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He's there, his arms wrapped around her, smiling as a small child tugs upon her mother's hand. The snow is falling still, Christmas decorations up as the child hums a Christmas song.

He laughs at a joke his wife tells, kissing her forehead as they seem like the perfect family. Not ostentatious, but you can tell they are rich by the way the man looks upon his family as they are the the most precious thing  in the world.

The scene makes my heart pound within my chest as I watch myself, an aged version, good hands with a man I've never seen before. He's tall, blond, and warm brown eyes make him the type of person you'd want to bring home to your parents.

This is the life Keva saw I could have. The life I could of had as my own if I had left the palace.

"Queen Sybil?"

Lord Kane's voice pulls me away from the vision, his hands shaking me awake as I look around us.

We're back in the palace, at the staircase where the portal is located.

"It's typical for most who travel through portals for the first time to see visions. You're fine now," he informs, helping me to calm down as I nod my head.

"Thank you," I state, looking around at the bricks of the castle. "I need to go and find King Zion now."

I have to tell him.

I have to tell him of news that will be our future.

Rushing down the stairs, my head spins from the vision, each step only making it worse as my brain pounds within my skull of release.

As I enter the throne room, Zion sits upon the throne, listening to one of his generals inform him of a new tactic they will be using to possibly put an end to the war. The general bows his head as I enter the room, Zion looking up with a smile as he spots me.

"Queen Sybil," the man greets, gaining a 'hello' from me as I look back to Zion. However long I was gone, I do not know, but I know enough that Zion has cooled down by now.

"Could I speak with you?" I ask Zion, nervous as I think of my mother. She would tell stories of how ecstatic she was when she discovered she was to have me. "Just a brief word."

Zion looks to his general, apologizing for the brief interruption as he gets up from his throne. I begin to walk towards a hallway, Zion following close behind as I can tell he is wondering what is going on.


A soft kiss is placed upon my lips, hands wrapping around my waist as the kiss is filled with passion and need.

I turn my head to the side, giving my husband the clue as he slowly pulls away.

"What's the matter?" Zion asks, cupping my cheeks as I find myself resting my head upon his chest. How am I to say this? Just shout it out in the open? Rant about something and then just blurt it out?

My eyes begin to tear up as I think about the news I am to tell. A heavy burden that I don't know how to handle. I'm only nineteen, though many females already have children at my age. But how many are married not only to a wonderful man, but to a King of a Werewolf Empire as they are also the Queen and war is still happening? Not very many are in the same place as me.

Not many at all.

"What is it?" Zion asks, his voice soft as I shake my head, backing away as I wipe off the tears.



I let a sob leave my mouth.

"What's wrong, Sybil? Are you hurt? Did someone-

"Nothing wrong, Zion," I whisper, a small smile spreading across my face. "Nothing is wrong, it's not bad or anything."

"Why are you crying? Is it that time of the month? Is it because I'm leaving soon?"

Leaving. Leaving for what? For a brief time or forever?

"It's not that time of the month," I reply, reaching up onto my toes as I place a soft kiss upon his temple. "It hasn't been that time of the month for a while."

His eyes goes wide.

His skin pale.

"Are you sick? Okay? Should I call a doctor? A witch? And elf?" He asks frantically, searching my face for any kind of answer as I shake my head.

"I'm not sick," I reply, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I've been getting sick in the mornings though...."

I'm trying to give him hints, to let him know in any form that we are to have a family.

"How long? I'll have someone call a doctor to the -

"Zion, for one damn moment please use that Ivy League brain of your's."

His eyebrows knit together as he thinks upon what I've just said.

How will he respond?

Will he want a child?

" something wrong."

"Goddess, I swear sometimes my brain will hurt so much from your stupidity that my nose will bleed and I'll have to shove tampons up it to absorb the mess you made," I comment in a fast rant, rolling my head as Zion offers me a small laugh.

"What's the news?"

I cock my head to the side.

"It's all your fault."

"My fault?" He asks, his voice laced with fear. "What did I do? Did I hurt you? Are you okay?"

Leaving his hold, I clear my throat, taking in a deep breath as he awaits my next words.

"Think, your period, morning sickness......."

Arms envelop me in a massive embrace, countless kiss upon my lips as he holds me close. My feet leave the floor as I'm swung around, a small laugh escaping me as Zion seems to be the happiest man alive.

"We're having a child," he whispers over and over again with nothing but pure joy.

Setting me down, he looks into my eyes, leaning forward as his smile is the most beautiful I've ever seen right now.

"I love you."

A smile escapes across my own lips.

"I know," I pause, "that's the reason why I about to feel like an elephant."

He chuckles, pulling me in for a soft embrace as he rests his chin upon my head.

"You're one hell of an amazing woman. I bet that whatever gender it is, it will get your eyes."

I smile, keeping from Zion the fact that I've already dreamed of our child. A small boy who has just as much energy as what I image a young Zion to have.

No matter what, this child...he will be a true gift.

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