chapter 5

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Ali Riya and ananya is roaming in the street...

They took a seat in near by cafe.

Ananya : I am so happy duffer... U both r getting married.. u know I have a lot fantasies about ur marriage.

Ali smiles.

Ali: ur wish is my command.

Ananya: no way... It's going to be like the way Riya wants.

Ananya looks at Riya.

Riya: I don't want any thing...Ali is with me that's only thing that matters.i don't care how the marriage is.i just want him with me.

Ali kisses her forehead.

Ali: we r going to be together for the rest of our life.i promise to keep u happy.

Ananya: in air.

Ananya winks looking at the couple.
Riya blushes.

Ananya: guys pls...I want to become an aunt soon.pls...consider my request.

Riya blushes hard.

Ananya laughs.

Ali: stop it doll...come lets go u want anything.

Ananya : no let's go.

Ali : okay fine..I have some works left ..I will leave do u want me to drop u.

Ananya: no need...

Ali looks at ananya..he wants to say something but was hesitant.

Ananya: spill it duffer.

Ali took a deep breath.

Ali: r u sure u want to stay there...

Ananya: of course I am sure....and u don't want to take tension about that...I am just staying their for Riya.

Ananya stood up and cupped his face

Ananya: ur doll is too strong duffer..I know it's difficult for Riya to stay there.we both will come together to ur home.

Ali smiles.

When Riya's parents died in an accident Ashish send her to boarding school .she was a quite child throughout her life.its only aman who use to visit her.even on vacation she use to stay at hostel...her whole life changed when she met Ali .she fell in love with him

Riya and ananya reached the mansion.

Both of them are walking inside wispering something with each other.

Kareena who was walking down saw them.
Kareena smiled at them.

Riya: hey kariii.

Kareena: how the date.

Riya: it wasn't a date actually three of us went to roam around . By the way met my...

Kareena: ananya right.

Riya  was about to say something

Kareena: Bebe told me about u ..u r really beautiful.

Ananya smiles at her.

Kareena hugs her. Ananya reciprocate it.

Kareena: it's really nice meeting u.

Ananya: same to u Ms Khanna.

Kareena: oh...don't be so formal call me by my name...

Ananya : okay.

Riya smiles at them.

Riya: so babes ...this Kareena...younger daughter of praksh uncle and Shwetha aunty. She is like my sister and my only companion in this house other than Neil.

Kareena: ohoo Riya dii..stop and tell how is ur Tom and Jerry game going on.

Riya: ur brother is truely insane.

Kareena laughs

Kareena: I know...
Riya: but frankly speaking if he is not here I would have gone mad.

Three of smiles.

Ananya: we talk later..I badly need a shower

Kareena : yeah carry on.

Riya and Avni reached their room.

Riya: babes can I go first.

Ananya: yeah sure...I will wait.

Smiling to her Riya went inside the bathroom.

Ananya sat in couch and was going through her phone.

She felt thirsty and looked at the jug at the stand it's empty.

Sighing heavily she made her way down stairs

When she reached hall .she heard someones hissing..out of pain.

She walked to the direction where the sound is coming  reached at the door of room. The door is slightly open.she looked through it and saw bebe . Bebe is sitting in the bed stretching her legs.

Ananya knocked .

Bebe: yes come in...

Ananya opened the door widely.

Bebe: arreyy..ananya...come. ...Aah..

Bebe cried in pain when she tried to shift her leg.

Ananya goes towards her and stood near the bed

Ananya: ji...what happened?

Bebe: nothing dear...just twisted my foot while walking.

Indicating her left foot.

Ananya sat on the bed near her leg , took it in her hands.

Bebe: arey...betaa..what r u doing leave it it's not a big deal.

Ananya: ji..u r is sprained.let me help u.

Bebe: no. Need dear I will call any of the servants.

Ananya: let me help u...

Saying this ananya went to bathroom.

Collected some hot water and and towel and came towards Bebe.

Bebe: u don't have to do this.

Ananya didn't listen to her.she sat near her foot and placed it on her lap.then dipped the towel in the hot water squeezed it and started rubbing it on her foot.

Bebe: why r u taking the trouble dear. Let it be..

