Chapter 5: Dinari

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     Dinari was a tall, thin boy who had blond hair and pale skin.. He wore glasses and could usually be spotted anywhere in the city, with his nose in a book. This was why he got lost often. Fortunately, it was a small city.

 Dinari walked along the cobblestone streets. His feet made a quiet pit pat sound as they hit the ground. He clutched his books to his chest and glanced from side to side. The sight of the library came into view, and he smiled. He briskly walked to the door and entered. He was greeted by a familiar face.

     "Oh, Ms. Franklin!" He said, putting the books on her desks and sliding them to her. "I didn't expect to see you here!"

     "Hello, Dinari." She said, scanning his books under the scanner. "I work here on shifts when other librarians are sick. It's a pleasure meeting you here!" 

     Dinari's face fell as she delivered this news. "Is Mrs. Perkins sick?" He asked.

     "Sadly, yes. I assume that it's all this dust." She said, coughing. Grey stars had collected underneath the bookshelves. "They haven't cleaned here in years! I'll be okay, though. I have lungs of steel!" She finished.

     Dinari laughed and waved goodbye. Then he went to pick out his books. He ran his index finger along the books and breathed in the smell of paper and ink. He loved books. He could read them all day and all night if he didn't need to sleep or eat. His finger collected the dust from the spines, making a line through the dust. He kept on walking whilst running his finger along the spines before he came across a book that jutted out from the shelf and stopped his progress. He picked it up and blew the dust off the cover, making him sneeze. He peered down at the books title.

     "The Life and Habits of the Beings on Earth." He said aloud. He quickly flipped through the pages, astounded at what he found. Apparently, there were these things called "people" on Earth, and they were the Earth equivalent of Constellations. They were classified as being "alive" because they had these things in their bodies called "organs" and if you took out their "organs", they would die. 

     Dinari assumed that they would die because they weren't bound together by magic like constellations are. He picked out a few other books and continued reading the book. By the time he had gotten to Ms. Franklin's desk, he was was fascinated by the book and couldn't tear himself away. Ms. Franklin sighed; this happened all the time. She pulled the book out of his hands to scan it. When she was done, she put the pile of books into Dinari's arms. He thanked her and walked towards the door. He pushed the door open with his foot and stumbled out. On the other side of the street was the inn where he was staying. Walking in, he smiled at the cashier and pulled some Adda out of his pocket to put in the cashier's hands. He stepped in the elevator and pressed the button. He hummed along with the elevator music and opened his copy of The Life and Habits of the Beings on Earth. He held the book in one hand and the pile of other books in the other. As he walked down the hallway, he read one of the paragraphs of the book.

     "Sometimes, humans are sent into our realm to steal the Staff of the Mind. They are sent by other gods and immortal beings, and citizens of the sky usually have to protect the being who is in possession of the Staff of the Mind. The being in possession of this relic has the power of bending the minds of many, so usually he/she bends the minds of citizens in the city that they reside in to protect him/her. Humans are not made of stars like we are, but instead are made of solid particles called "flesh", "blood", and "bones"."

      He walked to the door where he was staying, and quietly pushed it open. He continued to read his book.

     "As stated above, humans are not made of stars. Flesh is a sort of covering that is stretched over a skeleton (See Skeleton) It usually has a colour that is continuous throughout their flesh. Sometimes their skin can acquire a tan (See Tan)--"

     Dinari spared a quick glance into the room and was unable to finish the paragraph due to the fact that he had dropped the book. Before him, he saw...

     "Live ones!" He screamed. "Please don't hurt me!" He whispered, his voice wavering. He trembled on the spot, but his feet seemed to be petrified along with the rest of his body. He didn't know what to do-- Was the mind-control supposed to kick in at some point?

     Everyone was standing still, unsure of what to do. Dinari bent down to pick up his glasses and put them back on his face. He stood awkwardly in the doorway, analyzing the living people. There were two with black hair, one with blonde hair and another with brown hair. And they weren't made of stars... Dinari had never seen anything like it!

     The brown-haired boy was whispering to the black-haired girl, but why? Dinari felt himself getting nervous-- were they making a plan? Did they know that he was supposed to attack them? Were they really sent here to steal the Staff of the Mind? Dinari didn't like the possibilities. He felt sweat trickling down the side of his face. He wiped it off and slowly  stepped away from the doorframe. He took another step back, then broke into a run, determined to get as far away from the live ones as possible. He looked over his shoulder and saw the blonde girl picking up his books. She glanced at the titles and picked up the book called "The Life and Habits of the Beings on Earth" then got to her feet and started running after him. She pulled on a strange cloak and told the others not to follow her. She sped down the corridor, books in hand. 

     Dinari noticed that the cloak covered her body and converted her flesh and clothes into stars! He hadn't read about any of that in his book. He desperately tried to pull ahead of her; he was almost to the elevator! He had gone inside-- his hand was almost to the button--

     The blonde-haired girl had grabbed his wrist! He tried desperately to squirm out of her grasp, but she held on tightly. 

     "That's it, this is the end." Thought Dinari. He closed his eyes and braced for the worst. He put his other arm out to defend himself.

     He felt the blonde girl place an object in his free arm. He closed his hand around the object and opened his eyes. It was the books that he'd left behind! He looked at her face quizzically, and she smiled. She put her hand up in an "It's going to be okay" gesture, and her hand loosened around his wrist. Her hand gently took ahold of his, and she pointed back to the room that he was running from in the first place. He had a mental argument in his head with himself, then decided, "Oh, why not, I don't have anything to lose. Except these books." And let her lead him down the corridor. 

     When they had gotten there, the blonde girl opened the door in an "after you" gesture. He quietly stepped in and slowly sat down on the bed next to the tall, intimidating boy with the black hair. The boy looked down at Dinari, which made him uncomfortable. Dinari scootched away from him. The blonde-haired girl stepped into the room and closed the door behind her.

     "Okay. So you're obviously not taken over by the mind-control or whatever Vidia found in that book. Good." She paused to take a deep breath, then smiled. Dinari looked over to the girl who was reading his book. She had black hair that was swept back in a ponytail. By Dinari's standards, she was pretty. He tore himself away from her the and directed his attention back to the blonde girl.

     The blonde girl kept talking. "Our names are Lili," She pointed to herself."Percival, Aaron, and Vidia." She pointed to the Girl with the black hair, who smiled and waved at him. "We know that it's probably weird to you that we're alive, but we're not so different, really. But we need you not to tell anyone about this. We're on a mission, and since you were reading a book about living people, we would like to know if you knew any clues about where we can find our mind-control relic."

     Dinari took in a deep breath and told her what he knew. His grandfather often told Dinari that he had some important business with a mind-control relic when Dinari was younger. He thought that this was just an excuse to avoid playing with Dinari, but it might lead to something. 

     "Where does he live?" Said the girl called Vidia, focusing her violet eyes on him. Dinari noted the colour of their eyes  before proceeding to tell them that his grandpa lived on the outskirts of town. The boy who called himself Percival stood up suddenly and announced that they were leaving tomorrow.

     Dinari was swept up in the heat of the moment.

     "I'll come with you!" He said, immediately regretting it.

     He walked into his room that night, wondering what he had gotten himself into.


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