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Well, here you guys go, a very important chapter. Thank you for making it this far.

Maybe this whole ball thing is way bigger than I thought?

Marisa finishes up my dress, making sure everything is complete perfection as she makes sure no wrinkles are to be found. Never would I think of myself more than happy to wear a dress this beautiful, especially for a ball in the palace of Kings.

The red fabric is beautiful, the color a rich red, yet also holding a sense of elegance with the color as it is presented on silks. The dress sweeps the floor, a slit leading up to mid-thigh, exposing my leg (Marisa had to spray tan me sadly enough, saying I was 'too pale'). The back is a deep plunge, crystals lining the edges as they feel cold against my back. I never thought I would ever wear something this revealing and beautiful. The front is a simple sweetheart design, the thin crystals also seen there as I move my fingers across the gems.

"Now, for the jewelry," Marisa informs, grabbing the necklace from the bag that I picked out. It's different, the necklace, not the same simple one.

"This isn't the one I chose," I comment, looking at the display of wealth around my neck, the diamonds amazing me.

"King Zion said you were to wear this." Thankfully the earrings are the same as I put them on, looking at myself in the mirror. I feel like a trophy to be paraded around and then locked away after the night is done.

Sliding into my silver shoes, I do a twirl, loving the feel of the expensive material upon my body. Especially around my shaved legs. I've always heard silk and shaved legs are one beautiful combination.

Marisa leads me out of the closet, explaining how to be on my best behavior and make sure to remember that I do not curtsy to anyone but Zion. Nodding my head, she makes sure no loose hairs are present. A tight and beautiful bun pinned back my diamond studs is what my hair looks like, a simple layer of makeup to compliment it.

No matter what tonight holds in store, I want to see the palace walls lit up with candles and decorations, the music playing trough the massive halls, and no talk of war or rogues. For sure there will be talk of rogues though, for I am one present.

"I'd better be off, Zion will escort you."

Of course he will, I think to myself, rolling my eyes as I look around the room.

For another ten minutes I wait, and once the door opens to reveal the devil himself, I find myself weak at the knees. No matter what this male wears he always seems to impress me. With the crown upon his head, a golden dash across his tux, and his toned body presented very nicely, my mouth does more than water for now. "So, everyone has arrived for the most part."

I nod, walking to the door as he runs a set of fingers through his thick and well-done hair. "How many?"

"Around three hundred," he replies, taking my hand as I'm pulled from my sanctuary. "And you do look ravishing."

"Please, nothing cliché," I mumble, looping my arm with his as we walk to the hidden door that is held open by a guard. "And try to not act all business-like tonight, at least around me. Those people are a bore."

He chuckles, kissing my forehead as we walk past the door. "And happy birthday," I comment, nudging him with my elbow, offering him a childish smile as I cross my eyes. Going back to a normal face, we go through a couple of halls, Zion explaining how we when enter he will be greeted with respect and silence, to then give a toast and the first dance to begin. "So it's like some organized entrance," I comment, hearing the chatter grow louder as we pass through the throne room.

And as we enter the hall which leads to the massive ballroom, I find myself speechless as the beauty takes me over.

What was once just like a ghost town is now thriving with flowers displayed, footmen holding out platters of champagne in fancy glasses, a stage with musicians holding polished instruments, and guests all decorated in their finest silks and items of status. The room holds a glow, one like a dream, peaceful and marvelous.

"Announcing, Lady Sybil Black and Alpha King Zion Monquieff."

The whole set of over three hundred head now in respect or curtsy as my heart skips a beat. Zion was right, this ball is meant for royalty, for a queen.

A footman decorated in the navy and silver colors of the kingdom hands Zion and me a glass, the guests awaiting Zion's greeting.

"Good friends," Zion begins as eyes move back and forth between Zion and I, my heart beating faster as so many eyes stare upon me. No doubt wondering why I have the honor of standing beside the King. "...and old ones, I would like to welcome you to the Palace of King's, where, throughout the years, so many have sworn their loyalty to the crown. Though war has claimed many of these loyal faces, our kingdom still stands strong amongst many others." Some people clap, many of those in fancy military uniforms as I feel Zion's grip upon my hand grow tighter. "So, tonight, we honor those who made this era possible. As we raises our glasses..." The glasses are raised, including mine, everyone awaiting his words to drink. "...and set our eyes upon a bright future for this kingdom that the Moon Goddess has blessed us with, please, indulge with us as we celebrate this kingdom's glory."

We drink, the toast finished, and the music beginning as our glasses are taken away and the dance floor opening up. "Now," Zion lab whispers in my ear, "we dance."

I'm led to the floor, many jealous eyes upon me, some hatful as they recognize my scent, and as Zion takes ahold of my waist and one hand, I meet his golden gaze. Laying my free hand upon his shoulder, the music begins, a smile forming upon my face as he takes the first steps.

