A Ship is Sailing(37)

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Sagittarius POV

Leaving my finger on the trigger, I let the weapon sit on the table after successfully hitting my aim despite never using one. Cancer stood beside me with a judging Gemini, we decided that I should come along just in case.

Although I never missed a single shot because it was impossible unless my aim was defending themselves.

"It's perfect." With no further arguement, we took a rest and raced Gemini to the couch and of course I beat him.


"Cancer he's calling me names!" Pointing at Gemini who just rolled his eyes and surrendered to fighting for the seat.

Lifting my legs off the spot on the couch I saved for Cancer, she sat down to discuss with the rest who were sitting around.

Capricorn seeing as if all us of were present, or at least most, he begin first while Gemini just magically took out a notebook and a pen to write down notes.

"He thinks we're suspicious but the other guys have no clue and believed us. Not much thought about us afterwards, either way the Owen dude, all he could think of was his office and some other secretive rooms, as well as the library...."

Capricorn trails off, we didn't spend too much time in their office but we set a date to come back. First we were going get ourselves prepared and much more.

"Hmmm...so those are places to check but it's not enough...anything more..."

"Well just one more thing but it's not so important, he was quite attracted to Cancer over here."

Cancer giggles.


Staring back at her for some kind of expression was useless since she didn't seem to care but of course that mouth of Gemini's could not shut.


"What!?" Everyone's eyes landed on me because of my sudden jumping and odd tone but I caught myself before anyone went assuming things.

".....do you mean?"

"Cancer seduce him, you'll be able to the get the truth out of him!"

"I guess it could work." She shrugged at the suggestion but Gemini took as it yes, a quiet huff escaped unintentionally from me. It gained me a questioning stare so I cleared my throat to avoid Cancer's eyes.

"Saggi is there a problem?"


"You seem....or well sound, disturbed." A small smirk played on her lips, but her eyes wandered off as if she couldn't give a damn about what was disturbing me.

"You know we should go somewhere." I told her, her eyes glued back to mine before she nodded. I didn't really think about what I said but then I don't usually do so. It was more intended to change the topic.


"You pick."

"No you."

"Why me?"

"Because I won't have to pay!"

Giving in to what she says, my head runs through a list of things we could do tonight. A movie would be fun but it's basic and not much talking, dinner is too fancy if it's not a date unless she agrees.

"Ok I'll pay but just pick."

"Hmm...just ask someone else..." she trailed off and my flickered between the rest.

"Well how about dinner...."

She raised an eyebrow with a small smile on her face, before she could even speak the noise of a shouting Leo and a telling Taurus polluted the air.

"What is going on!?" Aquarius snapped in annoyance, everyone turned to see what the commotion was about.

A fuming Leo was covered in chocolate while a laughing Taurus showed no care whatsoever.

"So what happened?" I asked the two, Taurus shrugged her shoulders as if it were no big deal which Leo scoffed at dramatically.

"So I was baking brownies because there is nothing to do around here and this....person! She had to pick up the tray and trip so it fell on me and then she laughed!"

"It was an accident!"

"I literally told you to move along and not touch it! I even swore to give you some!"

Laughter erupted from everyone in the room especially Aquarius who was clutching her stomach. The mischievous look in his eyes as he purposely slid his shirt off practically had Aquarius swoon before she turned around to her laptop.

"I love you right now." Perhaps no one else heard or care but the small comment coming from Scorpio had Taurus quiet.

Oh this is good.

"Cancer!" I hissed shaking her shoulder, she smacked my hand away playfully before facing me.

"Did you see that!?"

"The 'I could love you right now'?"


"He was being playful, he says that all the time to Pisces and I but why do you ask?"

"Taurus got quiet."

"That's cute since she's usually never quiet." She giggled which earned a glare from a Taurus who sat in between us.

"I'll have you know that I'm not always talking and if you're going to be talking about me then not so loud next time." Taurus pointed at me, Cancer and I stared at each other knowingly.

"Scorpio loves you." She lightly pushed me aside to whisper something to a now flustered Cancer. Smacking her hand away, I made it my goal to get her to spill.

"He called you pretty." I informed her, it was true Scorpio couldn't keep his eyes to himself that time we went to dinner but Taurus didn't notice.


"Hmmm nothing."

"Saggi tell me!"

Cancer laughed quietly beside her, it was clear that Taurus was getting frustrated but she ignored it as if it weren't important anymore.

"You know what, let's go bowling!"

"Sounds fun."

"I thought you were deaf." Taurus rolled her as Cancer nodded in agreement.

"Now go get pretty, wear a dress or a crop top! Or just be you whatever put some effort!" I tugged on her sleeve pulling her up from the couch, she scrunched her nose at my simple suggestion as if that's a waste of time.

"For bowling?" Cancer stood beside me, taking in Taurus current attire. Black baggy joggers, socks, the biggest hoodie I've ever seen almost reaching her knees and her hair wasn't probably brushed in days from the knots.

Passing my hand through her hair was difficult, smacking my hand away, she was dragged away by Cancer.

"Woah, why?"

Once they were gone and I announced to everyone we were going bowling, I shoved Scorpio into his room with the rest of the boys including Libra who rummaged through his closet along with Leo who was just entertaining himself by making fun of Scorpio.

"You know this is why I don't really like you." Scorpio grunted at the laughing blond.

"What are we doing?" Capricorn asked.

"Helping Scorpio."

Libra threw black ripped jeans and black vans in his direction, he seemed confused but took it nevertheless.

"Yeah how are you helping?"

After she threw a simple V-neck black t-shirt and a jean jacket in his direction, with a smirk she ruffled his hair and left us alone.

