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Right away my hand is taken, pulling me from the car as the walls of the palace lay before me. Already nervous feeling have come back as I stare at the massive doors once shut now opened for me.

My legs climb the marble steps, ascending to the top as I'm led further. Guards stand tall, never once distracted as they hold the massive doors open.

As the last step is reaches, the hall with marble pillars and flooring lay before me, the hall opening into a gigantic throne room where the throne is upon a set of stairs. Above the throne is the tall window, one where the sunlight illuminates the throne, as of holy ground.

Everything seems familiar as it should, yet as if I've been gone for too long. Zion had informed me the Alphas were sent home after we got the Ring Leader's approval, but now I have no clue if the Ring Leaders will still aid. After all, Zion killed a fellow leader of the rogue community. Why would they want to help now?

I feel out of place once again in nothing but leggings and an older sweater, nothing like the maids even whose attire consists of black dresses with white aprons tied neatly around the waist.

"Welcome back," Zion whispers in my ear, holding me closer as we pass through the throne room.

"It's pretty silent today," I comment, looking around the Hall of Kings were statues carved from obsidian black marble are before flags of the Kingdom. "Without the Alphas it feels empty."

Zion nods, surprising me as he swoops down, picking me up bridal style as I grab onto his shirt for support. "What's the news of the war?" I ask, watching the massive staircase before us.

As we ascend yet another staircase, it all feels familiar. I remember this place, the path to the main chambers, to the King and Queen chamber. Instantly my cheeks heat up as I take in the beautiful building around me.

Ivory doors are soon before us, double doors that curve at the peak, engravings of wolves and a forest in the ivory as Zion grasps onto one of the polished silver railings. Opening, I'm set down onto my feet, entering the once familiar room as I see a change in look. The walls are now a pale blue holding a tint of silver, the massive windows with white silk drapes, expensive leather couches surrounding a white marble fireplace with a fur rug thrown under the couch. The bed is massive, four poster with no doubt silk sheets and beautiful navy and silver duvet with multiple pillows.

"This place changed," I comment.

"I didn't like the old one very much."

I nod, looking up to see a massive crystal chandelier as the tall Windows illuminate the room.

Turning around, I take a glance at the ivory doors we came in from. Truly beautiful.

I jump, arms circling my waist as my hair is moved from my neck, replied with light kisses. "I missed you," Zion whispers in between kisses, his canines lightly scraping the surface of my skin.

Just before I get a chance to respond, I'm picked up, thrown softly onto the couch as my arms around around his neck. "Is it too much to ask for one kiss?"

I smile, shaking my head as I pull the King's closer to my own.

A soft yet passionate kiss is what I receive, causing butterflies to form in my stomach.

I fall onto the couch, Zion crawling over as I close my eyes tightly. If only every moment was full of joy, no interruptions. Flipping the two of us over, I pull back, staring down into those beautiful brown eyes. "Why did you change it?"

"Why the questions?" Zion asks, his fingers brushing the loose strands of hair out of my face. The look upon Zion's face is pure adornment. "I haven't seen you in so long. A week, Sybil, even longer."

I nod, smiling down upon him as I lean down onto my elbows, my lips centimeters from his. "Yah...," I mumble, watching as the King lays beneath me.

I close the distance, allowing my emotions to take over.

I can't remember how it happened, but I soon feel the mattress beneath me, my sweater discarded. "I want to ask you something real quick?" Zion asks in between kisses down my chest.

"As away," I respond, my back arching right before Zion pulls away.

Taking off his silk shirt, he reveals a chest I've tried to remember so many times over the past week he's been gone. Pushing off the dress shirt, he also manages to pull out a familiar platinum ring with the massive diamond. "Would you ever wear it again?"

"A third time," I comment, almost laughing as Zion presses his forehead against mine.

"If you want a proposal again, I'd do i-

I shut Zion up, pulling him in for a long kiss as I take the ring from his hand, pulling it onto my finger. I roll us over, taking more charge as Zion's hands make their way further down.

I don't care what tomorrow brings us, but I do know I'll never regret this moment.


Grabbing the handle, I pull the door open, entering the King's office as the guard that led me here disappears.