We worked hard this morning, before the sun had even risen, learning the steps to this dance until it was second nature.

My dress sweeps the floor, my back arching as one of the notes is drawn out, Zion quick and professional as he draws me back up, the watchers beginning to join as the ball is set off to a night of both joy and drama.

As the song ends and my feet can already feel the aches, Zion takes ahold of my hands, pulling me with him to one locations I had not yet even thought of exploring: the garden.

The marble archway leads us to a more isolated area of the palace grounds, a garden massive and somehow fitting upon the island of the palace. With freshly-trimmed grass, brick pathways, and beautiful flowers surrounding almost every inch, I spot a marble gazebo ahead, in the shadows of the palace, roses hanging from the ceiling. A massive fountain made of marble is first, one of sculptures of wolves and elves, a full moon, and a forest.

"You did excellent," Zion comments, referring to the dance as I shake my head.

"I'm never doing something like that again," I state. "For one thing, I have never been a fan of people staring at my every move. Hell, I bet a couple of people were seeing how my fingers would move."

Across the King's face spreads a simple smile, one that makes my heart flutter as my wolf hums in agreement. For sure she's finding him more attractive day by day. Sure, I saw those occasional good-lookers in New York City when I would head to work, taking extra time to study them, but never before have I met someone like Zion, who not only has the looks, but those small little things that make me dig your grave even deeper in seconds.

"Well, I think you owe me one last dance before the night is done," Zion says, examining my body in the dress, how his planning for my attire tonight has made me become someone beautiful. I've never felt more spoiled in my life, all the money and time that went into this outfit. "Just simply beautiful."

Rolling my eyes, I turn back around to look at the garden, my eyes following the vines up as they spread about the exterior of the palace walls. "As a child I loved to play hide and seek here with my mother, sometimes even my tutors."

"Where would you hide?" I ask, looking around for a place any child would think to hide.

"I'll show you."

Zion leads me up to the gazebo path, taking a right as we take a corner around the wall and come face to face with a wall of vines covering the stone. "In the back corner? I guess they would have to let you win because of that crown yin your head."

Zion chuckles, a brief sound that I've learned to find as peaceful other than provoking fear like his growls do. As he reaches his hand up, he pulls some vines to the side. "These are around seven years old, not there during my childhood. My mother hated vines, saying that they aged the palace too much."

"I would have loved to meet her."

Zion hums in response, the air growing tense. "I heard she was a perfect Queen. My mother saw her as a perfect mother figure."

"She had that about her. How her good characteristics were highlighted by the press." I raise an eyebrow as Zion finishes clearing the vines to reveal a slightly faint crack between bricks, the thin line forming a thin door. "She was always under so much stress, after all, the palace with only maids and guards didn't help, she was a social person for sure."

Zion pushes on the stones within the lines, the stones pushing inward as a part of the palace is opened. "But every mother has their ups and downs."

"I agree." Looking at the small room, I find it to be filled with dust and spider webs.

"This was once the old garden supply room, filled with garden tools that would be used. A hedge judged to be just a yard before it, making sure visitors would not see the door that servants used. This is my hiding place from childhood."

Smiling, I brush my fingers across the smooth and cold stone, looking in as I know not to go in, my clothes would get dirty and I would not look well presented for the upper crust of the kingdom. "It's quite the hiding place," I comment, looking over my shoulder to see Zion staring at the crescent moon. "So, was does it feel like to be twenty-nine?" I ask, walking over to where the King stands, his sharp features highlighted in the moonlight. As I look out upon the lake, I catch a glimpse of a few mermaids, their tails shiny and hair long as my heightened hearing can pick up their giggles of excitement.

"Nothing different," he replies, not sparing me a glance as he walks back to the main section of the garden. "Anyway, we had better head back in-

"To please your guests," I finish off for him, catching up with the King, only for him to stop, grabbing my arm in the process.

"To please our guests."

I sigh. "Whatever you say." Zion shakes his head, a hand cupping my chin as I'm brought up to meet his golden eyes, the gaze making me freeze up in anticipation for his next words.

"They are your guests as well, Sybil. As long as you are claimed by me and I want you by my side, anything I have is your's as well."

I'm shocked by his words, pulling back as I take a step away, clueless as to what I should reply with. Usually I would make a joke or simply give a sarcastic response, but this time, this time he is serious.

The second we are back to the party, I'm swept away by a familiar Alpha, one whose deep, red hair is yelled back to reveal a beautiful body dressed in a golden dress that sweeps the floor and makes her look powerful. "My dear Sybil," Penelope greets, pulling me towards a more isolated area of the ballroom. "Last I saw you...well, let's not beat around the bushes, your mate had his throat slit open."

