And Then There Was None(47)

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Sagittarius POV

I tightly sealed Cancer's mouth shut as I wrapped my other arm around her torso to keep her in control. Her arms were clinging on my knees as her breath steadied. I couldn't tell what she was thinking and I was tempting on not letting her go, whatever I heard was quieting down now though.

I willing let her go and let my head fly back on the small cave we found that gave us a mere view to the outside. I expected her to crawl out of my legs but she stayed there and smacked my thigh repeatedly to catch my attention.

"Did you hear that?" Her muffled voice hinted a bit of concern as she leaned towards on four to look out to the open space showering the entrance of the cave with the heavy rain falling down.

"No, what did you hear? I heard more of yells and shots." I found myself yelling, talking was a difficulty in a enclosed space with rain drumming against it. Her hair had untied itself and brown curls flowed everywhere, making it impossible for me to see her face.

"I could... I heard...calling Gemini." Again, any sound from her echoed in the cave but was silenced by the rain so I couldn't catch quiet all of it.

I almost moved forward from the uncomfortable position I was in but abruptly I didn't move another inch. Cancer was still in front of me giving me a full view of her arched back and legs. As much as I would've wanted to sit back and just let it engulf my focus, the soreness aching throughout my body wouldn't let me.

"Hey Cancer, I don't mind being like this but I'm getting all cramped up behind you." A loud gasp came from her as she loudly apologized over and over again.

As soon as Cancer was crawling out of the hole we were trapped in, I took that as my cue to follow her behind. I stretched out my arms while jumping out to get my legs going, my whole body had fallen asleep from not moving around for a while.

"What did you mean by I don't mind?" I chuckled teasingly at her and left it at a smirk to avoid getting smacked or something. We started heading directly to the loud scream Cancer had heard supposedly heat as I pulled her hair on the way.

At one point, her hand collided with my chest and she purposely had whipped my face with her hair.
We were in utter silence throughout our path while I was grateful a water sign was my company. The cold rain departed to make space for us, I was awed how she didn't move a finger to sway the rain the other way.

I wondered if she could do the same with the thunder and lighting bolting in the grey sky. I was perplexed how clouds appeared suddenly, ruining the canvas of purple painted with the dullness of black.

"That's bat shit crazy!" Cancer lifted her eyebrows as a sign of confusion, I pointed at the sky.

"Well we're not on earth anymore where there are clouds." Cancer gave me a little 'huh' before responding an hour later.

"Well there is source of water and there is a sun and literally stars walking around, it evaporates and mimics you know, the water cycle."

"Ah yeah, it makes sense." I scratch the back of my neck, a bit flushed I sounded pretty dumb on basic knowledge even a pre schooler knows of.

"Are you feeling...flustered?" I shake my head with a quiet scoff. I averted my attention instead to the bangs growing out, starting to pass my eyelids. I frowned at the maroon irritation sometimes blurring my sight and the fact that I looked like a red head Justin Bieber in his younger years.

"You look like a mushroom with that hair." I absorbed that comment, that insulting and personal offensive comment to the heart.

"Yeah well, you look rather short like always. You four foot elf." I exaggeratedly measured the significant measure between our heights. She narrowed her eyes and ran her hand through my hair.

"I'm only three or four inches shorter than you, you red mushroom." I lowered to her height and passed her my two rubber bands I stole from Libra, hesitantly, she plucked it from my palm. I complained to a reasonable level as she tied my hair into pony tails.

"How do I look?" Modeling my face with my upmost attempt at gracefully positioning my hands to display the latest trend of hairstyle every boy should follow. She giggled and gave me her thumbs up.


"Seriously?" I glanced at her, she was probably smiling at the childish glint of happiness when she named me handsome.

"Yeah seriously."


Once again, Cancer switched to silent mode as the rain started to calm itself down. The sun started dimming down and the only source of light were the stars hovering above us.

For a while, Cancer's figure dispersed into the darkness, completely fading away until her shadow was my only confirmation she was still leading the way cluelessly.


"Yes Saggi?"

"Can I dare to say we are lost?"

Only more silence followed after that, I was ready to tackle her with questions and a bunch of groaning but as I called her name, my voice only shattered every time.

She wasn't responding and it honestly made me fear the worst.

"Cancer you're being awfully quiet, I'm not mad but maybe we should think of alternatives," I paused for an answer and from walking too, spinning around for her. "since we're lost."

"Yes, I think we should." When the rain started soaking me in the spot and the timid voice that belonged to Cancer had changed to an unfamiliar one, my fingers had spurred to clench on the transforming bow and arrow.

"I suppose you're not Cancer." It sounded more like a statement than a question really but it was a distraction to give me time to set up my weapons. Grabbing the elastic device and setting it on the arrow, I lighted the sharp end of the bow with a small flame of fire to brighten my surroundings.

"Armed up I see, don't think I saw that on you earlier." The words were like poison to my ears as I moved to the direction I had heard it, sure enough, I only caught a flash of a bracelet on her wrist.

"Stalker much?"

"I was just looking for your friend Cancer here, I don't suppose you mind if I borrow her." I pulled the string back all the way past my ear, letting my tension and boiling anger nest itself on my arrow before I would release it. I felt an impulsive voice encouraging me to shoot at her, it's not like I would miss but a part of me knew she wasn't exactly visible enough for me to have a perfect aim.

My hands quivered in fear of hitting Cancer, I couldn't afford hurting her even if she was trained to protect herself.

"Don't speak of her as is if she was an object!" The hysterical laughter only added more venom to the situation, it was the only noise louder than the rain starting to regain it's power. The fire I had lighted had died out because of it so I had no choice but to face her in the dark.

