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Eight long days have passed. In either on the throne as Lords and Alphas come before me, either giving gifts of the new marriage or stopping for true royal business. In eight days I've helped decrease witch attacks on a small pack, helped to hunt down five hunters going after one pack, and even help finance the Kingdom. To say the most, I've been a busy Queen.

"Queen Sybil?"

I stir, groaning as I pull the covers over my head, wishing whoever is here would go away.


I roll onto my stomach, grabbing a pillow with me as I inhale Zion's scent. His head once laid here over a week ago.

I through the smell was gone by now.

I scream, flipped over as a figure stands in the shadows over me. Before I can call for help, lips crash upon mine as I'm lost on a world of lust and joy.


Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull him down onto me, a smile across my lips as he laughs at my actions.

Flipping us over so I'm on top, I reach for the nightstand, turning on the room lights as those golden brown orbs meet mine.

He's back.

My hands fall to his face, my eyes searching every piece of his face for any sign of damage.

"Goddess, you're safe. Thank the Moon Goddess," I cry out, placing my lips upon his once more, remembering how much I've wanted and wished for this moment to come. "Are you hurt? Any wounds?"

Zion chuckles, shaking his head.

He takes my hands, holding them in his as my heart rate beats fast within my chest. Twisting the ring around my finger in his hand, Zion stares into my eyes, the silence consuming us.

"How was the battle....?" I ask.

His eyes show defeat.

"We lost quite a few..." Zion pauses, "but we won, their troops retreating."

I put my hands upon his chest, only for Zion to hiss out in pain. "What's wrong?" I ask, worry lacing my voice as I look down at his chest.

Right away I tear at his shirt. "Are you sure? Zion, you seem hurt."

As I undo the shirt to reveal a chiseled chest, nothing looks harmed.

But that's when I spot it, the glittering item upon his torso where my hands were. "You think this is funny."

"Think of as an exchange for your scare," Zion whispers, pulling my head down as he places a kiss upon my jaw. My fingers wrap around the necklace, the silver chair containing sapphires that hang from different areas along the chain. "And this."

I'm flipped over, under the King as his lips land upon my mark, my back arching as I press my chest upon his. His hands go behind my neck, placing the necklace around my neck as he settled between my legs.

By morning I'm groaning as the sun meets my eyes. Rolling onto my side, I wrap an arm around what should be Zion, only to meet the sheets.

Getting to my feet, I head right for the shower, getting ready for the day as I already know where to find him. As I finish dressing for the day, I head out the room, walking down the marble halls as my fingers trace the necklace around my neck.

As I enter the throne room, I find Zion there, standing before the stairs to his throne, the royal robes upon his shoulders and the crown on his head. "I thought you'd find me soon enough," Zion remarks as he acknowledges my presence, turning his head to spot me.

"When do you leave again?" I ask, walking forward as I wrap my arms around his waist.

"Three days."

I groan, shutting my eyes tight.

"I need you to do something while I'm gone."

I nod.

"Find out about Nixon."

"What do you mean?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. Could I be next? Could Nixon want me dead for Zion to suffer like he did?

"Financial stuff, location, recent actions, anything that would cause suspicion."

"What do you plan on doing?" I ask, walking around to face Zion as my nerves start up once more.

Zion shakes his head, wanting to not answer as I feel scared. What does he plan on doing?

"Let's just forget about all of this, Sybil," Zion whispers, taking me by the waist as he looks into my eyes. "Let's just celebrate tonight, just enjoy the time that we have and forget everything around us."

And forget we do.

We spent the night out in New York City, at an extravagant restaurant followed by a night at his penthouse for two days. Spending hours of the night tangled in the sheets to our days spent out and doing couple things we have limited time to enjoy.

And now I sit here, looking out the window, the leaves falling off the trees as fall is just beginning.

It's been four months since we were married, a massive time spent in between where Zion would be gone for two weeks at a time, trying to have breaks of at least two days to come home and see me.