Her words sting, bringing back the memories of Sebastian's body upon the marble floor. "Sybil and Sebastian, lovers to never be together. Fate is one bitch, is it not?" I find myself bitting my tongue as Penelope smiles at me, one that makes me wonder if she can really be a friend. "Let me ask, did you ever hear the story of Lady Yvette? She was the daughter of a Count and the lover of King Fredrick."

I shake my head. "I know of King Fredrick's wife, Queen Corinne."

Penelope nods, watching as a group of nobles pass us bye, their eyes trained upon me, judging me. "Well then, you should not be held hostage from this tale of doomed lovers."

"Let me guess, the King's parents did not favor the Count's daughter?"

Penelope smiles, letting me know I had it wrong. "Goddess, no, you see, Fredrick proposed to Yvette, only to be turned down. In anger of rejection, he claimed that she was a whore in front of the whole Royal and Noble court, and then, once her dignity and status were stripped from her (quite literally as the King did tear off every article of clothing she wore), Fredrick burned her at the stake like a witch."

My eyes are wide in fear as Penelope tells me the story, one of a outraged King and an innocent woman. "Lady Sybil!"

I shake of the shivers that run up and down my back from the story, turning to greet the man that just called my name.

Lord Kane, the man who had heard me yell 'penis' in this very room and then later told Zion for a laugh or two. "Lord Kane, glad you could come," I greet, Penelope leaving as a man takes her hand for a dance. "I'm sorry about the first time we met."

He laugh, shaking his head as my cheeks go red in embarrassment. "No need to apologize, I needed a laugh," he replies, looking over his shoulder, right to Zion. The King stands tall, crowded by Nobles and Royals around my age or older that are unmated, asking him for a dance or something along the lines.

I trust him. I do. The other night I realized that for the first time...I may even trust him with my life.

"Anyway, I hear you are to be the middle man between the rogues and Senate." I nod, Lord Kane eager to ask questions regarding the mess of war. "I do believe the Senate was correct, and is correct with this job for you. After all, this is the first time I see them trust a rogue with something so vital to our kingdom."

"There was a rogue Queen in the past," I explain. "Meaning I am not the first."

"She was beloved by the kingdom, though only us Nobles and Royals truly liked her. The Senate had mixed feelings. You could say that they were happy she died in child birth with her second child." The Senate has always been known for being heartless to those they do not see fit to have respect. "I take it you have won over the King. It's clearly displayed."

I scoff, wanting to give a witty remark, only to remember that I am at a royal ball and am being watched as I an exhibit. "It is true. How he has you by his side, even yesterday the two of you went off into town together."

"Let me guess, all the werewolf papers and pages have me plastered across the front with cliché titles of who I am?"

"You're not dumb, that's for sure. I'm betting he wanted to release your appearance and let the kingdom know he had a woman in sight."

"Your guess is as good as mine," I reply.

For another three hours I make small chat with royals and no less, some very rude, while others are as nice as can be. Sometimes Zion would run into me by being in the same conversation, always taking the opportunity to put an arm around my waist and claim possession like a typical Alpha would.

Now, I am taking a fresh breath of air, sitting under the gazebo as I stare up at the stars. Knowing Zion will soon venture out to find me, I enjoy the time I have, letting the night air hit my face as spring is just around the corner.

That's when I sense him, standing behind me, his breathing normal as I take in a deep breath. "Lovely ball," I compliment, looking over my shoulder to see a tired King, his hair a bit messy, but still looking professional. "How long did it take to plan?"

"Around a week to tell the truth," Zion answers, taking a seat beside me as I cross my legs. "How about a dance? Just out here, the two of us?"

"I'll give you that, after all, not nice to let the birthday boy down."

Zion takes my hands, pulling me up with him, my feet touching the ground as he slowly turns me around. "I'll take it as a small gift," Zion comments, leaning his forehead against mine.

And that's when it happens, when he opens his mouth to let the next sentences come forth as my heart stops beating.

As of the sheer shock of the moment has made my hearing go away, it as. All I can concentrate on are his movements, how he gets doing to kneel, his lips moving as I can't comprehend what he is saying. Memories flash through my headphones, how we first met when he got my purse from a robber, how he pulled me to his car, how he kissed me, how he murdered my mate, and our dance, how he gently held my boy in fear of me breaking like glass.

"I know, Sybil Black, that we are to spend the rest of our days together. So, will you marry me?"

I zoned out on his whole speech, my hands moving up to whip away the tears as he pulls forth a small, black box from his pocket, opening it to display a ring that I gasp at. It's a thin platinum band, holding a massive diamond surrounded by light sapphires, the ring gorgeous as it holds an antique feel to it. Completely perfect.

That's when I remember the story Penelope told me, the one of Fredrick and Yvette.

If I turn Zion down, what will happen to me? Will I be kicked out? Burned at the stake? Would Zion be low enough to keep me here for his own personal use as he finds another Queen? But most of all, the one question that remains: do I have any other options?


And with one simple word, I have sealed my fate.

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