Ananya: waise... Did u tell about this to any one.

Bebe nodded her headed her negatively.

Ananya: why?

Bebe: I don't anyone to be worried and upon that they will scold me too..

Bebe smiles saying it ananya also smiles

Ananya: acha..then I wil inform.

Bebe: just a small will fine  after some time.

Ananya: ok then let's make a deal.

Bebe: what deal?

Ananya: I will not say about this to anyone but u have to allow to nurse it.

Bebe smiles at her and agrees .Bebe liked her so much.bebe looked at her. Who is nursing her carefully.

Bebe: u must be having things to do right ..go ...I will manage the rest....I feel better now

Ananya: let me cmpt it .

Bebe smiles.

Bebe: now a days what the people care is only about themselves on others.but look at u..taking care of me.

Ananya: u know I also have a nanno like u. She use to say it's not a big deal to leave a person who is happy. But we should never leave a person who is in pain. So I won't leave

Ananya smiles.

Bebe keeps her hand on her cheeks .

After the water gets cold ananya kept it aside and took the first aid and applied and pain relief on it.

She gave a small massage too.

After doing it she got up.

Ananya : fine I will take a leave now.

Bebe nods at her.

After that ananya went to her room and got fresh .

It's evening now..ananya wore a black hoddie and a Jean.

Riya: going somewhere.

Ananya: the library ..wanna join.

Riya: no... enjoy ur self.

Ananya : okay then bye....

Riya: do u want me to drop u .

Ananya: no.. such a lovely weather I will just walk.

Riya nods.

Ananya reached the library.

She went inside and took a book to read and got settled at place

At the same time Aman and Neil was returning from office when they r near library....Neil felt to go there.

Neil: stop.

Aman: why ...what happened.

Neil: I will just go to library.

Aman: library seriously

Neil: I don't why but feel like going's been so long that I actually went there.

Aman: okay.

Neil bidded Aman and entered inside the library.

He goes to towards the romance collection.

Neil goes throw them.

Neil: there is no love in ur life atleast enjoy a book Neil.

Sighing Neil took out a book and went and sit a corner when he looked at his left side he noticed a familiar face.

Neil: ananya?

Neil goes close to her.

Neil: ananya...

No response

Neil: ananya....
.still no response.

Neil snapped his finger in front of her.

Ananya looks at him

Neil: hey ananya...I was calling u so for long.

Ananya: oh..hey... actually I was immersed in reading

Neil: oh...

Ananya again continue to read

Later it's the time to close the library .. every one went ....

Neil reached out and searched for ananya but couldn't found. He thought she might be inside.

He went inside.  And looked at the place where she sat previously.

But it was empty.

Suddenly the guards came...Neil was about hide some where but he felt a sudden pull from his side

He looks on and found ananya.

Neil: wh....

He was stopped from speaking further by her .she kept her fingers on his lips.

They both wear standing so close to each other.neil could sense her lavender fragrance.

Soon the guards left locking the room.

Ananya moved away...but Neil missed her warmth.

Neil: what the's closed how will we go now.

Ananya: sh... Let me finish this book.

Neil : huh?

Ananya went a sit at the same place.

Neil looks at her unbelievably.

He took out his phn to make a call but it's not reachable.

After 15 min...

Ananya: I am finished.

Neil: really....

Ananya: yeah...

Neil: what's the need for u to keep me here

Ananya: if the guards found u both of us will be standing out...and how will I cmo6 the story...

Neil: seriously just cmpt that damn book....u can read it tomorrow also

Ananya: I don't have time tomorrow plus...what's meant for today should be cmpted today itself.

Neil: stop those nonsense...tell way to escape ...

Ananya: it's not a big deal.

Saying she started to shout...

Neil put his hand on her mouth.

Neil: girl do u want us to be in police station.

At the same time guards came in...



Ananya: okay here goes ur ice cream.1 for and 2 for me

Neil: 2,

Ananya: u also want 2...okay I will get...

Neil: no no...I don't  want...

Ananya started to have her icecream Neil looks at her. And smiles.

Thanks for loving my story.

Pls ignore mistakes if any
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Will try to update soon


Chapter is here dear

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