From battle tactics to deaths to attend, Zion has been busy, fighting as everyday I start off in the chapel of the Moon Goddess, praying that he will sleep soundly at night and be safe.

As for me, I spend my days within the palace, making appearances, making deals, creating treaties, handling money issues, and so much more as I even form alliances between witch tribes.

"Queen Sybil, lunch is prepared down in the kitchen," one of the guards interrupts the silence of the room. As he leaves, I'm left alone in the chapel of the Moon Goddess. A statue of her is carved out of moonstone, illuminated by the sunlight as it displays her in heavenly light.

I've prayed today, an hour at least, spending the rest of my time here wondering how Zion is doing.

I hate this. I hate how my husband is off at war as I am forced to face a Kingdom to lead.

I can still remember Keva's words, how she saw my life away from Zion, a nurse married to a teacher as we have three beautiful children and I am happy.

But I wouldn't trade Zion for anything. Hell, the world is not enough for me to give him up. I love Zion. I love him. I love us.

Getting to my feet, something overcomes me, a sense of sickness as my stomach cramps.

I shake my head, walking to the door as a guard opens it for me.

In the kitchen I am served clam soup, chatting with the cook as we chat about the weather and even the holidays.

"Queen Sybil," a man states.

Looking over my shoulder, I'm shocked to see who I do. "Elijah, hey."

It's been two months since Elijah was here, his wife and mate having a baby girl, gone to take care of her.

"How's Opal?" I ask, rushing to give Elijah a hug as my heart clenches. I had hoped Zion was home.

He was supposed to be back three days ago, only for the conditions to be too brutal.

"Good. Zelda loves her."

I allow a bittersweet smile to cross my face, nodding as he looks to a bowl of soup given to him. "Any word from Zion?" I ask.

Elijah fought with Zion for two months, only for his wide to go into labor. He's gone way less than Zion, helping me out around here as the days turn into weeks. "He misses you. Also said the war should be done within the end year."

Within the end of the year makes me wonder what the outcome will be. Fighting on property protected by magical shields is risky. With two strong races clashing head to head is daring. Everyday I am glad to wake up without my mate mark burning. If it was burning, it would mean Zion was drying. If numb, he's dead.

Two more full months to the end of the year. November and December.

Finishing up our soup, we head upstairs to the King's office. I've changed a few things here, a new picture up on the desk of Zion and I getting married, our kiss. Also adding a fuzzy, pale pink, throw blanket on one of the chairs, and a new painting in the room, the view from the King and Queen's room of the lake and forest during night when the stars are out.

"What's the plan for the day."

"Legal documents," I complain, handing Elijah a stack as we get to work.

After three cups of coffee, dining on some well cooked fish with a special salad to the side, and dessert of fudge, we are almost done by ten at night.

Just as I close the book, my stomach aches again.

Ignoring it, I ask about Alpha Penelope.

"She's good. Mad that over half of her best warriors are not protecting the pack."

"I want to invite her to the palace for a weekend or so," I explain, grabbing his attention. "I need another female friend here. Not that I don't mind you, but it would be nice to have another female here."

"Understood," Elijah replies, writing down a note to send her an invitation here. "Also, Alpha Nixon's account had a withdraw of three thousand this week."

I've been following up on Nixon for these past for months still. Looking at his flights, where he checks in and out, banking statements, anything that Zion may need.

"Cash I take it," I mumble, crossing my arms as I get an email from one of the Senate members. "I don't know what Zion is wanting me to find here. He thinks Nixon is up to something yet there is nothing I see here."

"He's wanting to be cautious..." Elijah expresses, leaning back in his chair as I nod.

"What will he do when he finds what he's looking for?" I ask, thinking of Alpha Nixon. He had helped me out before and I thought he was to be trusted...until it all went down.

"You want the truth?" I nod. "Zion will kill him with no restraint before Nixon can kill him."

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