book was bound with expensive cerulean leather and silver adornments wrapping around it. The stitches were done with white thread and with utmost care. In the center lay a crescent shape carved out of what Dominique assumed was a moonstone. Looking at the side that revealed the tan pages, she flipped it open to a random one. Various letters strung together sentences that she had no idea what was being said.

Grimores were written in ancient languages that only mages were able to read. Some like herself would chalk it up to gibberish as, in her mind, they made no sense. Letters shifted, changing the meanings and words to scramble whoever was trying to read. A defense mechanism so thieves who have deciphered those words cannot figure out those precious spells. It was a good idea, but Dominique had no use in stealing this. Why steal something that would be worthless to her?

She tucked it underneath her arm. Turning around, she watched as Dayani's light pink core sputtered to life. The mystical light gave off a pleasant warmth that seemed to ease the aches in Dominique's bones.

"I'll give you and the man over there a warning this time. Please do not show your presence here ever again lest you wish to have your head separated from your shoulders. I believe I'm merciful, so I am giving you a chance to leave with minimal injuries. Run along now. My patience can only run so thin." Dayani smiled sweetly as if chastising a child for drawing on the wall. Yet the words she spoke were anything but kind.

"Ya can't do that! I've done nothin' wrong! Look at what you've done to my Mienshao! If anythin', it's that guy's fault! Not mine!"

Dayani's charming expression fell. She pulled her arm back, showcasing the Fairy core in cutlass. "You do not seem to understand your situation. Perhaps you've been struck a few too many times. Hmm, no matter. This town will not mourn your presence in the slightest anyhow."

The fawn ignored the look of panic written across the mage's face. The fallen woman began to sputter words of apology as she held her hands out like a barrier.

"Farewell, dear mage. May a Guardian lead your soul safely to the Oasis." Dayani swung her sword down in an arc.


Author's Note:

We're not going to talk about how it's been months since I posted the prologue. To make up for it, this chapter is a bit longer than normal since I couldn't find a good spot to cut it in half. Hopefully, I'll update this book again soon! I also changed the cover since I didn't love the first one.

I'm going to ask a question because why not? Would you choose to wield a weapon or a grimoire? What Typing would you use?

Character Spotlight:

Name: Maestro(?)

Occupation: Unknown

Likes: Unknown

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