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"How many?" I ask, following Lily as the busy streets around us make me feel closed off. I feel as if the cars parked along the street, the people in business attire pushing against me, and the noise is all a prison. For all I know Zion would be blending in here, waiting for the right time to pounce.

"If I can remember correctly, there's about ten top warriors there around the clock," Lily informs, stopping in her tracks as we face a massive skyscraper.

Only two hours ago did we find the information upon Lillian Rice, and now, we stand in the city, about to enter Alpha Nixon's office about thirteen floors up. Drexel stands beside us, sunglasses on as he inspects our surroundings. The only reason I can come up with as to why he is helping is because Zion did something in his past. It takes a lot of guts to go against your King, meaning there has to be a big reason.

As Lily heads for the front doors, I take one last look around the busy city. I fell as if some threat lurks. As if someone is here to put me back in the palace and dress me up like a Queen, to use me as some trophy. Snapping back into reality, I follow the human Luna, nervous as the city buzzes around me.

Two women stand at desks when you first enter, behind marble desks as they are busy at calls and directing people. I know one is human and the other is wolf, just the way they smell and look. Collecting myself, I remain blended in as I follow Lily, quick to make it into the elevator. Drexel stands beside me, sharp in a suit as we look like we are here on business. And we are.

I know these people know who I am, for a scandal in the palace is hard to keep under wraps when it's presented to the public. I'm the rogues that 'stole' the Alpha King's heart to these people. Which means what exactly? It means I hold some power here.

Lily seems nervous, how she bounces on the balls of her feet, biting the inside of her cheek, and her eyes flickering from place to place. I guess she's never really done something like this that much. I'm not surprised. She's the cliché human who is kind and gentle, thrown into a world of predators. Only her story is a bit more screwed up than most, how the man she let mark her and change her life may have murdered his past wife. But it could have been Zion as well. I have no idea who murdered Lillian Rice, all I know is that she was slaughtered, something hard to do to a retired Royal warrior, one of the best fighters in the world.

The heels I stand in pinch my toes, Lily's size one down from mine as I shift my standing position. All I came here with were some casual clothes, only to need business attire as we now head up to the top floor, ready to make an impression.

As the elevator doors open and we take our first steps out, the eyes o the office turn our way, widening. For sure once we finish here I will need to leave right away. I know one word of a rogue to be married to the King at the city will draw Zion here right away. Drexel says we have two hours tops here before we need to be on the move once again. Lily leads us down a small isle of cubicles, heads turning as I feel eyes upon my back. They must know who I am already. I have no doubt those pictures of Zion and me have flooded the werewolf world by now in mass numbers.

"I'll grab one of his reporters," Lily informs, rushing off into a small office as I'm left all alone with Drexel. I've heard of packs like Nixon's how they run a business basically, people hired just like a Fortune 500 as they run the place. However, instead of normal business, it's all focused around the werewolf world, stuff like treaties, trade, income, and so much more. My pack was never big enough to substation something like this, and we were pretty big for a pack in the East Coast.

As Lily returns, a man follows behind. Late forties with graying black hair and brown eyes. He looks harmless for the most part, but you never know what werewolves or even humans in general are capable of.

"Please, follow me, Ms. Black."

And I do, heading into another room, this time a bigger office with filed against one wall and computers on the other. As we enter, the man shuts the door, Drexel intimidating the man as his fingers shake as he clicks the lock. "I understand, from Luna Lily here, that you wish to obtain records from a few years back."

"We do," I respond, taking a seat before one of the computers, watching as the man fiddles with his thumbs under the pressure of Drexel staring him down. If only this man could see Zion, he would probably wet himself. "I, as a royal order, need information on a deceased pack member, all the information you have on her."

"May I ask who?" the man asks, heads towards one of the rows of files.

"Lillian Rice."

His face grows par as he tenses up. So he also knows of her. Of course he would. I bet the news shocked everyone since she was their beloved Luna. "I'm sorry, Alpha Nixon prefers to keep that information secure-

"Alpha Nixon does not outrank me not you. So, sir, if I were you, I'd get me that information."

"Alpha Nixon-

"Alpha Nixon does not outrank the future Queen of your Empire, Mr..."


"Mr. Mills, I'd hate to explain to your Alpha...or better yet, my fiancé and your King, that you denied me access to needed files," I explain, watching as I've struck a nerve. I know he will do it now. He's a coward, I can see it.

Mills takes out a set of keys, heading to a small file cabinet, his shaking hands taking more time than needed to open it. As it clicks and the door slides open, I get to my feet. Drexel heads over to Mills, intimidating the poor soul even more as I await the file. Lily and I need this file very much so.

