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Hands land upon my body, causing my eyes to shoot wide open.

The hands are cold, wrapped tight around my ankles, the covers of the blanket vanished as the figure before me is carved out in an ebony black silhouette.

"Get off of me!" I scream, hoping someone will hear as panic floods my body.

"Sybil," a voice whispers, the hands leaving my body as I try and calm down, reaching for the dagger under my pillow. "Sybil, it's me."

The lights turn on, Elijah before me as he stands there, still in his pajamas, his hair all a crazy mess, and his skin pale. It's as if he's scared. Scared of what?

"Elijah? What the hell was-

I'm cut off by his hands. "We have to leave now."

"What do you mean?" I ask, my voice a quick whisper as he tugs me from bed. "What's going on."


A lump forms in my throat as panic is replaced with fear of death. But my mark does not feel numb or in pain.

"What happened?" Worry fills every syllable of my statement as Elijah shakes his head, handing me my robe.

"We need to leave. We don't have much time."

"What happened?" I ask again, my voice stern.

"We need to le-

"Tell me what the fuck happened to my husband!" I snap, my blood boiling as I spot Penelope by the door.

"Are you going to tell her or should I?" She asks, pushing off the door as I see the doors are held shut by a metal chain wrapped around the handles.

"What is going on?" I ask, trying to calm down with steady breaths.

"Zion has given us direct orders to get you out of the palace. We are heading to a safe haven Zion's family has owned for centuries."

"Why?" I ask, heading into my closet as I begin grappling what to wear.

I know what this means. It means I'm in danger. It means I better get dressed, grab the dagger from my pillow, and follow whatever Elijah and Penelope say.

Penelope follows me into the closet, making sure to help me pick my clothes. She's dressed complete in black, giving me the same color to change into. "Zion called Elijah through a private line, he said we needed to get you out of the palace and take you to the safe house."

"Where is the safe house?" I ask, struggling to change as my fingers become shaky.

"I don't know. Elijah was given the location and Zion has a driver waiting for us in the woods. The driver will also be our pilot. All I know is that the safe house is somewhere near the Alps."

"Goddess," I comment, wondering what kind of trouble I am in. Who is trying to harm me? How close they are to reaching me...

"Let's go," Penelope says as I'm all dressed, following her out as Elijah waits me at the door.

"Zion says not to trust anyone. We sneak you out of the palace with Penelope without getting seen. Penelope will travel with you until you land in Europe. There, the Alpha King of the Eastern Werewolf Kingdom will personally escort you with his men to a safe house."

"You?" I ask Elijah, putting on a jacket as Elijah opens the door.

A girl stands there, one who looks like a carbon copy of me.

"Alice and I will be walking in the opposite direction, distracting whoever it out to get you. I will be at the safe house a day after you. I leave tomorrow night when I'm supposed to be flying for California."

"What if Zion?" I ask, thinking back to the man I love.

No response.

"What of my husband?" I demand, watching as Alice's face pales. It's scary how much she looks like me.

"He says he will try and meet you at the safe house before the end of the week."

Nodding, I find Penelope grabbing my arm as we take off.

Right away I'm led into a secret passageway I've never even seen, Elijah wishing me luck as he disappears down the hall with Alice.

We run through the walls, making sure to be light on our feet as we approach a hidden staircase. Down five flights we travel, going as fast as possible as Penelope explains to me that once she drops me off she will be flying out to meet Zion and fight with him.

As we come to the hidden tunnel Zion showed me so long ago, Penelope snaps at me to run faster.

And I do, running as fast as I can as I begin to feel sick to my stomach.

"Come on."

I carry on, coming to the door as it opens wide for us.

Right as we climb the stairs and enter the hidden house, Penelope grabs my arm, tugging me back from the window.

"You follow me. Every step I take, you place your foot in the exact spot. I am certain whoever is out for you will not be on our tail, but we have to make sure."

We exit, my heartbeat faster than it has ever been as I make sure I place my foot in the exact location Penelope does every time.

Within ten minutes we see the car, a sleek black car awaiting us, the engine silent, the lights dim, hidden well within the trees.

Right away Penelope swings open the door for me, shoving me in as I land in the seat. She is in right after me, shutting the door as we take off.

Right then I meet those eyes.


"Sybil," he greets, a smirk upon his face as he speeds off, getting us out of here as fast as possible.

"Zion didn't expel you?"

"He did. He called me up last week to keep an eye on you."

"Who is after me?" I ask, feeling the atmosphere tense up as Penelope throws her phone out the window.

Drexel rolls up the patrician, separating himself from me.

I need to know who.

Turning to Penelope, she shakes her head. "I do not know."

Slouching down, I get ready for the long drive ahead. "Two hours we will arrive at the private strip where the Eastern Wolf King's private jet will be awaiting us. I'll be with you for the flight and be gone the second we land. I need you to understand that you have to follow everything Drexel and I say, otherwise you risk everyone's life including Zion's."

Whoever is after me, I only pray that Zion can take this person down.

The two hour drive goes by faster than I would ever think, the whites of my nails gone as I've been biting them and my feet shaking like crazy.

"Keep your head down and let's go."

I spot the private jet, the sleek black airplane, ready for take off as a man stands there for us, dressed in a maroon suit.

Drexel opens the door for me, grabbing my arm as he runs with me to the man.

"Queen Sybil, welcome, my King's wish is to take you to him safely. He wishes you a safe flight and hopes you will relax during this flight."

I thank the man, his German accent heavy as Drexel escorts me up the stairs and into the cabin. Black leather is everywhere as I take a seat away from the window just as Drexel has just said, Drexel also telling me that a man will be piloting with him and we will be at our location in at least nine hours.

