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"What do you mean the road is closed?" Ginger shouts, causing me to jump awake. "Get me the hell back to my house!"

Looking outside, I see the rain still falling, the streets wet, and puddles already formed from at least an hour ago. "What's going on?" I ask calmly, my nerves picking up. I the road is closed that means a longer delay.

"The authorities shut down the only road that leads to my property due to flooding."

"Do we know if Zion knows we are here?" I ask, just as thunder cracks in the sky as I jump in my seat.

"We have no damn idea, but I do know the longer we wait out here, we may find out if your fiancé is close."

I nod, slowly sliding down into my seat as the guard driving is making another call to someone. Ahead I see the lights of a police car, blocking the road for us as we are pulled to the side of the road. Letting out a deep breath, I close my eyes, trying to calm down. The chance of Zion finding me scares me. No, I know he would never harm me, but I know he won't be happy when he sees me. I feel like I do have the information I need upon my parents and Lillian, only needing them to be finalized. I know Zion did nothing, unless he was the one who killed Lillian, but Zion is not a true monster like that. A demon would kill his mate, and after being by Zion's side, he is no demon.

I'm pulled from my thoughts as I hear Ginger unlocking my seatbelt. "What are you doing?" I ask, raising an eyebrow as she hands her phone over to a guard.

"If Zion is on our trail he'll be here in no time, just waiting for us to escape. So, as a result, you and I will be running in wolf form back to my property."

"You're crazy," I snap. "If he's on our trail he could easily outrun us. Not to mention he'll probably have some of his best trackers with him, meaning they could take us down."

"That why we are leaving now," Ginger snaps, pull my arm as we hop out of the car.

The second my feet hit the mud below, I already know this is going to be one long and tedious run. As the rain begins to drench my body, Ginger leads me into the woods, explaining she often uses one of these paths to get back to her place, saying no one will spot us since the trees are so thick. Not only am I to run as fast as I can, but also smear mud upon my fur coat when I shift, to mask my scent.

"Got it," I reply as she nods her head.

That's when we hear it, a howl.


Right away we shift, not even bothering with clothes as they read to pieces. Setting off, I push off of the muddy ground, no time to roll around as Ginger follows me. The mud under my paws is all I rely on as I push through the thick trees, my heartbeat faster than ever as I want to reach haven.

My wolf charges faster, my mind no longer caring about the numbing pain in my lungs nor legs. I push further, finding the property of Ginger's home so close to where I am. Ginger still sprints beside me, making sure we are both together. After all, I'm her get out of jail free card because Zion won't touch her if she has me.

As my wolf makes a sharp turn to the left before a massive tree, I catch from the corner of my eyes a gray wolf and light brown wolf, each massive and ready to attack.

My eyes widen, fight or flight kicking in faster than ever before as I try and block out everything except for my destination. I'm so close. So close to being safe.

Ginger's guards have already started charging from her place, ready to defend her and me as Zion's warriors gain speed on us. My instincts tell me to continue running, to not look back upon the predators on my tail. Yet curiosity kills the cat every damn time.

A dark brown wolf is in the distance, a massive wolf as the very ground under his paws shake as the heavens cower in fear. After all, the Moon Goddess made him King.

As my heart skips a beat in both joy and fear as he gains speed.

Just as Ginger's guards pass me, they attack Zion's warriors. Growls break out into the once silent air, my paws pushing myself harder than ever, trying as hard as possible to make it to safety. Just as my paws set foot into Ginger's property, Ginger shifts, not caring anymore as she grabs me by the scruff of my neck.

She swings me around, holding me back, looking me straight in the eye, holding me still. "Stay, you're needed."

I know way she means. She wants to use me now to get Zion away from here.

"Wolf King!" Ginger yells across the forest.

My eyes meet those of a massive wolf, eyes that make me feel lost within an abyss. "If you were in anyway wise, Wolf King, you would stop before I kill your future Queen."

Zion shifts right away, my eyes avoiding the lower regions immediately as Ginger's eyes done. She smirks, hinting at me as my blood boils. Looking at me, his eyes scan every feature of my wolf, taking me in as we have not seen each other in over a week. I wonder if anyone has hidden from him for so long.

"Leave and she lives."

"You wouldn't dare kill her," Zion snaps, approaching further as Ginger's fingers dig deeper into my fur. "You're not that strong."

Ginger's eyes harden as I decide to shift, immediately trying to forget that I have no clothing on. Right away as I grab my hair, covering my breasts as Ginger grabs my arm tightly, making sure I stay in the same position.

"Watch me."

I feel a knee right to my stomach, another landed right to my ribs as I'm shocked. Ginger said she would not harm me. Why did I decide to trust a Ring Leader? Because I was lost? Because I was blind? Because I was foolish?

"You harm her anymore and you'll regret ever breathing."

Ginger immediately throws me to the muddy ground, landing one foot upon my shoulder as she pushes my body down to the group.