"Lillian Rice's files including the police and autopsy report," Mills informs, handing Drexel the thick founder and I feel my heart skip a beat. Lily's eyes almost appear to glow with anticipation as Drexel places the file before me. I motion her over, the two of us looking at the file as I open the first page.

"I'll read the autopsy," I explain, taking the sheets of paper with charts and pictures printed off.

It's bloody, the scene gruesome to look at. Could Zion of really done this? The autopsy is strange, describing the slashes upon Lillian's neck and torso as deep cuts by a knife, but to any werewolf who has seen any violence, it's pristine claw marks. The woman is naked upon a piano, her blond hair thick with blood, her eyes glazed over, a small pearl necklace almost torn off and the same bracelet upon her left wrist. She faced one painful death for sure, parts of her torso missing so much that her ribs and organs can be spotted. The coroner describes the scene as a mess, and the knife marks upon her body set for pain and to kill for sure.

"The police report reads that Nixon arrived to the scene five minutes after the police were called in," Lily explains, setting down the papers. "So he couldn't-

"The person who did this would not be that stupid," Drexel interrupts as I roll my eyes as his rude behavior. "For all you know Nixon could have slaughtered her and then called the cops to the scene after he did it."

"The report here shows that by the time the coroner received her body at three in the morning, she had already been dead for three hours, means she was dead an hour before the police were called," I inform, setting out the report before them. "Does Nixon have a statement?"

"He claims to have been on a walk and as he was heading home, he saw the police there and rushed there. He also says he was gone for two hours, the two of them arguing about him heading on another business trip that weekend. He heads off and comes back to find his wife dead," Drexel reads as he flips through the pages. "Does this sound believable to you, Lily? That he would go for a walk after an argument?"

Lily looks like she's in some daze, trying to figure out what is really going on around her. I snap my fingers at her, watching as she shakes her head and blinks twice. "Nixon? No, when we would get into a fight either I would leave or...."

"Or what?" I ask, crossing my arms as Drexel sighs.

"Did you have makeup sex?" He asks, causing me to almost feel sorry for her being asked the question.

"No, it was that he would tell me I couldn't leave or be mad, he'd change what was happening and we would forget about it."

"That means sex for most of it," Drexel points out, throwing the files onto the desk. "Meaning it was out of character for him to walk off."

"That's jumping to way too far conclusions here, Drexel. We have no evidence who even did it," I explain, running a hand through my hair as I sigh.

After another thirty minutes of reading over anything for evidence, Lily heads out to grab some water. As I place my feet up on the desk, Drexel looks out the window.

I sense something is wrong right away.

He starts to shove all the reports we've been looking through the most into his suit, cramming it in as I get to my feet. "What's wrong?" I ask, heading to the window.

Two black SUVs with men in suits rushing out. Warriors here to gather me for Zion. How did it take so shortly? How did they do it so soon? Probably because they're the best in the werewolf world. "Let's go, I have a plan."

My arm is grabbed, pulling me out of the small office as we run for the stairs. "When we get to the fifth floor, head out, there's stairs that lead to the alley rather than lobby, trust me."

Nodding, I rush with Drexel towards the stairs, our feet carrying is faster than I've ever run. Floor after floor I find myself growing restless, stressed about what may happen. I don't want to go back yet. I don't want Zion back yet until I get myself clear. Until I understand what I truly feel

As we reach the fifth floor and head out, I can hear people heading up the stairs. "They're com-

"Shut it, let's go," Drexel snaps, pulling me sharply around a corner as we see the stairs. Just as we reach the outside stairs that are placed against the building and the wind meets my skin, Drexel pulls the fire alarm.

A ear piercing ring echoes across the building, Drexel and I practically jumping from floor to floor as the alley is just under us. "We are going to enter the neighboring building, Sybil, and once in, we are going to wait until I say we leave."

"What's the next building over?" I ask, looking at the skyscraper before us.

"Thankfully the first three stories are clothing stores and the ones up are fashion businesses, meaning we can hide well."

Thankfully I have Drexel with me, meaning he's already on the ten thousandth plan for our situations.

As the alley is under my feet and we sprint into the neighboring building, my heart skips multiple beats. Shelter for another hour or so, however long Drexel says we can stay here. "I'm going to try and find the closest parking garage and hot-wire a car for us, and then we will be our."

"Where will we go next?" I ask as we enter a massive and upscale clothing store. "I just want somewhere Zion won't find me for at least another week."

Drexel leads me deeper into the store, handing me some clothes to help hide my scent. "I have a place in mine," he explains, grabbing my arm as he pulls me back. Looking directly into his eyes, I find myself scared for whatever will happen next. "A place Zion will never find you."

"Where?" I ask, watching as his eyes search my face, as if drinking in every detail.

"With the Ring Leaders."

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