The co-pilot bows his head to me, rushing off into the pilot's cabin, Penelope placing a brunette wig upon her hair and sitting by the window.

The man in maroon enters the plane, the door shut tight as the plane turns on.

"This ride will be a bitch," Penelope mutters, closing her eyes as she asks the man for some whisky.

"You're dressed like me," I comment.

"Ah, a true Sherlock," she giggles. "Why not? You are my Queen and I was your maid of honor. I respect you and will protect you."

"I'm a rogue-

"You're the Queen of my Kingdom and a friend of mine, Sybil. I respect you and see a true Queen. Not many earn that from me."

"Why?" I ask, remembering the first time meeting her, how she was rude and hated me.

"You've proven yourself strong and not weak like many in power."

The plane takes off as I squeeze my eyes shut, hating the thought of a possible bomb on the plane or one of the men here someone to kill me.

But most of all I worry about Zion, if he is in the same danger as me, if he will be shot, if he will make it to me by the end of the week. I wonder if I'll ever see the palace again.

I wonder about Elijah and Alice.

"Take these, they'll put you to sleep," Penelope states, my eyes opening to see two small pills. "I doubt you want to worry the whole flight."

She's right.

I take a cup of water from the marble table beside me, taking in a deep breath as Drexel informs me that we have met our cruising altitude.

"Let's get this bitch over with," I mutter, taking the pills as I shut my eyes. I just hope we land without any death upon this plane.

I'm shaken awake, my eyes peeling upon to meet a cloudy sky.

Outside, a thin layer of snow is upon the ground, men dressed in maroon uniforms standing outside, awaiting me as one man stands in the center, blond hair, green eyes, tall, and maybe mid-thirties. He's the King. King Oscar Müller. The second Eastern Werewolf Empire Wolf King to marry a vampire.

"Let's go," Penelope states, helping me to my feet as Drexel carries with him a black luggage. "Drexel has clothes for you in that luggage, King Oscar will escort you with his men to safety, and I'll be flying to meet Zion now."

Nodding, I feel the cold breeze upon my skin as the door opens to the outside world.

Another Wolf King stands before next, down ten steps, awaiting me as a woman comes to view, beautiful with pale skin, long ebony hair that reaches her waist, a white fur coat, and black pants with black heels. She looks stunning. She is not don't the vampire and Queen of the Eastern Kingdom.

They got married seven years ago, two children (one girl and one boy). I remember seeing their marriage on the TV, how do much controversy was raised upon it, of marrying outside your race, that a King should keep his bloodline only wolf. To the media, Ling Oscar have them the finger as he married his wife and mate.

"See you soon," Penelope states, seeing me off as I step down the stairs, Drexel right behind me.

As my boots land upon the thin layer of snow, the King steps forward, reaching out a hand as his wife follows.

"Queen Sybil," he greets, a smile upon his face as we shake hands.

"King Oscar, Queen Yvette," I greet in return, shaking the Queen's hand as it is covered by a leather glove. "Thank you for your hospitality and guards."

"It is not problem," Queen Yvette responds, her voice a heavy Russian accent as she examines me. "You are as beautiful as your pictures. Your dress was a masterpiece."

She's talking of my wedding to Zion, the custom dress I wore that is rumored to cost over a duo four years of college tuition. How does Zion just have this money lying around to spend it on me is my question.

"Thank you, and your's as well. I was a fan of your wedding."

The Queen smiles at me as her husband explains we should be moving out, that every second we stand out in the open is dangerous.

Quickly we are escorted into a Bentley, the extra guards piling up into Mercedes vans behind us as I am taken from the private strip. Drexel is in the car behind mine, with me to make sure I am safe. I'm glad Zion let Drexel come back to help protect me.

"How is your Kingdom?" King Oscar asks as the driver explains we should arrive at the house in forty minutes.

"It's good. Running well. We just have many packs pouring in so many warriors in the war that rogue and witch raids have gone up a bit."

"I hear you've been able to suppress many," Queen Yvette informs, gaining a small nod from me.

"I do what I can."

In another thirty minutes I'm looking up in awe at the Alps before us, already heading up a private drive as we pass heavily armored gates. I've been told this is a safe haven for Zion's family ever since the First World War, keeping them safe and still offering that shelter today.

"I have set up a perimeter of my most trusted men," King Oscar explains as I catch a small glimpse of the massive fortress. It practically looks like a fortress. "The home has been remodeled many times over the years. The last time was five years ago when Zion requested a more modern look."

Modern it looks, massive Windows and gray cement for the walls. You can barely see in, the windows tinted to the max as a massive steel set of doors are the only entrance. "The windows are pulled proof and secret passages can take you through the mountain."

I'm impressed.

"Safety is our number one concern."

I understand completely as the last minutes of the drive finish up, a garage opening as we are not let out yet.

As the shadow of the garage passes over, the car rolls onto a floor that lights up bright white, the steel garage doors closing tight as I'm allowed out.

The second my foot touches the floor, men are in the garage, helping me into the house as I think of Zion.

Keva said he would survive. She said he would live. That means I should see him by the end of the week. This means I should be reunited with my mate and husband in no time.

But to pass the time, what will I do?

"Please follow me," King Oscar states, inviting me into a massive modern sitting area, Drexel awaiting me as the Alps look so white and peaceful. "As the King of the territory you are now in, Queen Sybil, it is my duty and honor to protect you at all costs. It is the rule of the Fellowship of Wolves to keep you safe."

"Thank you," I speak, watching as the men around me bow their heads.

I just pray Zion will be safe.

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