Why don't I fight back? I could! I have the strength! Why don't I? Is it because I think Ginger may still be on my side? That I have hope she will get me out of here?

That's when I hear it, the sound of a gun shot.

My head snaps back up, searching for the source of the sound as I spot him, an ice cold monster. He holds a gun, lowering it as I hear a body drop beside me.

Looking to my left, I spot her, her eyes open wide, blood dripping from her forehead as she lays motionless.

Right away I hurry to my feet, only for a hand to wrap around my arm, pulling me close into a warm body. "You shot her like a low life," I mutter, my body working on its own as I am led from the rogue. "You killed her with no dignity, no pride left! The scum of the earth use a silver bullet," I snap at Zion. "You killed her, letting her die in a dishonorable way."

"She was waisting my time."

"I don't give a fu-

"You've been away for too long, Sybil," Zion growls. "Too long that my wolf has wanted to tear apart every Alpha within the palace and order war upon the rogues until they gave me you back."

"I don't give a damn. Get used to it," I hiss, trying to pry his fingers off my arm, only for the grip to tighten.

"You'll never leave again! It's too dangerous. You could have been killed by countless people."

"Yet here I stand, perfectly in one piece and alive."

"Don't get smart with me, Sybil, I have every damn right to be pissed off."

"Every damn right?" I shout, grabbing the King's shirt, bringing his face level to mine. "I, Wolf King, have every reason to be pissed off at you."

"You walked off into the unknown and put your life in the hands of some rogue!" He shouts.

"Some rogue!?" I snap, pushing the Alpha King away. "Some rogue?! You speak as if they are the scum of the earth! Shall I remind your that I was and still am 'some rogue,'" I shout. "Yet what makes me different? I am just like them: no pack."

Zion's eyes harden, grabbing my arm tightly as he leaves no room for discussion, ordering his warriors to sweep the property.

I'm led back into the familiar house of the now dead Ginger. The house smells of her, that minty and fruity scent that I actually found pleasing. The whole time I'm dragged down to the familiar room, Zion's jaw clenched as I swear steam would be coming from his ears of in a cartoon. Sure, he has a right to be mad at me for leaving just as I did, but I have a right to.

He never gave me answers and acted as if he could not fully trust me. All the things that have happened while I've been away have made me even more confused. Could Zion have been mated to Lillian only for her to marry Nixon and then be murdered by either her husband or mate? Did Zion order those two rogues to kill my parents? Nothing is adding up and I know getting the information from Zion will be harder than planned.

"Grab your things," Zion growls, letting go of my arm as we enter the room I stayed in for a week. "The room reeks of that bitch."

"Don't talk of the dead like that," I snap. "The Moon Goddess hates that-

"Since when did you become some religious wolf for the moon." I glare at the Alpha King. The Moon Goddess put him in charge for a reason, and it's only a matter of time before she is fed up with his disrespect and ends his reign. Yet Zion has one of the most successful empires, even better than his father's.

I ignore him, grabbing my items from the closet as I go ahead and out on a bra and some panties. Turning around from the King, I head into the bathroom to gather my luggage. Is this what I am becoming? The Alpha's Queen who is bossed around? I know I will hold power and Zion will let me use it, but as of now, in such a bad place, I wonder what the future looks like.

Just as the last item goes into the luggage, a warm body is against mine, holding me close as lips make their way down my neck and to my collarbone. Hands rub soothing circles across my stomach as I lean my head back. Yes, I know what Zion wants to do, and I know for sure that sex is one hell of a stress reliever. "What happens when we get back?" I ask, closing my eyes as the King's hand travels down south.

"We," Zion begins, his canines extending as they lightly graze my flesh. "We, my dearest Sybil, will have one hell of a day."

"How so?" I ask, looking up into those beautiful eyes that stole my breath months ago.

"I'll make sure no one can come in," Zion begins as my heart speeds up. "Because when we get back, it's straight to the bedroom."

My eyes widen as Zion leaves, faster than a bullet, out of the room as I'm left alone to staring at my reflection in the massive mirror. Yet, even as I look like a mess, he holds me tight and makes sure what he has planned.

But what happens when he grows tired of me? What happens when he has had his fill of me? When I'm too old and can't keep up anymore? I think back to his proposal, about how we will be by my side even when it hurts to take a crap.

A smile spreads across my face at the memory.

Zion knows how to keep me sane and insane, how to make me calm and push all the wrong buttons, how to make me feel loved. He makes me happy that I did meet him.

Zipping up the luggage and throwing on my leggings, I look at the girl before me. She's different than months ago, a completely different person. She would have laughed only a year ago if someone said she would fall for the Alpha King of all wolves.

Exiting the room, I watch the outstretched hand await mine, the patience running thin as eyes are upon mine. Taking his hand, we walk out together, side by side, and a feeling settling in my stomach that something is about to change my life, and I'm not referring to what will happen when we are left all lone.

Something is brewing in the hands of fate, and I don't know whether to be completely happy...or terrified.

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