"This ball sucks!" Stares begin to rise when a sore loser was whining about his score like a child. Lifting the ball, and may I say the lightest one, his arm reached out behind before the bowling ball was tossed roughly onto the bowling alley. It jumped numerous times when it hit the floor before it slid off almost knocking the pins over.


"This is the absolute worst gane ever!" Leo practically cried out loud while jumping up and down like some two year old. It was his fifth game and his fifth miss, walking over to the machine I did him a favor by adding the railings for beginners.

Aquarius was next, hooking her fingers into the holes, she reached out her arm gracefully before tossing the bowling ball gently but not too weakly.

Another strike once again.


"Leo it's not my fault you suck."

"You swallow!"

"What are you, a child!? Oh and by the way you..you..choke!"

"That doesn't make sense!"

"Yes it does because you're suffocating from your own lost."

"Blueberry, I kinda want you to choke."


"In more ways than one."

A blushing Aquarius nodded awkwardly and strolled over to my side, Leo must have catched on because his nervous laughter was pretty amusing.

"N- Ha! I meant in the game like I am becaus- like you said so! Sorry."

"Well that's awkward." Taurus states the obvious as she took her turn, she started cheering when she hit all the pins.

"So are we taking action?" Libra asked impatiently as Cancer nodded, we stood there a few seconds 'till Cancer finally spoke.

"The pizzas ready....Scorpio could you go get it?" She asked politely, he nodded.

"There are six boxes, you might need help." Libra noted and without furthermore, Taurus did the rest and followed after Scorpio to help him out.

"Now we follow them, hehehehe!" Libra laughed wickedly gaining Capricorn's attention.

"What are you up to?"

"Nothing much, they're just making sure a ship is about to sail." I threw a crumbled napkin at the snitch a.k.a Pisces.

"A ship?"

"A ship is two people you low-key find cute." Virgo apperead all of a sudden with some fries in his hand, struggling to shift my gaze away from my true love I threw another crumbled paper at his forehead.

"Where's my sister?"

"What sister...?" Libra mumbled, scratching her head before sneaking away when pointed behind Capricorn's head. Great, now I was left with the overprotective brother even Cancer and Pisces had left.

"That's weird, Scorpio's not here either." Throwing another crumbled napkin at Virgo.

"Wait they're the ship!?"

"Cap my dude let's talk!" I chuckled enthusiastically while patting a very confused Capricorn.

"Look!" Pointing behind him, he fell for the trick once again when I took this as an opportunity to chase after the three girls.

Suddenly I was pulled, a hand clamped my mouth shut. I almost freaked out but I realized it was the three girls.

"They're taking a while." We could hear Taurus complain from afar, Scorpio was leaned on the counter right next to her.

Taurus positioned herself in front of Scorpio, now what was the plan? As if on cue, the employees came out as we asked them to with a cupcake I had bought. Libra paid for them to sound cheerful and yell 'Happy Anniversary' as loud as possible.

Cancer's eyes widened when the people started to congratulate them as well, Libra and I snickered when a flustered Taurus' cheeks were glowing a bright red. Scorpio, on the other hand, was scratching the back of his neck nervously when his ears turned pink.

'Kiss her'

I almost fell when a couple of guys played around with Scorpio and a few girls giggled pushing the thought even more.

"Oh my God, Saggi you weren't kidding when you said you'd pay a few people." Libra shot a glare at me since we were not agreeing on that suggestion.

"I swear it was not me! I meant like just push her into hi-"

"Look!" A rude Cancer interrupted me and pointed over the other two, just when Taurus was going to explain herself, Scorpio took her by surprise by cupping her cheeks in his hands before leaning in.


I could've fainted at the sight but this was too interesting to look away since my stubborn, hard-headed, cruel, and evil friend gave in completely by pulling his shirt closer towards her.

"This is happening." Her eyes grew wide as well as her smile but she covered it up with her hands, probably stopping herself from fangirling in the worst hiding spot ever.

"Yes Libra."

"She's going to kill me."

"Yes Libra."

"I am so dead!"

"Then why are you smiling!?"

"Because I'm happy for her but she's going to strangle me!"

"Why the hell are they kissing?" The three of us jumped at the voice, Capricorn stared at us about to interrupt the two.

Libra stepped in front of him with a dull stare.



"Don't you want your sister to be happy, I know she has had issues with guys before and you feel the need to protect but damn she deserves it."


"Get near her and you'll regret it."

"I'll let it pass."

"Libra!" I almost ran out there thinking it was Taurus but it was just some dude that formed a frown on her face. Looking back at where Taurus and Scorpio were, none of the two were there anymore.

Cancer also backed away, with a puzzled look on my face she faked a smile.

"You okay?"

"We've met before, I just don't really like him no worries."

"Are you sure? We can leave."

"No it's cool, he probably doesn't remember."

Accepting her response, Libra was too busy glaring at the happy dude with his arm around a girl.


"How you've been, I haven't seen you in a while."

"Um yeah, I wasn't in town."

"Hey do you know what day it is today?"

"December the second."

"Our anniversary, it would've been three years together. Too bad we aren't together anymore."

"That's not pleasant to hear, especially if you're with a girlfriend." Pointing at the short brunette, his arm came off quickly from the now puzzled girl. He stepped away from her like she wasn't even there.

"She's just a friend."


That must have hurt.

The girl walked away, or forced herself to drag herself away from the jerk.

"We were just leaving."

So how do you guys feel about Max?

Where do you think Scorpio and Taurus went? *inserts lenny face*

Have a nice day

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