Wally the Wombat

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Wally was a wombat
His fur was white as snow.
He didn't like to play outside
'Cos all the mud would show.

He stayed inside his room
Where it all was nice and clean,
But 'cos he never left his house,
Wally was never seen.

Then one day he HAD to,
There really was no hope,
Oh, poor Wally! What to do?
You've used your last bar of soap!

So Wally wore his jacket.
It was blue and nice and thick.
He wrapped a scarf around his neck,
And thought "That should do the trick!"

He pulled on his boots and mittens,
Just to be quite sure,
Then he took a great big breath,
And stepped out through the door.

The last time Wally had been outside
Was seventeen years before.
So long, in fact, that nobody
Could remember him anymore!

In seventeen years he'd never once,
Not even for one day,
Gone for a walk or fed the ducks
Or just gone out to play.

He'd never seen the sunlight,
He'd never felt the breeze,
He'd never seen the stars at night,
He'd never climbed the trees!

He stepped into the sunlight
But, much to his dismay,
The world which Wally knew and loved
Had long since gone away.

It was a distant memory,
The world that he once knew.
And 'cos he'd locked himself away,
He found that he was too!

He'd hidden and he'd shunned the world,
To keep the dirt at bay,
But, Wally didn't realise,
It was HIM that had faded away.

No-one could see or knew he was there,
The wombat Time forgot,
And, as the World no longer cared,
Wally, simply, was not.


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