"So you weren't trained to control your feelings in a sticky situation, it's a major weakness you can't expose to your enemies. They might just use it against you." She was right and I couldn't argue with it.

"It's bold of you to assume I do, I'm only looking out for her because I was trained to do so." I bit the inside of my cheek as consolation, it didn't feel right saying that.

"Is that so?"

"Wouldn't your leader or her queen or whoever is making you waste your time chasing after some teenagers be mad if you didn't at least try to protect your partners."

"I wouldn't say waste of time, you just confirmed you're one of them without noticing so. Arrest him." I raised the arrow to it's destined flight, letting it snap forward before I was being tackled to the ground. I don't know if Cancer was reading my mind but as soon as she dried the place of any rain drizzling on us, I managed to spark a heated flame.

I heard a yell of pain.

With my pressed fingers vibrating against the wet dirt, I boiled the ground underneath us as the shadowed figures stepped away from the rising temperature. I heard my name being called but I embraced myself for the heated temperature my sickly paled fingers kept adding more fuel to.

I could feel my body simmering and violently shaking for me to surrender myself from reaching my breaking point. I let go as smoke clogged my lungs from too much heat smoking up the area. I was on the verge of tears but I wiped them away with my wrist as I noticed the melting rocks that had turned into magma flow towards the uniformed bodies wincing at the high temperature.

My body was still stable at this high temperature but the sensation of 1,300 Fahrenheit threatening to turn me into steam was too much for even me to handle. The heat kept pinching at my skin but I stood up with an amusing smile dancing on my lips, daring for anyone to come close.

One of them did, his boots melting on his way. They were all rocks, a heat this high could potentially turn them into magma so he jumped back.

They all stood there dumbfounded, scratching their necks and looking at each other with confusion.

"You left me rather speechless, I'll let you go for now." I smiled in victory until she dissolved in mid air with Cancer and my gloating seemed absurd.

She knew Cancer was the bait I would follow after, in trying to save myself with an extreme amount of heat, I also took Cancers possibility to fight for herself. I was left standing idiotically in my own consequences, I had caused this and if anything were to happen to her, I'd be the one to blame.


I let out various yells of frustration as my feet hammered at any object at kicking range. I could practically feel my veins protruding and flowing with anger as a thunderous voice guilted me and blamed me for fucking up everything. I had convinced Cancer to separate from the group and accompany me to find Leo and Aquarius, I was the one responsible for letting her get taken away because I couldn't protect her.

Pathetically, I slid down the bark of tree before resting my head between my knees. I stared at the broken arrows scattered out on the open ground and burned spots due to my flames.

I could physically feel my muscles tense and my teeth clenched tightly together as I calmed myself down.


My eyes widened at a running Leo gaining sped towards me.

I was shocked really when the golden boy lunged me forward into a massive hug I let myself be affectioned with. I needed to cool down and even though I saw last Leo I was tempted to snap him in half, he was still my best friend.

"We found you!" He shook my shoulders and I tried my best to smile despite my stomach churning in guilt. Wasn't it weird how emotions were capable of physically letting us feel our chest burn, and our stomachs turn in knots?

"I'm sorry if you're still ma-"

"It's alright, I just lost Cancer and now it's just fucking with my head."

Aquarius appeared behind him with furrowed eyebrows and a pitiful look as she examined how I brought this place to ruins.

"How?" She pressed me on the matter and I told it all at one, just to stop more questions from heading my way.

They talked among themselves and for a moment I questioned if I was loosing my sanity when a voice had really spoken to me. I looked back at both of them, they were as well staring back at me as if wondering if I was the one who spoke.

It's Taurus.

I looked around for the bull but found nothing. Leo and Aquarius had heard it too yet no sign of Taurus, the voice morphed to a mocking one as she somehow  still spoke.

You're probably trying to find me but I have telepathy, it's the only way I can speak to you. Try to think of something.

I simply started thinking of the situation back earlier, a 'wow' had surged me. It was terrifying and left me feeling sort of vulnerable how I could sense Taurus' emotions as she welcomed herself inside my head without permission.

Sagittarius, how did you loose Cancer?

Her words only worsened the feeling of guilt scorching me. I was startled when I heard Capricorn in my head, how the hell were they seriously taking control of my head.

I'm trying to make a telepath connection for all of us, think of the word yes so I can tell if it's working. Capricorn is the one allowing everyone to see what he sees when he reads our minds, anything you feel is going to be felt amongst us.

Suddenly, an ocean of various feelings and voices washed over me with no warnings preparing me for it. Aquarius was fearful in a overthinking state, Leo felt insecure being useless, Taurus and Capricorn were probably the only ones in a controlled and stable state, a depressed and grieving feeling consumed Aries, rage boiled in Scorpio's head, Pisces and Virgo were stressed, and Cancer felt lost.

I couldn't sense Opchi, Libra or Gemini and I wondered why. Immediately, Pisces had answered to my question.

Gemini was in a incident.

I could feel that her words were only an understatement to the real thing and concern started to comfort my guilt.

The rest are sleeping and Gemini is resting, he hasn't woken up since his incident. He was falling from a tall height, luckily I saved his impact but with the shots he received, I-

Her thoughts were cut short, she was forcing herself not to continue. Taurus informed us if where she was  staying tonight and where they were headed to, we decided we would meet up with at some town village where Universe would possibly be. We were too far and it was riskier being all together, it's suspicious for thirteen almost adults roaming around the cities.

The occurred events kept playing on rewind throughout the night so none of us caught sleep, instead we pulled an all-nighter and searched for a place to stay.


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