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Name: macey daimon
Age: 27

Love intrest: zazz

Personality: macey is a cheerful, hot-headed showoff and seems to be the one who has a more goofy outlook on life. She is extremely energetic and constantly brags about her role as the Heroine and leader of the Warriors of Hope, despite the circumstances of how she became "leader" (by winning in Rock, Paper, Scissors).

She loves praise and fame. She refers to herself using orecchi, a form of the Japanese pronoun ore, which can be rude depending on its context but is often used when a speaker wants to assert a feeling of superiority. She also calls herself "Lordess Macey Daimon".

She is also very playful, naughty and mischievous in nature. She likes to boss around others due to her role as the leader and seems to enjoy pranks. For example, she once locked Sakusei Kemuri in the bathroom. However, she is always very considerate and respectful towards Monaca.

Macey has been described as "bratty" and an "idiot". She seems to have a childish "girls are better than boys" way of thinking, as she thinks that Boys are stupid and cowardly. Both Monaco and Kairi call her perverted, though a line in Ultra Despair Hagakure implies that she's still very naive and doesn't really understand sexual things. She is one of the more child-like and less intelligent members of the group, enjoying very childish jokes, stomping her foot in frustration if things won't go her way, and being completely unaware of what is truly going on. She also seems to have a habit of remembering certain words incorrectly, like misremembering "colosseum" as "killesseum" and then trying to claim it was just a special Hero joke.

Although macey is childish and arrogant, and very focused on becoming the ruler of Towa City and children's paradise, she is shown to genuinely care about the people she leads. She wants to make sure that the kids won't need to feel afraid anymore and she forces herself to be brave for them. She takes her role as the "Hero" very seriously and works hard to live up to certain hero tropes, like being fearless and never losing. When talking about her goals as a Hero, she also mentions Monaca among the things that should and will belong to her,possibly out of her firm belief in the trope that the hero always gets the girl, instead of romantic interest.

Though she usually appears very cheerful, she can get very upset and break down crying if she is reminded of her abusive past.

Name: sakusei kemuri
Age: 12

Love intrest: zor
Sakusei's personality:Personality: sakusei has an incredible talent for anything seen as creative, such as drawing, painting and sculpting. She is also shown to be quiet, shy and scatter-brained. The official artbook describes her as "curious, crafty, and fascinated by dark and disturbing things".

Sakusei  is acknowledged by both herself and those around her for being hated, and she seems content with that fact. She has a tendency to blame herself for things that have nothing to do with her,as well as repeatedly apologizing and putting herself down. She believes that her face is horribly ugly and she panics if anyone wants to see it, claiming that seeing her face would make people's eyeballs explode.

Sakusei's thoughts are disorganized and off-topic, some being innocent and some not, and she often has difficulties following conversations. She is shown to have some sort of mental or emotional instability, which becomes evident when he lapses into his episodes of rambling. She describes these ramblings as "yawns", things that come out of her mouth involuntarily and nobody can understand them, not even her. She calls them just "killing of time" and "distraction from the horrors around you".

Sakusei's presence is often largely ignored, though she states later to Komaru and Toko that being ignored is something that she doesn't like. After Taiyo Shingetsu becomes impatient during her introduction and interrupts her, Sakusei becomes visibly distraught and mumbles how her skin was 'beginning to crawl and itch' and how she wished to 'tear it all off.'

Despite the constant self-deprecation, sakusei is self-described as being a cheerful kid (though she admits that she may not understand what "cheerful" means), helpful to her friends and willing to comply with whatever they ask of her while remaining relatively upbeat.

It's later revealed that sakusei acceptance of hate is a coping mechanism she developed against the constant abuse in her home life. She also believes that it's easier to be hated, because it leaves her free to do what she wants without worrying about pleasing people.

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