"You asked for me," I state, walking to where his mahogany desk stands in the center of the Persian rug. Zion offers me a small glance as he sets down the phone once by his ear. "Something wrong?"

"An attack occurred in the night."

"What do you mean?" I ask, my face becoming pale as Zion gets to his feet.

Zion walks over to me, placing his hands upon my shoulders as he stares down into my eyes. "We've got war coming, and fast." I'm silent, already knowing what this will mean. Troops with be gathered up and sent out to fight, Zion even sent out. Zion will be out there when the true battles occur. I'll be putting every ounce of hope I have left in the hands of fate and the Moon Goddess.

"Last night at four in the morning a patrol along Silver Thorne's territory was attacked. Wounds from those bastards were left, their bodies drained of blood."

"Werewolf blood is poisonous to vampires," I comment, raising an eyebrow as Zion shakes his head.

"Not this breed. This breed can drink our blood to their dead heart's content and not feel a thing but their thirst being filled." Zion let's go of my shoulders, moving to sit down upon his desk. "The patrol of ten were all slaughtered, the first attack already done as those warriors have become their victims. I've called upon the Senate and Council to meet tomorrow in the early morning when they all can get here."

"Nixon will be here. What about him? Could he be after you?" I ask, thinking of the threat Nixon places upon me. He killed my parents out of anger of Lillian and Zion.

"I'll handle him while I'll have you guarded at every second. This is war, Sybil, and it's coming faster than I've ever seen. There's no hope for peace, one race will win and the other will fall."

I think of Rome, how they destroyed Carthage and whipped them off the face of the earth. It's either the werewolf empire that is the victor like Rome, or we are the lost like Carthage.

"What does the next week look like?" I ask, cocking my head to the side as Zion shakes his head.

"It's hard to tell. We are in constant threat now of an attack upon castle grounds. For the next week the army will be gathered up."

"The rogues?" I ask. "Have the Ring Leaders said they will cut out their support since Ginger's death was on your hands?"

Zion looks pale, almost afraid to tell me something as he reaches forward, grabbing my hips as he pulls me closer to him. Regret floods his face as he opens his mouth to speak. "In the time you were gone hundreds of rogues signed up to aid the Kingdom for no cost. Now, because of Ginger's death, they are mercenaries. The Ring Leaders have drawn back support, causing many rogues to leave, yet many have decided to stay if we pay them."

"So how many rogues have we lost?" I ask, at least happy that many of the rogues have decided to stay. It shows their localities are to the money, that they will fight if we pay. But we need their skills, we need their presence to win.

"We lost at least forty percent of the rogues, meaning more than enough are still here. Plus the elves are still helping."

I almost forget of the bargain. The one that Zion would owe them something in return for aiding him.

Just by looking at what Zion has risked for his Kingdom shows me a strong King, one stern and commanding that cares for his Kingdom. He's a King many races need. Sure, he has his flaws, but when it comes to more serious matters he doesn't allow himself to be consumed by greed.

"So for the next week the troops will be gathered and tactics set up. Do you... will you have to go?"

Zion takes my hands in his, taking in a deep breath as he is about to tell me something hard. Something he's wanting to get off his chest is about to come out.

"Sybil, I know you understand the risk of a battle, how the King must fight with his men."

"I understand. That's what made Napoleon such a strong ruler, he fought beside his men in the first line of fire," I comment, feeling the dread in my heart build up.

"Then you understand I could die-

"Don't say that!" I snap, taking my hands from his as I place them upon his face. "Don't think for one minute you're going to end without a future ahead of you."

"Then promise me something?" Zion whispers, his voice cracking.


"Marry me before the week ends."

I seal the promise with a kiss. A kiss filled with sadness and passion as Zion's arms wrap around my small frame.

I'll marry this man before the week is over. Before the war causes me to always be on my toes and staying up at night as I wonder if he'll be alive the next day.

This man before me is one who loves me, who would do anything for me.

And I would do anything for him. If he asked me to burn the heavens and freeze hell I would do it for him, for the man who has me head over heels no matter how bipolar our relationship gets. I would kill the devil himself for Zion. I would march through the gates of hell to drag Zion from there, just to be together one more time.

One last time.

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